Pattee and I talked last year about joining a gypsy caravan. You see Pattee is a vagabond and loves to travel. I love to jump on and off things so I decided to join her.
Sonia had joined and made us a trio and now kj has also joined and made us a foursome. Pattee knows that I am never cooking but I will read the tarot cards to make us some money.
Pattee will make me lobster and garlic butter and all kinds of specialty dishes so I won’t have to eat hard cheesies all day.
Sonia has made me a screaming banshee doll and I think she should be in charge of making voodoo dolls and love potions as they go hand in hand quite often as the couple ‘love and hate’.
kj will make a perfect pickpocket as I don’t think people will see that coming. She can be really nice and say ‘hey what’s happening and then just slip her hand in their pocket.’ We should be able to keep a good supply of lobster just off of her takings.
I thought you might like a little peek at us over the next week.

Pattee will do all the cooking and will help us outrun the authorities.

I will read the tarot and the palm and charge people a small fortune.

Sonia will make voodoo dolls and love potions.

kj will do all the pick-pocketing as if there were no tomorrow.
You will have amazing adventures! Wish I was coming too!
Oooooo, I love this!! You are a beautiful gypsy!! Growing up Gypsies have always fascinated me! One year, we were vacationing in the South of France (my mother was a French teacher) and visited Ste.-Maries-de-la-Mer exactly when all the gypsies arrived for their annual pilgrimage to their patron saint Sarah and I so wanted to run away with them! I loved their gypsy wagon, how exotic they looked, their music and their spirit! I applaud you for your decision to become a gypsy!! Oh, how fun!! Thinking of you!! Love, Silke
What an imagination you have Renee!
Hope you are feeling a little better these days. XO
And I, for one, will sit down and admire the show. Great post. Can't wait to find out what my cards will say. :-)
Greetings from London.
I wanna be a gypsy too! I can make jewels and sell them to help pay for all the frivolity :)
Love you Renee,
oooooh i'm quite small so maybe could fit into that caravan as well....i can make home made wine from local plants...and...and...sing soulful songs around the fireplace...and dance up a storm....provide witty repartee...?
I have loved 'gypsies' since I was wee lass...may I join your troupe? Not exactly sure what else you may need but I am a 'jill of all trades'!
Hugs to you!!
Is that a story or is it real??
you're really lucky! :D i'll like to join too :D
but too bad im not a woman :(
I suspect that you have a winner here. Good luck with it. I shall definitely take the odd peep!
Hi Renee,
Can I come too. I've been called "bohemian" most of my life. I'm not sure what my role would be - maybe I could drive the getaway wagon.
Have fun, wild gypsy vagabonds! I can see you all now, dancing wild and free at night by the camp fire, sparks flying, the untamed sound of violins and tambourines filling the air!
What fun and such great pictures! What a life you guys will have. My grandmother always told me gypsies would steal me if I looked at them, so I'm going to look at you all when I return next week!!! Have fun. Love you,LYnda
A wonderful way to travel.With the company of friends and adventure around every bend.Who's in charge of the fire...I could come along..I'm handy.Well..not really..but I still make good company.Let me fly with you.Warmest Regards,Cat
Ha, what a terrific fun post this is. I love it, especially because as a girl i always dreamed to go away in a gypsy wagon and i loved to see the Carmen opera because of Carmens wild gypsy look. it all come back now because of your lovely post, thank you dear Renee, for dreaming and letting me dream....
Hey There Renee,
Good Morning.
You and your caravan of gypsies is invited to by our house where there is ample place to park. We will feed you even!
Love your imagination friend~
You are a great story teller too!!
One more thing. I really AM going to build a life size Gypsy caravan and put it in the back yard.
It certain ways (the moving part), I became a gypsy, BUT never knew this is the journey life would take me on.
Oh, I love our connections, dear gypsy-sister!! If you ever need someone to knit magical clothes on your gypsy adventures, I would travel with you for a little while... Love, Silke
What wonderful adventures you will have, dear friend!
I've always been attracted to gypsies, too, and remember seeing them in Germany back in the 60s when I was a wee little girl. Even then I wanted to run away with them. After seeing Johnny Depp in the films "The Man Who Cried" and "Chocolat," I think I might drool too much if any of the men are actually that hot. (I'd sure like to pick his pocket, though.)
Love you,
Ha! This is terrific Renee, I hope the caravan will stop by for a visit along your travels. I can't say you'll get lobster, but I'm sure I can come of with something to feast on :)
Round 2 is next tuesday. It seems like several weeks have gone by since round 1, but it's only been a couple weeks! Yesterday was probably my worst day so far - and when I tried to refill my zofran I was rejected. Insurance will only cover 3 days worth per month...
I wish you were feeling better - have you any news regarding treatment? something??
In the mean time, may your vagabond journey take you far and wide!! I love you, Karin
Oh oh oh what fun..can I add a wagon the the train...lets see I could sing and belly dance....oh you have my imagination flying Renee....pictures to draw are dancing in my head and my hips are already swaying....whoot. Oh I am also a pro with the horses..I could tend the critters...oh oh oh please may I come along too??!!
Oooh what a wonderful thing to wake up to this morning. After days of doing taxes..I finished last night..my imagination needed a spark! Thank you my dear!
Love you, Sarah
Hey Renee!! I'm in!! I know that you didn't ask me but I'm throwing myself into this caravan. I'll sing and entertain everyone.....oh... I forgot.... I can't sing....I'm terrible. I'll find something else to do...like the laundry....ugh.... forget that. Find me a job!!!
I love your caravan!!
renee, i am so embarrassed that you used that picture of me that i sent you while i was trying to raise money for charity....
aren't we having the best time? did you know sonia made a voodoo doll that talks? i can't repeat the language other than to say it is very very colorful.
and pattee has now cooked lobster 34 different ways and don't we love it.
and you, moon sister, are you certain my tarot reading said i would inherit 3 million dollars and the caravan would vacation in fugi? oh and what about the wild sex part? really truly? oh yippee.
but the best part of all--all these wonderful friends here on your blog who come by late at night, when the moon is high and the stars tell secrets, and sit with us in a circle, in front of the fire pattee has made, and we laugh and share and hold hands and tell one another how easy it is to love you. and each other.
Can I come too? I'll dance around the campfire. You'll want some entertainment after all the daily rigamarole. Did you know that I hope to someday own one of those carts? I wish I had one right now...I'd roll on over and pick you all up.
Catherine xxoo
Oh do enjoy. It sounds absolutely delightful...
can't wait to hear about the adventures...
much love
Wonderful story and amazing images! I want to go on this adventure myself!
Love, Darla
that kj, she stole my man! i wondered what happened to him -oh well good riddance. i am not a good traveller, but would like to be there at one of your stops, welcoming you all with hot broth and a warm comfy bed, not to mention a good hot bath. wander as you may girls, it is this freedom of the mind that i value the most.
I am off the the kitchen to practice my fresh juice making skills.
It would a pleasure and an honor to join your caravansary.
beautiful only because it's true.
a smoochy tsup ♥ to you this morning. love love love you.
Oh this is fun, I will come sit in the circle late at night....you will have so much fun. I would love to be a gypsy...maybe. lol
oh how I want to own that little trailer!!!
Renee you make me smile! I hope you will write of some gypsy adventures, cuz I would love to read more! If I joined your group, I could bring my little dog Cooper. I could teach him tricks to entertain people and distract them while we rob them blind! hahahaha Ahhhhh what an adventurous life! xo
You will enjoy every step and have fabulous adventures! I would love the lobster and the love potions, especially. What great illustrations. XOXO
This is great. Is there room anywhere in that caravan for one more? All the jobs maybe taken, but I could help Kj pick pockets by distracting people with a dance.
Love you. XOXO ♥
i am already lost without you, where can i find the next caravan stop and hop onboard...i could use a great adventure...
loved it
together strong
Darling Jacquie you will never be lost without me because all of these years you have been leading the way. I always just pretended it was me.
I would never be gone a minute without you. You know you are the best driver so where you go we will follow.
Love Renee xoxoxo
Damn I am sexy....woot woot....How did ya find that picture of me? Wow we some sexy bitches...ya ya Im cussing...KJ you got slick hands lady....I made a voodoo doll for you and Jacquie thats a blob for cancer to poke....Jab , stab, and punch.
I love ya Lovey...xoxoxoxoxo
sorry work has had me majorly tied up...
Jacquie.....You are at the helm...Your the story teller...all the mishaps, adventures, and folklore of the gypsies..and everyone listens for hours...sometimes I have to run them off because they are all mesmerized by your stories like a trance.
KJ picks them while they are gazing.
Ive made a grapevine weaved chair with a high back for you and Renee. Big fluffy cushions of many colors and fabrics. That you tell the stories from.
I could listen to the stories forever.
Your are with us forever and always.
xoxoxoxoxox Kiss to you Jacquie
Isn't it wonderful to imagine? It is our only escape from the painful reality sometimes.
Renee, will you please do a tarot reading on me? The last time I had it done I burst out laughing. It was so funny. The reader had a wild imagination.
I want to illustrate the queens.
jacquie, are you kidding? you are officially part of the caravan. i say this without even asking pattee, who is the head gypsy, because it's so obvious we need and want you.
renee says you and i are alot alike. do you think so? we're the figarwi?!
btw, jacquie, i love it when you leave comments. i wish you would more often. just sayin...
I love you soooo much, dear heart.
BTW, these gypsies are real HOTTIES! The ones who moved next door to us ruined the house, stole electricity from us, left their grandmother when they fled in the middle of the night and the teenage girls asked if they can take a shower at our house because they did not pay their water and electricity bills. They also signed for every UPS delivery in the block.
What a wonderful imagination you have to create these Wednesday Women stories. I love reading them and am always looking forward to the next one. That is quite a gift, my friend.
Oh how wonderful!!! For some reason, I always had such suspicions about KJ and now I know why...money for charity! HA! Yes yes, Silke must knit you all gypsy skirts of multicolors. Do you know that there is a couple in Europe who restore old gypsy wagons and sell them...they are so beautiful I want to live in one in my back yard. **blows kisses** Deb
OH Renee you had me laughing this morning it will last the entire day! Thank you....
Isn't searching for gypsy pictures fun... and amazing.
Are you feeling better???
What do my cards say today?
Much love gypsy sister~
Ohhhh YAYAYAYAY!! I am Gypsy #10...whoot...packing my wagon as we speak. Filling it with all my horse keeping supplies and lots of paper and art supplies to create and read to you stories that will make your imagination sing!! Whoot..off to grab my horse shoeing supplies..Thanks for letting me join your merry band!!
Hugs and love, Sarah
I will stay in your wagon and I will draw a full set of Tarot cards for you. Can I bring my art supplies BUT I will only come if you take Bella, Manon, Deborah, Silke and Linda in your wagon too and Bjornik. Are men allowed?
Okay Okay! Just Bella and me with you then. But can we bring our art supplies and Manon has to be near us because she has the bag of Sun Chips.
Renee, you absolutely NEED me alomg. Having fallen off a gypsy waggon as a wee tot (at least that is what my brother always told me), I am experienced ar hunting and gathering. There must be any number of market gardens along the way and over populated hen houses. Nothing illegal of course, gleaning is the right of the traveller and a little thinning out of vegetable crops only makes the rest grow so much better.
Reading palms has been up my alley since I was at school and my palm is quite used to being crossed with silver. We could sell colourful ribbons and birch besoms along the way. It would give us such a respectable (tee, hee, hee) appearance, and camp in the greenwoods at night. Ah to be on the road again!!! Please say I can come too.
Dear Fellow Gypsy,
Hope there is yet room for one more companion.....I may be "blogless" - but, I have a strong musical background and can sing (and dance) all of "Carmen"!
Si-si! And, of course, play a "mean tambourine"!
KJ, Annie and I can ensure we have $$$ enough to eat, DRINK and be merry!
Sending you, o' lovely reader of Tarot Cards, love and strength...
take me with you.
I will go ahead of the caravan and do advance press for you guys. I'll be your shill - "Every single word she said has come TRUE!!!" "I'm telling you they are gorgeous AND magic!" "Hide your husbands, ladies, these women are too beautiful for them to look at!!"
How am I doing? :) If that doesn't work, I'll hook a donkey up to an old Winnebago and follow along. But I'm afraid I can't be a gypsy. I've always wanted to be a pirate. I guess I'll paint a skull & crossbones on the trailer. Arrrrrrrgh!!!! xox Pam
xoxoxo Pam
My dear Renee! You found the perfect job for me in your caravan...... stringer of stories. Yup.... I'll teach you French and I can make a mean protein shake!!
Ooh, stop at my house and pick me up! I'll take some of the cooking shifts and I can build fires and too folk dance class in college. I was a gypsy for Halloween several years as a kid, so I even know how to dress for it.
And the caravan is on it's way
I can hear the merry gypsies play
Mama mama look at Emma Rose
She's a-playin with the radio
La, la, la, la...
And the caravan has all my friends
It will stay with me until the end
Gypsy Robin, Sweet Emma Rose
Tell me everything I need to know
La, la, la... (Van Morrison)
Hello my friend.
I love your fantastic pictures that you show today! They are so sensual!
Lots of love
I saw this on blogland lane but didn't have time to read it all. I'll head over on the weekend. I need a voodoo doll for you know who! My mother told me never to trust a gypsy. While they were selling you clothes pegs, their children would raid the coal bunker!
Thank you Renee for the wonderful reading and what a gift you gave to me that I will hold in my gypsy heart.
I love you dear Renee~
Being a traveling Gypsy is on my Basket List! I would travel where the winds blow warm and sunbeams rival raindrops and dew. I can eat beans and cornbread for years and sell my Spirit Jars and jewelry for gas money or Donkey hay which ever I need.
Robin of course you are coming and you are gypsy 20.
Sing and dance I can't wait. Catherine is a dancer extraordinaire and will need you for accompainment.
However you three decide to make money, I will allow no questions to be asked of you Annie, kj, and darling Robin.
Oooh Renee! I am drawing our wagon. Yes! I will draw our caravan with you, me and sweet Bella! I have to start it and then give it to Bella to finish. I will ask her if we can collaborate on it like we did the last time with your Birthday Party caravan!!! OOOOOOHHHH! I will draw the landscape and let Bella draw us! Oh of course she has no idea I am volunteering her and I should be ready for the fallout because she is swamped right now. She's going to kill me!
Okay, for some reason I'm singing the Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves song by Cher.
But I loved it then, and it's making me smile now.
I'm happy it seems like you are smiling through these days.
love and prayers, Renee.
Renee, I've changed my mind...no no my dear one I am still coming. Why else would I beairing my 7 skirts with all those hidden pockets? I shall come as what I am, the healing crone. Naturally I will still see to it that we are well provided for, chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, Roast lamb on a slit goes doewn rather well as does a half grown pig. All these "stray" animals we will save from becoming road kill ... aren't we kind. We have lovely Clydesdale draft horses in the district to pull our waggons and we can go around all the agricultural shows which are starting soon.
You can wear my hoop earrings and I will stick with my seven moon ones.
I am watching you all. LOL!!
My grandfather owned a carnival midway after the war and he traveled with his family from nebraska to louisiana every summer and ran the games.
The gypsies followed. I was told never to believe any of this.
I had two aunts that were quite psychic and one read plain playing cards, that one was my grandmother’s sister, the other was her daughter. And since I was told never to believe any of it, I am in the dictionary under the word gullible.
Will you read my cards for me sweet one?
I don't have a small fortune or even a meager one. Can we trade for small box for a grand daughter?
Or huge love and hugs, with a lot of loyalty thrown in?
Let's get the men AND the women drunk and pick their pockets. Two income families and all. :) xoxox Pam the Plunderer
Of Course you Jacquie knowing how much Renee loves and I have come to love you through her you are in the caravan doing all the wondrous things we all will do. I will be your personal chef as well as Renee's. I can make all your favorite foods just let me know what they are!
If you can get to the site~
http://www.travelinggypsycaravann.blogspot.com you'll see all the beautiful horses and Renee as a tarot card reader.
My love to both of you my gypsy sisters!
Oh, can I come too? I'm sure there is something I can do. Please?
Rainy- there are few places I fit in; feel comfortable. Amongst Gypsies would be one. Perhaps the only place. ~rick
I once squatted in a flat in Munich Germany with a group of travellers and amongst them was a real Romanian gyspy. He looked very much like you would imagine with long, curly, dark hair, large features and a roguish nature. Flower child that I was, the gypsy look was a natural for me.
Oooh...can I come too? I'll document it all in writing for you. :D
Oh Renee this made me excited!
I wish I could jump in a wagon and travel the world with my 3 best friends! Sounds perfect :)
I think I'd be the one to read the tarot cards too :) I hate cooking. It's terribly boring.
Lots of love and kisses, Bailey xox
this is awesome, renee! best post EVER..
Oooh, oooh, oooh! Can I come, Renee? You know I can cook, but I always use stinky cheeses in just about everything, so you're not safe there.
I imagine we could get one of those Airstream silver bullet-looking camping trailers and cruise the highways and biways of Big Country.
(But I MUST have a hair dryer and a gallon of moisturizer. Hey, I won't compromise that for the sake of gypsy travel.)
Lovely post, Renee.
I need an adventure as well.
And I'm with Diva, I want that caravan trailer. It is pretty awesome.
I hope you are doing well.
♥ beaux
You know it is quite possible, Renee. I love the idea of that! Love and hugs to you. Praying you have a peaceful night.
On the road again
like a band of gypsies we go down the highway
we're the best of friends, insisting that the world keep turning our way,,,,,
oh,,,'scuse me, I got caught up in the moment.Willie says he and I can sit in, do a few sets in your Caravan Show if you're needin any more entertainers.
Dahling, no self respecing Gypsy woman would wear less than seven at a time, the number is indicative of wealth (and incidentally pretty good concealment) and after all, is only one for every day of the week.
since the Prof has absconded over the big ditch to the Land of the Long White Cloud (New Zealand for the uninitiated), this little wizzened Gypsy, like the proverbial mice, has time to play.
PS haven't seen hair or hide of you yet but am keeping lookout with bated breath.
Dearest Renee, th best coverlet is still and alsays just love pure and simple. I do hope your dear mother has a gentle passing.
Love and light and good night.
Give me a holler if you need any help with the Tarot card readings....xoxo
Renee this post is fabulous! Visiting Pattee's blog the other day I saw her post (and brilliant pics) about the caravan and crew. It is wonderful to see pics of the
'crew' now. Hmmmmm, that KJ, talk about using your assets to add to them.
Hugs to you my friend! Enjoy your
caravan adventure, you are in terrific company.
Fabulous! Can I tag along? I'm an excellent manager! And in a pinch, I have many other talents... lol
This made me giggle. I love the fantasy of it all. I would like to come along but can't imagine as what. Perhaps the jester, or the Fool -- I'm thinking the Giulietta Massima role in Fellini's La Strada, if you've seen it...
This made me laugh out loud!!
In my younger days I'd jump right on that wagon. (Actually, I never stay on any wagon for long. LOL!!)
Today I'm fat and happy in my studio with my fur persons. Oh, and that guy I married ;)
Gosh! This made my heart flip with wild abandon and delight...Ahhh!! :)
i am away for a few days and you've run off with a group of gypsies? oh dear oh dear!
i am completely envious, i can hardly think of anything more i'd like to do. i love to travel, i LOVE lobster, and i love you and kj.
take me with you! (i can make a killer risotto to go with the lobster) :)
How beautiful and what wonderful photos Renee. I love that little gypsy caravan. I suppose it's a wild adventure that many of us have held - to go off around the country or the world in our own little caravan.
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