On October 24, 2009 my amazing and longest time friend on the blogs Julie-Ann Bowden held a contest. This is what she said then.
‘Would love to paint families of earth and heavenleigh angels. Somehow this is where I see myself heading with my art. In this I need to open myself up to painting requests. There is nothing more individual than real people, families, and friends.’
‘The paintings would be in my style and not exact or photographic, this may conflict with what people wish for and in this; is where the struggling comes from.’
‘Would you feel confident enough or like to be painted in my style of art?
Hell Yes!
On October 30, 2009, darling Julie-Ann had a draw and her sweet Charlotte picked out two tickets and I was one of them. Thank you sweet Charlotte.
Is anything more amazingly beautiful? Thank you dear friend, how I love it! I so love it. You have done us proud indeed.
Everyone my family: Don, Angelique, Domenic, Josephine; Wahid, Renee, Nathan; Nadalene and Charlton.
Now everyone, go and get your families painted.
*artwork by my dear friend Julie-Ann Bowden
Oh, how great is that??? Wow. Even though I don't really know your family, it looks like she captured the essense of it-- Love. Beautiful. Enjoy that, Renee...
What a wonderful gift!! Your family of angels. It is something to treasure and I can't think of anyone more deservig of this, Renee!!
oh renee!
oh julie ann!
i of course blew this up to be even more blown away. WOW!
i love the faces, i love the closeness, i love the patterns, i love the hearts.
julie ann is full of treasure chests these days. i can almost see her hands trying to outpace the strength of her love in painting your extraordinary family.
i am happy.
Fabulous! Heavenly and earthly at the same time; what a gorgeous gift. That could be next year's Christmas/holiday card for any and all of your family.
I would love love love to have my family painted by this wonderful woman artist!
I'm so glad you are given the chance to do this Renee!!!
And... your mom's name is Effie??? Like you said no fucking way...
OK enough said...
Effie is coming to your house and not going to etsy... She'd rather be adored for her name and sweetness. : )
I love you so much!
She belongs to YOU! : )
Absolutely gorgeous!
What a beautiful painting by Julie Anne. Renee, I believe you have inspired so many artists. You are a muse to so many!
Now why are you up late at night? Go to sleep! Tsup!!!
Lucky you, Renee!
Thanks for sharing it with all of us!
Oh dear Renee, this is amazingly beautiful! Julie-Ann's work belongs in cathedrals. What a lovely treasure, Renee. Hugs to you, dear friend.
Good heavens, that is astonishingly beautiful! I am so in love with this painting and can only imagine the great heights to which you and your family love it, too. Brava, Julie-Ann, brava! This warms me to my very core.
Just wonderful Renee! I just love it!
It is so beautiful Renee!!
I am just blown away by the amount of beauty Julie-Ann has managed to capture and convey. In blending reality with an iconic style she has created something totally unique. What an amazing gift she has, and now you have a piece of it too. I can see why you treasure it so ... and it hasn't escaped me that we are once again looking at and talking about angels. Funny that. xx Jos
Oh yes I love it very much.
I was so excited to visit Julie's blog and to see your smiling face there.
She's so generous and beautiful!
I've included her in my post today.
love to you Renee xoxoxo
Ribbon :)
Renee my dear friend!
What a lovely & gorgeous gift. I'm back in Sweden and hope you are doing well today.
Lots of love
Agneta, the swedish one o;)
That is incredibly beautiful. Quite awesome actually to see your family in such an artistic interpretation!
Rest Renee ... if you cannot sleep then rest. It is not the same, but it helps a bit. Sweet dreams. xx Jos
this is beeeeooootiful. a real treasure.
How extraordinary! Beauty heart and depth. I'm amazed.
So very beautiful! Enjoy Renee!!
That is wonderful!
Wonder if I could get Old Dog to give me such a painting as a birthday gift?
Oh yes this is absolutely wonderful...yes we're already angels on this earth...and my what a wonderful job Julie-Ann has done...so talented...the colors...the balance...so pleased you get to feel joy whenever you look upon this...love you...
Oh Renee, I am so very, very pleased you like the painting, I stayed up until nearly 2 am to hear from you hoping you would. When I got up, well should I say 12 o'clock.
Finding your messages and even one from your daughter angelic and our blogging friends. Just blew me away.
I cannot say how wonderful it feels that you like this painting.
Thank you so much for putting such kind words on your blog.
You are such the dearest friend ever! I am honored to know you.
Your the best!
Truly a family of beautiful angels! Wonderful piece of art for you to treasure! The closeness and love shines. I do hope the days are treating you decently.Love and hugs
Amazing! What a treasured piece that will be in your family. Thanks for telling us about Julie Ann - I am off now to check out her blog.
Renee - that is just gloriously beautiful. It makes me warm and happy just to look at it! Julie-Ann has an amazing talent, and I am so thrilled she painted your family. Yipeeeee!!! xoxox Pam
Dearest one, I am thinking of you today and first thing this morning when I woke up was your comment. As weak and powerless human that I am, I still implore all my angels to fly your direction and help give you strength.
On a separate note I heard this and started laughing:
real people question how
someone took a lobster's face
and put it on a cow
real people say har, har
I love the "har har"!
Love to you dearest.
Dearest Renee, I saw this yesterday on Julie's blog and was speechless and awestruck - it's a true masterpiece and I am sure inspired by you and your amazing family!! I saw this at the same time as a little angel painting from Julie arrived at my house - she is the most amazing artist!! And a true angel - as are you!! Love, Silke
Lovely, so creatively clever!
Oh Renee, it is most beautiful! Julie Ann perfectly captured the essence of your family, and the image I have had of you all in my mind...Pure Refined Love. Incredible. To inspire artists, now that is remarkable and a lasting mark on this little blue planet. I love you, Renee. ♥ ♥ ♥ Deb
Happy New Year to you and all your family! Have a wonderful, peaceful 2010!
What a beautiful painting and splendid idea! Wonderful gift from sweet Julie!
Lots of love,
Sanda xx
wowwww! It's really very beautifull! :)
I want to wish dear Renee, all the best! In this 2010 year, and no ontly in 2010!!! ;)
Stunningly beautiful and heartfelt.
The colors are gorgeous, the composition perfect, and the subjects so full of love, devotion, and faith. Lovely!
Oooh! This piece is absolutely fantastic!! It warms my heart just looking at it!
I just read some of your lovely comments. I want to know why everyone's up in the middle of the night?....lol! Seems like I'm missing all the fun!
Renee, You and your family have been amazingly portrayed in such a befitting style by Julie-Ann!! Who better to have won this generous gift!? no one :)
love you!! K
what a beautiful piece of artwork, and one with so much meaning!
That is so beautiful.
Thanks for sharing Julie Ann's link with us. I will most certainly check it out.
Rainy- I couldn't imagine your family any other way. Hope this a great year for you and all. ~L
What a beautiful painting and what a great idea Julie had, I love her style. Sweet, sweet for the sweet.
Love you and hope you are having a good weekend. xoxo
What an exceptional and beautiful gift Renee!Truly a treasure to cherish ~
Oh oh oh oh Renee that is stunning it really is!! What fun is that. Funny where our art takes us! What a delightful treat..I just love her work!! Off to check her out!!
Love you hon, Sarah
Renee, this is beautiful! Congratulations! Keep it up! :)
Happy New Year! :)
Renee, I saw the painting last night and I was just floored at how beautiful and perfect it was. Julie-ann is an amazing artist and you can see the love and care she puts into her work. I'm so happy your name was picked. What a loving gift!! I hope you have a wonderful Sunday. Love, Hugs and Blessings, my dear friend...
oh what a wonderful painting!!!! Beautiful Renee and I can't think of anyone better to have won this...you are an angel to all of us!!!!
Happy New Year!!!
Wow! Absolutely gorgeous. She has captured you and your family beautifully, and the painting is nothing short of perfect!
I love Julie-ann's style! I have one of her paintings, too, and I adore it. She is so talented!
I'm so glad our sweet Julie has made you so happy, darling Renee.
Hugs and love,
Wow, that's fantastic and something your family will pass along as an heirloom.
Good luck, sweetheart. I hope it is delicious.
I love you, you know.
Wow! So gorgeous! What a wonderful gift! Congratulations, Renee! Well done Julie Ann! Happy 2010!
Renee Love
Your friend Julie Ann has be bestowed with amazing talent. Much love to her for sharing this talent with us. That is one totally awesome portrait of your family. Love it.
Hoping you are having a beautiful day.
Loving you always.
I had a dream about you last night. I knew it was you, because your hair was lifting beautifully upward like in this painting. It was a peaceful dream.
I hope the Sandman cometh soon.
Dear Renee,
As always, your post is truly wonderful.
On my other, cooking blog, you have an award from me - you know, you are a real ray of sunshine.
(You know me as Purpur).
WHOA!!! THIS is BEAUTY FULL!!! What a heirloom is right! GOD blesses us soOOOOoo much Renee!! Thank YOU! for sharing this gift! Julie-ann! BRAVO!!! What do YOU say when an artist does such an amazing artwork???!!!
I forgot to add O! what BEAUTY FULL subjects she had to capture!!!and work with!!Julie was as lucky as YOU sweet Renee!(((((Renee)))))
Wow, isn't that beautiful Renee, and how well deserved. Wonderful gift, I must go check out Julie Ann! ((Hugs))
I believe she captured all the inner beauty of you and your family Renee. Awesome painting and awesome family. I'm happy for you amiga, it is so beautiful, as are you. Take care.
Haaving a bit of time on my hands this week, I actually wondered over to her site, via my lovely Aussie blogger Ribbon. She's incredibly generous and gives away loads of her paintings on the net. Such a sweet sentiment. Nice painting too.
simply gorgeous, and so meaningful. I love the hand held hearts and flower.
An astounding piece of art, and you can definitely see that she painted this from her heart. Renee this is such a beautiful painting for you and your family to treasure.
P.S. Nicole does have some complications from the diabetes, i.e. neuropathy in her legs. Her blood sugar control, even on the insulin pump, is not the best at times. Thank you for your concern.
I think Julie outdid herself with this portrait. It is unbelievable! That woman has mad skills! and I know she was inspired by you Renee, I don't think you could have gotten a better work of art than this.
Enjoy it!
Renee, I can so understand why everyone loves you so much. You are an angel here. If I come across a new blog where someone may have just started, you have sent them a beautiful message. You were there for me when I first started. You are our angel.
We all love you so very much!
How absolutely and positively perfect this is for your loving family.
triple wow!! It's stunning.
That ia amazing and beautiful Renee! Julie-Ann is very talented. Lucky you! xx
ps-wv is drawlin!
such a beautiful family...and the artwork is brilliant :)
Renee,it is so beautiful.What a treasure to have.Blessings,Cat
What a beauty, what a beauty, what a beauty! How could it be anything else? If there is a portrait anywhere that could reflect the subjects better, I know of none. Love that embraces with its wings and warms the heart with its presence. She captured all of you in your true form.
Gorgeous work and substantial meaning. Art is the language and what speaks of is not lost here.
So beautiful! Also I love your previous post that says that your daughter is your heart outside of you. Lots of love to you, Renee1
Oh wow, that is absolutely stunning and you look so much like you! I absolutely adore it and would love one too. How brilliant.
I hope the bats are being quiet.
That is absolutely gorgeous Lovey...and it resembles them amazingly.
Love you Lovey xoxoxoxxo
And the pressies keep coming! And not just for you but also for us, you followers. Lovely painting. Many thanks.
Greetings from London.
so beautiful renee!
may this be a year of joyful, healing and plenty of creativity for you and your family of earth angels.
Renee, You are a family of angels so this is a perfect portrait. Happy New Year to all your family. Barb
Oh my! That is really breathtakingly beautiful. She has captured so much love.
My favorite part is how every bit of you melts into Wahid. Even your hair wraps his shoulder in love.
We love you all, dear, dear, hearts.
xoxo right back at you
Oh so beautiful!!
Edward and I are wishing you a wonderful new year!
Absolutely - Positively Love It!
A holy icon of your family ... exquisite ... xoxo
Just a quick note to let you know I'm thinking of you! Hugs and love!!!
Sheesh, what, did the mailman WALK to your house? Dearest darling, I think of you a million times a day, and I must have filled the Heavenly Inbox with my prayers alone. But I know there are so many others thinking of you, too. Wishing I could embrace you for real.
With love,
OOOOH MY! So soulful and heartfelt...I don't think I have ever seen anything so personal and so beautifully stunning! Mmmmmm!
What a beautiful picture! A true treasure. You sure have been blessed by all your friends here. Liked the Christmas card idea from Karen.
Hi Renee. I have been to Julie-Anne's blog and left a comment, and I just realised I didn't leave a comment for you... The painting is stunning and I love it. You all shine in the way I imagine you do in 'real life'. Totally beautiful.
Lots of love to you. xxx
The painting is astounding.
I am stunned to find myself here , touched by an angel, by all of this sacred,
by these beautiful souls who leave such love.
What a way to begin the New Year.
Touched by the love you give and comes back.
Blessings to you, Renee, and thank you so much for your compliments on my writing. They truly mean so much.
and of course I went to gush on julie ann's site.
Your family is so beautiful and I love the painting too. Oh to have that kind of talent, isn't it wonderful?
enjoy these treasures, the painting and your friend Julie-Ann.
love and hugs to you dear Renee.
Just checking up on you darlin...hope you're feeling calm and comfortable darlin...thinking of you with love...
Ok.... just wanted to say that it's 11:32 and i'm still up. I'll be honest and say that I'm in AZ and it's 9:32 .... but still! I wanted to play with all you night owls!!
love you Renee!!
What a lovely painting of a lovely, and obviously loving, family! I have not had a chance yet to wish you a prosperous new year, Renee, and now I do. A GOOD year! A PROSPEROUS year! A year filled with LOVE and JOY and HEALING! Thank you for sharing Sheldon's gift - you have inspired me ...
How absolutely wonderful! What a beautiful keepsake! Bravo Julie-Ann!
Love, Darla
I'm glad you liked it. I stayed up late last night reading Buddhist and Native American wisdom, anything and everything that would help me understand why this is happening to you.
There are so many similarities in these two different cultures, did you know?
I have to go to work now, with a sore jaw, I got tricked yesterday at the Dentist and they pulled my tooth (i had a choice) i'm just being dramatic. I'm terrified of the dentist but I thought of you and the fear and pain that so many of our sisters have to endure and I felt brave.
You help me. So I am fine. Be brave, face those bats, make them your friends, they may decide to leave then on good terms.
I love you.
Your family are beautiful Renee and love this painting of you all.
Also love your new blog header.
There are so many talented Artists out there.
Beautiful paintings ... how wonderful!
This is magnificent! I came to your lovely blog from Julie-Ann's. She is my favorite artist. That is no lie and I am an artist too. What a blessing to have your beautiful family painted in such a lovely way.
Stunning. Just stunning.
I'd love to have one. Off to check out her blog.
I love this painting and it is how I think of you. Angels all of you.
I wish Julie-Ann the best. This is an incredible work.
I love the feel of it.
its absolutley beautiful Renee, it brings tears of joy to my eyes, Julie anns gift is amazing. I adore her so much, such an angel herself.
I think ill cry for a week once she has painted mine as well, my husband and i were so blown away when we also won. I jumped around the house for a week...
Its such a beautiful heirloom and treasure, i no mine is and it hasnt been created yet..lol...
I miss you Renee! You we're my first blogger friend and a constant friend.
Sending love to your family! Your not forgotten!
Huge hug!
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