"It's like getting into a boat that is just about to sail out to sea and sink. There are no life rafts, no floats and no one gets out alive. Rather than trying to ward off the inevitable, why not accept it and enjoy the trip?"
Pema Chodron
A Buddhist nun describing life
My Mom came across this quote a few months after she was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer. This quote helped pull her out of the dreadful mindset that takes over upon the initial diagnosis. She was adamant that I print a hundred of them in wallet sizes and laminate them so that she can pass them around to the many people she would meet along her journey.
*Artwork 'Leeward of the Taurus Mountains' by Grainyman
That is so like your MOM, always thinking about someone else. That is a beautiful quote by this Buddhist nun. I think I would like to carry those words around with me and remember that in life we do have to accept what comes our way, hard as it may be. Thanks so much for sharing this.
I remember reading this in one of Pema C's books, and loving it. Thank you for reminding me. It's so fitting that it is one of your mother's gifts to us, and that you are helping her to deliver it.
Allegra and her B.Loved and Gregg & I have now met, twice. It is due to your mother's love and open-heartedness that this is so. I love her and miss her. Thank you for keeping her blog open. xoxoxoxo
i am speechless.
soon one year now.
and you carry your Mother's words.
you are a wonderful daughter.
thank you angelique
love always
What a beautiful thing to remember and what a beautiful remembrance of your dear, wonderful mom... I miss her every single day~
Much love you and your family
Renee continues to make me smile.
Thank you for sharing these words.
Beautiful. Much love and peace to you and your family.
Your mom, such a special lady. Your family is such a special family!
Powerful and beautiful.....just like Renee. Angelique, thank you for sharing this....
As we approach the one year "anniversary" of Renee's death, I am filled with so much emotion. I miss her EVERY DAY...and think of her whenever I see something poignant - OR - something funny.
I hope you will scan some of the Blogs on the 9th...I know there will be some tributes. I will be doing one for sure. None of us can bring Renee back into your arms....but - we all carry a part of her in our hearts.
I send you and your wonderful family many hugs....please give a hug to Wahid.....and to Camille.
You, m' dear, are also always in my heart. I keep you in my prayers and send you strength to keep being the wonderful mum, wife, woman - and Renee's "little girl" - that you are.
♥ Robin ♥
It's beautiful Angelique, and so Renee to want to hand these out.
Is today the anniversary of her passing? I know it's close, for some reason I had the 9th in mind. I apologize for not knowing the date, but I do know I miss her every day and feel comforted by her words so often, still.
love and hugs to all,
so perfect .
We have to honour the gift of each moment with joy and gratitude. Otherwise what is the point.
Thinking of Renee always.
Thank you for sharing this sweet Angelique. We need to work on remembering these words everyday. I'm thinking of Renee more often as the anniversary comes around...how privileged I was to have know her...
This is so profound,you would need to be in "That place" (being diagnosed with a terminal illness I think to understand this) it would give you hope that others are in the boat with you and to make the best of the journey I guess,(I have followed your Mothers blog and now yours,my own darling Mother died of cancer after a horrible year.........I have really only realised how bad it must have been for her mentally more than physically, since she died.Self help groups of other sufferers seem to be of great support but my Mother did not have that crutch,mainly because she shut herself off from social contact after diagnosis.Its a horrible,horrible disease with no respect for sex,age,status,or otherwise. One in three is deemed to get it,in Ireland anyway it seems!
There is so much wisdom in this quote. Acceptance is a tough one, but the other option is to shut out the joys in life while you are living it. That is something that your amazing Mom could never have done. I will hold these words in my heart, Angelique. Thank you for posting. Much love to you and your family. xox Pam
I have been visiting Renee's words a lot over the last few months. Finding comfort in walking through her journalled thoughts and the many wonderful comments they elicitted from others. I think about your mother often Angelique. I've learnt a lot along the way and one of the things Renee taught me most of all was to value living regardless of what life throws at you.
Warmest hugs to you and all your family. xx Jos
I am in my boat, thankful for the stretch of sea I was able to share with your mother. She had the party boat, the one with all the lights and music and laughter. I miss her greatly.
Gentle hugs to you.
You mom was one of a kind.
I love the quote.
I hope you and the rest of your family are doing as well as you can!
In love and in light.
ania - i love this picture - i remember when you made these tokens for mom to pass around - i still have mine.
bella - thank you for lifting my spirits with your sweet and positive words
Thanks for keeping your mom's blog alive.
I remember her talking about that quote; she was the one who dragged many of us into that boat when we were ready to just sink! I can't imagine how hard these days are for you all. I can't believe it's a year since we "lost the best"
Love to all of you
Dearest Renee, Friend of My Heart: I still think of you almost every day and miss you terribly for someone who only knew you a year or two. I hope you and your beloved sister, mom and nephew are looking down on the rest of us, and watching over us, from heaven. Just that thought gives me comfort. xo
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