Laila is the Angel of Conception. She is in charge of conception and appointed to guard the spirits at their birth.
I once read about Laila in a children’s book, don’t remember the name of it but it was written by Howard Schwartz. He stated that Laila brings the soul and the seed together and sees to it that the seed is planted in the womb. Laila serves as a midwife of souls.
While the infant grows in the womb, Laila places a lighted candle at the head of the unborn infant so that it can see from one end of the world to the other. Laila also teaches the unborn child the entire Torah as well as the history of its soul.
It is believed that when the person is ready to take leave of this world that Laila will lead it from this world to the next.

Lady of Beasts is the Goddess who is surrounded by members of the animal kingdom. This Goddess’ main role is supporting life on earth. Lady of Beasts shows her kinship with animal totems as a driving force for fertility in the natural world and she is able to assume animal form.
Once upon a time the Lady of Beasts did not have to disappear; at one time she was valued in the feminine as the bountiful Earth Goddess. Around 700 BC the continental Celts began to move into the British Isles bringing with them a culture which valued the more masculine attributes of war, kingship, and heroic exploits. Even though there were still powerful goddesses around, they were becoming subordinate to the gods.
Lady of the Beasts was seen as a threat to the Christian brothers and was eventually downplayed to the point of being a fairy.
...I´m so so sorry for the stupid question I put some weeks(?)ago,now I saw your comment..how could I´ve been so stupid!I pray for you,may sunny days come on your way and hope,and trust and joy...
I appologies one more time...
here i am learning more with you Renee .... your fundamentalist Christian friend that loves to read about miths .
how are you dear .... i wish i could just give you a hug !!
have a wonderful week . all my best feelings for you !!
Your posts always leave me learning something, and leaving me with much to ponder .
I love that.
I love that about you... you are a giver.A nurturing giver .
I'll pop in again later, wanted to say good morning, and add to the other love and joy messages wrapping around you.
Dearest Renee, I love your angel and goddess post today (as I do every time), but this one shows such feminine strength and power and gentleness. I see that in you as well!! Much love, Silke
Renee, I find all of this very interesting, each time I come here for a visit I am blown away by the fabulous art. I hope you are having a good day, one pain free. Lots of love to you. Be well.
I really appreciate this post, dear Renee. The stories of Laila and Lady of Beasts are absolutely wonderful. I think the world would be a better place if the female angels and goddesses were more revered again, don't you? You also have an incredible eye for picking the perfect art to accompany your words. Thank you for doing this and sharing it with us all.
Love and hugs,
Oh it would seem this first angel has blessed me...I had not heard of this one at all!!
The second one..Lady of the Beast..I loved! I have always had a passion for the celtic goddesses..beautiful and rich! I love them!
Hope you are feeling ok this week hon!! You have been on my mind. Nonni asked me to tell you thank you for what you said and to give you a hug! Little cygnet hugs!
Love you hon, Sarah
LOL the verification word is foxylis..
Renee, I love the cat, of course. I have that card in my Goddess card deck and they call her Bast, the Egypitan cat goddess. As usual, another informative, fascinating post, my friend. I love you. I hope you have a good week. Hugs & Blessings!!!
Very interesting that is why I love visiting your blog...
Bringing the soul and seed together - love that line and the imagery it evokes in me.
Thinking about you dear friend. much love,
xxoo K
Love you,
Ooh, I love these two. I'm pretty sure I have them in my life ;)
The art in the cat goddess pic looks like the work of Susan Sedon Boulet but I could be wrong. Maybe Marion knows because she has the cards.
I thought about you a lot this weekend. Daisy and Jacquie as well.
Love and hugs,
Thinking about you on a stormy,cold Monday in San Francisco. Praying for a calm, pain-free-no-bats day for you.
I've never heard the charming Laila myth before -- beautiful!
laila and the lady of the beasts have been coming to visit me and i didn't even know it.
how are you this monday? it is a holiday here, but i still have to work.
love to you today dearheart.
I like this mixture of old and new legends. It must have felt comforting once to feel these helpful deities around us, to guide us into and out of life. Now, we have to do our own conjuring of forces, real and imaginary to get us through the nights.
I think we crave stories, and signs of benevolent forces to guide us through the nights.
May you find the goddesses to help you through, Renee.
I have never heard of this before.... beautiful.
hmmm, I thought perhaps that was the case. Feel better today?
Day 2 of excruciating pain but I will not complain to you. Even though I just did.
I love that lady, my beasts have been calling on her a lot lately :-).
Sending hugs and kisses and love, xoxo ♥
did i just write that twice? oh good grief, this puppy is making me crazy.haha!
thank you for your posts...for your heart...and for the sweetness of your spirit. Stay strong. Sarah
I'm always learning here! Thank you for the lovely post Renee!
Sending you a great big hug!!
I love when you post about all the Gods and Goddess's. Miths and Creations.
How is your mum settling in?
How are you feeling?
You are my angel ~
Love to you ~oxoxox Pattee
Dear Renee,
I'm sorry about your illness. I lost my husband to cancer this past April. I pray God to be with you and give you peace.
I enjoyed your blog and the beautiful pictures you have on it.
I admire those with an imagination, because I don't have any. My work is just what it is.
Take heart my dear friend.
Your comment made me bust out laughing... it made my day!!
Oh Renee, I love that first angel...she makes me feel free...how wonderful it would be to be her, except I'd probably try to do something about my breastestcles shooting milk into space.
Hope you are doing well today Renee! Tsup!!!
Oh no. please stay on my street ;)
Yes, it's my back. Because I'm new in town it takes for f-ing ever to be seen by anyone so I must wait.
This is a whole new level of pain and weirdness.
All will be fine once I get a good doc ;)
I love you back.
Yes KJ said to leave a space open for her....
Of course I am your personal chef...
What is your favorite food and I will see if I can come up with something wonderful!
With love ~
Chef Patttteeeee
very interesting post, i enjoyed it, how are you cherub? feeling any better yet? and mom -how is she? and jacquie? i think of you all the time and am sending you one million hugs and kisses for today.xxx
When men became threatened by the power of women, goddesses were downgraded and often went underground. It's a pity when a culture sees war as more valuable than birth.
I only believe in one God, but sometimes wish there were a Goddess of Crazy, just to help me cross the street. There are days like that, when waking, breathing, crossing from one side to the next require something supernatural. Blessings Renee.
Laila does not seem to be doing her job well. She is not able to protect the unborn children from intentional terminations of pregnancies and abortions, OR is there an angel that protects the right of women to choose whether they want to continue their pregnancies or not? Do these angels bicker at one another or maybe the other one is not an angel at all.
Hi Renee...
I very much appreciate your angel posts as they have reminded me of my much loved childhood friends.
As a child I accepted angels as part of my daily life.... I have no memory of when I started to forget their company.
love to you always xoxoxo
ribbon :)
Oh they're both gorgeous, Renee.
I love that I learn from your blog! :)
Many hugs,
Lila xx
Hello, darling. How are you today?
Downplayed to the point of being a fairy, indeed. Hmph!
Was not familiar with the story of Laila - thank you Renee for telling us about her. Love your angels and goddess posts!
Hello Renee~
It felt like you left a gentle hug at my site and I had to come by and meet you. And here I am.
I will return, so that I may learn more, about you and Life.
Many Hugs, Donna
oh, these are great ones, and i love the paintings, too....i will have to look into laila, what a fascinating story...i just heard about the lady of the beasts for the first time less than a week ago. odd synchronicity.. hmmm...must be something important. i will ask my cats :)
love and hugs to you, renee! i think tomorrow will be a fantastic day for you!
Two beautiful pictures and such interesting information about these goddesses Renee. I love the beast lady, she looks so strong and powerful, not like a fairy at all. I hope you are coping with the bats. Love to you.
Renee- I dated her once. Damndest thing; one minute she was a monkey, them a giraffe (which wasn't so bad)-then the lion!
Sorry. I felt silly for a moment. I love your stories of mythology. Is it pronounced Layla like the clapton song? or lila? ~rick
Hi Renee!!! you always teach us when we pop in!!!
Hope you are ok and I send you a big hug!!!!
Hello sweet one. May your day and night be blessed with love and Madi kisses.
Fascinating stuff! How are you today Renee - beating those bats? Hugs for you. Caroline x
Always delighted to find out about angels and goddesses from you, dear Renee. Hoping today was a good day, and that tomorrow will be even better. Thank you for all your sweetness. Thinking of you!
Hugs, love and kisses,
Wow, this is such a learning post.
I always learn from you and it is better than school was,lol!
Yeah, go painting! Really pleased the painting arrived yesterday.
Don't have to worry anymore that the painting will get lost on transit.
The painting got to stay in Paris for a while.
Love you loads Renee!
All women are a threat to the brothers. **kisskiss** **kisskiss** Deb
Some days it seems I miss alot of posts...why?...No clue...always feels like Im playing katchup...har har...
Love the art...sad how beliefs are subdoed, and disappear as fables.
xoxoxoxox Love ya Lovey
Renee = Angel ... to me.
The Lady of Beasts reminds me of Bastet, an Egyptian Goddess. :)
Very interesting story!
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