Because I think 25 is kind of a special number I am going to make every 25th Wednesday's Women about me. I will be Wednesday's Women No. 25, No. 50, No. 75, etc.
I will always be in my mothering years, the years where I have invested most of my being.
When I had my first daughter Angelique, I made a commitment to myself that no matter what; I was going to root myself. I was going to be the tree of life that she would cling too.
I went on to have more children; another daughter Nadalene and a son Nathan and it rooted me even more. I vowed that the tree they clung too would stand the test of time. It would sway in the wind, but it would not break.
My husband Wahid helped me build the nest that would be the center of my being. And though sometimes the branches were bare we hardly noticed.
With the two big trees in front of the house and the swallows flying around to bless us all, we are happy.
Together we have made memories that have sprung like flowers that are circling my head.
*artwork by Stefano Vitale
Renee, this is a beautiful image but the story that you have related is even more beautiful and powerful.
The flowers that spring from your head and heart bless us all.
Thanky ou Renee
Beautiful Renee.
My kids probably think I am a cactus :)
Very touchingly said. I totally agree with you on being the root. I've the same feeling with my daughter. My whole world revolves around her:)The artwork excellent & apt.
I loved to make you "laughing my head off"... I very much enjoyed your comments. Thanks for uplifting my spirit. By the way, it's frm Lolo's bloglist that I saw you & chkd you out. She's one of my favs. I'd recently given her an "I Love Your Blog" award too. She certainly deserves one:)
Have a nice & smily day!
In my next life, I might try that.
You could not do more for your children than what you have so eloquently described.
i feel so much love for you that i think i could just burst into flowers myself!
Most excellent! You are very generous, loving and giving and did not limit that your family alone. Here we are...I can personally attest to your kindness. You are what I call "special". That means you occupy a part of my heart and when you leave, there won't be a scar but a void and it never gets filled. That is why my "heart" keeps on expanding so the void will not overcome it. In my void are my parents and my first best friend Cynthia who passed away after we graduated from college. The scars, they eventually fade and replaced by new loves. Someday my void will be so huge as I age but hopefully my children will have children and the circle of life continues and my family tree grows perpetually...and another "special" is Bella who sometimes just melts my heart, like she does yours...
My goodness. Just found you through my gypsy friend's blog! What a phenomenal woman you are and so inspiring! Every posting is so full of life and love. I will most definitely be back!
I bet you have wonderful memories and a beautiful family, this is a lovely post, JAQI
Trees and motherhood, I like that comparison.
I've just ordered some pretty fruit trees for our back garden and i'm so looking forward to picking fruit off them in years to come with my 2 beautiful children!
Renee you do seem to have perfect timing with your words ;)
Micki x
Angelique, Nadalene, Nathan - beautiful names, beautiful children, I know it. With you as their mother, Renee, they are that...and more. I have no doubt. A glorious WW25 post.
PS. I have roses for you over at my place...
That picture is perfect for your site. I'm glad you will be every 25th Wednesday's Wom(a)n. I'm looking forward to learning more about you.
(Do the men get Mondays?) :)
It really doesn't surprise me that, as you are such a great person, you are also a great mother. I hope everyone gets to see that :)
You are fantastic and I hope you have a sunny, warm, happy day!
good morning!
i always think of trees when i need to bend. i think if they just stood there rigid in the wind, they would snap, but because they sway with the wind, most times they and their inhabitants stay safe and sound.
roots and wings. that's what you've given your family, renee, and you're doing it all in such style!
have a good day today moon sister. i plan to kiss and smell mr. drew a thousand times. xoxoxo
Fantastic! What a wonderful idea to make every 25th Wed Women about you! That is fantastic. I love the tree analogy - it provides such a visual image of strength, foundation, growth - just lovely
Love audrey
What a poetic post! Your tree is full of blooms and I'm so glad I get to enjoy the view!
Hi Renee!!!
What a beautiful story.....you always touch my heart with wisdom....
I am working on a new body of work ...all on wood and I use wood burning to outline all my pieces....the theme of this series is "Transformation" and I find that the one thing that has changed my life is being a Mom...I too feel so blessed to be a Mother.....
Your family is so lucky to have you!!!
Bless you all...
Beautiful and poignant as always! You choose the most beautiful images to accompany your haunting words.
Yes, family is everything, and mothers are the center of the family. I often felt so rich when we had enough clean diapers and food for the babies and a roof over our heads - everything else could take care of itself. Simple pleasures were always the best.
Your family is so lucky to have you. xoxoxo
A beautiful analogy...I'm sure there've been time when you felt like that trees was wobblin a bit but you've made a wonderful life for you and your family...
Renee, that painting is AWESOME and so metaphorically inspiring!!
All I ever recall wanting to be as a child was a mother. I still suffer from my empty nest, but am thankful that my two girls grew up to be amazing women. And as a friend and I were discussing last weekend (her 28 year old daughter just moved back in---with her 1 year old son!), they never really leave us, because we carry them always within our hearts....and they do go out and multiply and give us more babies to love! LOL! Thank you for another fabulous post, dearest Renee.
This is my favorite entry to date. It is a beautiful depiction of our family.
I am in a new nest but my roots go straight to you.
I loved this so much I read it once, twice and thrice!
Renee, this post is so beautifully written it really should be published.
The thought of flowers circling your head brings tears to my eyes…I look forward the Wednesday’s Women No. 50, No. 75, etc.
I love the trees and bird; kept it so true to you! I look forward to the 25's now.
Renee, You are such a fruitful tree, bearing good fruit and loving words!
I have been award your Renee award by Micki. I am so honored! Wow, your very own award!
I think Delwin said it well already. You have become a strong tree in the winds of life. Your strenght supports many others besides your family.
Wow, I love the number 25 too! Tim and I got married on 5/25, which I thought was totally awesome.
I love this; I try hard to be a tree, but it really goes against my nature: I'm more like water...but I see that my kids need trees, so I try to stay as still and constant as I can.
Nadalene you are beautiful.
And while your roots go straight to me; my roots go straight to you. Our roots are so intertwined that where you start, I start too.
Love Mom xoxoxo
Renee, what a wonderful post. I too am very rooted in motherhood. We have three fir trees in our front yard and say they represent our three sons. We decorate them at Christmas. Trees and motherhood, I like that.
Blessings, Barb
this is quietly gorgeous.
Renee thanks for your support as a reader:)Your comments will be greatly valued & appreciated.
Terrific picture and beautiful post Renee! There is nothing better than being the tree of life for your children.
What a beautiful picture you paint my dear. I love this - it guves me courage!!! You give me courage - thanks for the hugs and love.
Love you, Sarah
'your kids are you investments, your grandchildren are your dividends.' you are certainly leaving huge footprints in a lot of people's lives.
I am speechless. There are just no words to describe how touched I am with this blog.
Re: your mail art comment, lol! You don't need to be able to lift a pencil, my dear! Just get some magazines, some scissors, some glue and a couple of stamps and with your appreciation for art, you could make the most beautiful collages!
Note: Angie Rodriguez did a very good posting on how non-artists can make the coolest mail art. Here it is: http://gooduniverseblog.blogspot.com/2009/02/for-petunia.html
Oh, and I can see teh Gypsy from here: "Hi Fadwa!!"
Thank you Renee - I posted more tiara pictures no my blog - they aren't exactly the same, but very similar so you can have an up-close peek :)
Hugs and prayers my dear friend,
What a wonderful, tender post.
Just beautiful.
I have a soul collage image of a rooted woman. I'll have to find a reason to post her soon. You've inspired me!
Your writing carries me away Renee.
I just float with it and I love the ride.
I love the exchange between mother and daughter above. Nice.
Love to you, Raven Sister ;)
My dearest oak, this is a beautiful painting and a lovely sentiment. I understand completely the desire to be rooted for your children. I feel it, too. Very strongly. Ces's comment is heartfelt, and I echo it. Maybe that is why we tend to grow wider as we age, we are expanding our hearts to bolster that void.
It just occurred to me that my husband is a little like your Nathan. He is the youngest of three and the only son. He lost his mother to breast cancer when he was only 11.
Nadalene's comment brought a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. I see you and your children, Renee, as a large banyan tree. They are your roots that are now growing into strong trees themselves, and they are there right next to you, making you stronger.
What beautiful imagery Renee. And how wonderful that this is how you have lived your life... strong, proud, supportive, loving. Reliable and solid - there for your kids and family (and any birds flying past). With lots of different branches to your personality.
Beautiful post Renee, and I love that little Renee Award on your blog sidebar. Just wish it was bigger so I could see it better.
By the way, I'm organizing my address book andcan't find your e-mail. :-( Could you send it to me again?
Thanks - xxoo
I can't leave a comment, because the last exchange between you and your daughter Nadalene (whose name is the best I've heard in all my life) has me here weeping.
I am, really. I can't stop.
"...where you start, I start too."
Mothers are supreme beings.
Beautiful, Renee. You're an amazing mom. Lucky lucky kids. :)
As for April Fools day, Poor sis! How could you make her cry! LOL! My oldest sister was born on April 1st. But she's no fool!
I always enjoy learning a little more about you.
Wow beautiful artwork, just love it so much!!!
I love the Mother Daughter post just above... the best. I never had children...The time was never right.. Had I met the man I know now .. I would have had 1 for sure. I won't have any now at 53. SO I will always have an empty spot. Thank-you for letting me see how a Mother Daughter talk to each other. I'm not that close to my Mom. She always has to be little me. I wish I had a Mom to grab on to and hold. Squeeze your children...Love your tree... Some people only have a post instead of a tree with branches. Thank-you for the love. Hugs Rene
I don't have children but I do know that with my husband I sometimes wonder where he ends and I begin...
We are connected on such a deep level.
I'll never love anyone as much as I love him....
Thanks for this gorgeous post beautiful Renee
This is a beautiful picture and a fantastic story. Your idea is very original, keep up the good work.
That is such a strong and nurturing image for a child to have for their mother to be, and for you to create to empower yourself too, Renee - I love to imagine it :)
I think is my mother had root rot!! xox K
You are amazing!!! I am looking up to you and KNOW FOR A FACT that you are doing so much more than some! Keep your chin held high! :)
starting my day and thinking of you, moon sister. you might see me flying overhead. xoxoxo
Renee, God has dipped you in the 'special sauce' and has served you on a platter of bliss. It sounds like you are everything we all want in a mother.
I'm going to make this year's Mother's Day the best ever, for my own mother...because of you!
Hi Renee. Sorry I haven't been around, but I 've been under the weather. I'm feeling bettern. Enough about me. How are you doing sweet lady. That was a beautiful post and one to be remembered. I hope you are feeling okay, my thoughts are with you. Just stopped by to say hello and send you best wishes. ::hugs::
This is a lovely post! Thank you for sharing it. Your family is so lucky. It's a wonderful way of thinking about being a family, being a woman, being a mother.
Last night I was overcome with joy simply because we were all under the same roof (me and my two teenaged boys). This is not an unusual occurrence--they are at my house half the time--but for some reason I was aware of how fortunate I was. I made dinner, and then they went off to play tennis together, and I played music with my sweetie until they came home long after dark ("But Deerfield has lights; I thought you knew that.") and we had more good conversations, and then I went to bed. They were still up, doing something together in the study, and didn't disturb me. This is life with teenagers.
I'd never thought of myself as a tree, but I'm going to try on this image. I do love trees.
Your vision, words and painting so beautiful reach into the roots of my being. May the sweet fragrance of those flowers circling your head give you refreshing and strength to keep beholding all that is pure, true and good all ways!
blessed be,
I just found out the CT scan on my mom was clear...yay! She will get another colonoscopy in the next month. Thanks for the prayers!!
I see that spring has arrived in winnipeg, and in you.
Your like that shower of rain that comes when the sun is out and it feels so good.
How is Wednesday's Woman doing on a Thursday? Good I hope.
By the way, I like the "flowers circling my head" much better than the birds! It's a good, positive affirmation. I know, I know, I sound too "Chicken Soup for the Soul" ish. But, hey, I'm just a chicken soup kind of gal:)
And, I don't believe you're going to leave us for a long, long, long, long, long time. I believe that for the most part (religious beliefs aside), Life is random, and one NEVER knows. All any of us can do is hope for the best. And, have some fun along the way. (So, you better start planning on what to post after you do get to Dreams beginning with Z) Har, har, har.
Love Nancy
Renee - I came back, just because I like hanging around your words.
I hope the hospital visit was nothing stressful. How are you today? There's some tasty seafood over at my kitchen for you, I kept some warm; while the wine is well chilled. Vieni?
Ciao sunlight
This reminds me of a short pictorial story by Maurice Sendak. In the picture was a woman carrying her baby. They were walking. It started raining. The woman became a tree with thick foliage. The tree protected the baby from the rain. The baby smiled and hugged the tree. The sun came up. The tree became the mother once more and they continued their walk.
That is exactly what a good mother will do. That is exactly what you do.
I hope you feel great today or should we settle for capacetic?
I love Bella's comment.Even though you live up north, I still think of you as a live oak. Quercus virginianus, the oldest specimen is the Angel Oak in South Carolina, around 1,400 years old, not that I think you are old because you are definitely not old, I am your contemporary and I don't feel old. You know what I mean?
Ces-who should stop typing before her foot gets into her mouth.
P.s. I always get in trouble with similes regarding age. Once while tag-blogging with Linda and Bella, I asked Bella for Dante Aleghieri's age and Bella replied "I don't know, you think I am that old?" Dante was born in the year 1265.
So nice ... love the colors.
Hope you're doing O.K.
I love the image that you've painted with your beautiful words.
Hi Renee - you words are very lovely and you have a beautiful way of expressing yourself - my daughter thanks you for the lovely comments on her horse painting. Thank you for stopping by my blog, much appreciated! Kind Regards, Val
I was so glad to wake up and see you patiently waiting in my inbox. You had disappeared from my radar screen last night, and I was worried.
Yes, you guessed perfectly. After their mother passed away, the middle child in my husband's family became like his mother, and she is still fiercely protective of him to this day.
I cannot tell you how much I hate moving. But it won't be so bad this time. Someone else will pack, and we have a furnished house we are moving to, so the transition will be quick. I started the cogs spinning yesterday and contacted the relocation people. It has begun. We have all this furniture to take back, and we will just give the majority of it to a friend or to charity. It's difficult getting rid of furniture in Tokyo. And if you throw away something large, you have to pay a fee. Thanks for asking, though. I hope you are comfortable today.
I can tell you are deeply rooted like the sturdy tree. The image is powerful and accompany your words perfectly. I hope you are well and you have good new from the tests.
Love, Lizzy
Yes Renee. I made it bigger for you and Bella. BIGGER is always BETTER!
Bahahahahah!!!! Do it over the internet? Why, is that a proposition? Whuh? What are you talking about. I have no idea.
What a relief you are ok, though I'm sorry about the bit of yucky.
Actually, the house we are moving to was our vacation home...now our primary home. I am grateful we at least don't have to go through the hassle of finding and negotiating on a new home, though houses do seem ripe for pickin' these days.
The girls are fine with the move, and even a little excited. I am blessed. They are easy children and do not sulk too long.
Oh! Yes! I saw Susan Boyle! Oh, what a sweetheart to have sass and confidence mixed in with her modesty and innocence. I hope she does become the next Ellen Paige.
Love you!
renee, i got your message. this is a time i wish we could talk over tea. i hope the story sat alright with you. i like that they ended up together. and that there were no villians.i wonder what you noticed...thank you for taking the time. i hope you liked it.
love always, kj
Renee, I hope you drop in at sixtyfivewhatnow and pick up another award.
Renee, you are confused! I love you but let me be clear. I do not swallow anything against my will. I don't even swallow my pride. The medication is real. It is purple and it is not sinister. Your twisted wicked taunting teasing brain is. Pot! Hotdog! Are you barbecuing?
OOOH the word verification is parsexy - WHUT?!!!!
And don't be coming to my blog to give me no stinkin' intervention. I just came from shooting practice. Better wave a white flag first.
OMG! You are losing it! What have you been reading? Huh? smoking? drinking?
They are English words. Simple English words. Do you want me to speak conversational English or do you want me to speak in prose?
If you are "inseminating" that I am using in-you-windows YOU are wrong!
Madame Roland! Don't you be gettin' me in deep doodoo. I have five Glory-Bee Sisters who read my blog and you are really gettin' me in hot water with the Catholic thang.
For your information, I wore school uniforms from kindergatrten until college! College and even after college - I went to work wearing uniforms! And yes Mother Superior measured them four inches from the knees! But we wore patent leather Mary Janes and stuck our feet in the next stall to see what's going on with the other girl.
I have a schoolgirl uniform, Renee. Would you like me to wear it for you?
And shouldn't that be "in-you-end-o's"?
Poor Bella! Two and still don't touch the sides. Must be a bag instead of a pot or even a sack!
You two you and Bella are turning me to the dark side. I was just being quiet down there, playing with my pot and tiger and then you made it all muddy, and sticky.
Damn! You will get me in BIG TROUBLE. One of the Glory-Bee-Sisters just checked in on my blog. OH Shoes!
That was beautiful Mom. I can now say I understand, now that I have Josephine, but let's just say that you are my forest. No matter where or what is happening, I am surrounded by your strength and comforted.
Bella has no self-defecating humour.
In-you-end-o's - In Texas it is in-you-windows!
I have a French maid uniform butt they may make my buns look big.
Oh now even blogger is joining on the fracas. the word verification is "comen"
Renee, I swear. As I was saying, if you and I were classmates in nursing college, we would have been kicked out of the main hall and sent to the corner room right next to the matron. But you know what? We would have stolen her leg. Yes, she had prosthetic leg. Every class stole it and no one said anything to anyone. Poor Ms. Lopez, She was also a nurse, very strict. She used to inspect us every morning before we went to the wards - open our box (instrument box!) turn around to make sure we are wearing bras and chemise and had clean shoes. I never got in trouble. I was such an angel, a role model, an outstanding student! You would have gotten me kicked out but because of my pure virtues, they would have forgiven me and let me graduate. That is why I am a nurse today. I am good and you are corrupting me!
Oh what Angelique said should make your heart swell with pride. you should be oozing with happiness, I won't be able to contain myself if I were you. When children say things like that, that is the ultimate validation, not what others think but what your own children think. What a blessing she is.
P.S. I am still posting. Blogger has a problem and my new posts are not being feed to other bloggers' bloglists so it appears as if I am stuck with Florence!
I am feeling very lonely today!
What do you mean no one will believe me?
We would have had so many private jokes. That's what we would have done. I would have been sitting down, listening to our clinical instructor and learning to be the best nurse evah! and then you will take out something from your pot that would make me burst out laughing, for example a rubber glove that you start blowing up everytime she turned her back to us. I would be looking at you like a mother and you would not be fazed by my glare. You will continue blowing on the rubber and now the whole class sees you. And Girlie, tight assed grilie with no sense of humor will glare at us and roll her eyes. You dared defied her that you keep on blowing on the rubber that it finally bursts and the instructor turns around and I am laughing my head off and you had your head down because you would have been looking for your contacts and the instructor thinks I am the one who caused the trouble and I am young and innocent, about 17 years old and again sent to the dean's office but they know it was YOU! but I am a loyal friend and I don't tell, so I get punished with extra ward duties where I have to clean the bedpans. All because I love you and I don't want you to be punished. THIS REALLY HAPPENED AND MY SHIT_FACED BEST FRIEND just giggled and I loved her anyhow and she died after we graduated from college! SHIT! She left a big void in my heart.
That is so beautiful Renee! I think most of us feel that way about being Mothers. And it's always hard when they grow up and move away.
Renee, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. Isn't it weird how that can be? How we can feel that the people who have blogs become important to us, to our thinking.....especially since we don't really 'know' them? I'm just praying right along with you that you'll have many wonderful years ahead full of blessings, my friend.
Darling, it IS all about you. It's always been about you. I'd take you, greasy hair, headband, pajamas and all. And I'm sorry for being so tight-assed and glaring at you and Ces while you two giggled. If you'd only brought a rubber glove for me, too. Just...don't put it in your pot, please.
Life is not fair, so I'm going to steal these little moments and tuck them away somewhere, just for myself.
sleep well. xoxo
Hi Renee,
That is so beautiful and what a wonderful Mother you must be to your lovely children.
The relationship with Mother and children is such a wonderful bond.
I know having a daughter and son - they are everything!
I love it that you are making every 25th, Wednesday Womens Day ~ I will be thinking of you.
Have a happy weekend
I love this-absolutely beautiful. What lucky children.
Now only I know why those figures circling in your head.
I am happy for you that you are bestowed with joy and thanksgivings are always in your mind:)
I love the imagery in this. Our rootedness s what keeps us steady, even in th emidst of turmoil and heartache.
Incredible...reading this, I felt an inner swaying of my soul, of my being...of being that tree. Sending you all my love. **blows kisses** Deborah
I just love that artwork Renee, it is so powerful an image. You are obviously the most loving and caring mother. I wrote a poem once about a man who left me and he was the tree whose branches shook, it was so similar to your description it's uncanny.
I am spending this rainy Sunday afternoon browsing other cancer blogs. Yours should truly win some kind of award for beautiful graphics! And you sure seem to have a devoted and thoughtful following. I am just starting my own blog as a cancer and transplant survivor. Please stop by and visit when you have time. www.beingcancer.net Take care, Dennis
Dennis if you are checking back here, this is for you.
I have just read your posting for today and your site will not allow me to comment. If there is another way, please let me know.
Renee xoxo
Renee, this must be the best, most moving blog post that i have EVER read.
I read every post you write dear. I know I haven't been commenting to all since lately all i have been doing is sorting one issue after another and another.... But your posts are looked forward to with eagerness and drunk up thirstily.
You have your priorities straight Renee! Not only was your decision an important one for your children, but a blessing for your husband and yourself too! In committing yourself your roots grew deep!!
When you have time, will you please tell me: Does Stefano Vitale create his work around your words, or do you create your words around his work?
Think Pink~
It is the color of your hearts desire!
Love from afar,
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