What did you do for either July 1st (Canada Day) or July 4th (Independence Day)? July 1st seems so long ago. I just don’t recall.
Did you watch fireworks? No, I saw no fireworks this year. I think the last time I saw fireworks was at the Forks on New Years Eve 1999. Wahid and I bundled up really warm and braved the cold to be out under the stars with the rest of mankind. I just realized that is wrong because Angelique and Don and Wahid and I went on a Canada Day and stood in bushes full of mosquitoes a few years ago.
Did you blast the air conditioning for most of July? Absolutely, everyone knows I can not stand to be hot. Although it has been off for a little while as it is quite cool in Winnipeg right now.
Best thing that happened in July? The best thing was the birth of my first grandson Domenic. He is beautiful and I am over the moon about him.
Did you celebrate any weddings in July? July 5th was our anniversary. July 17th was Angelique’s wedding anniversary. And on July 11th, not only did I attend my niece Natalie’s wedding, but I performed the marriage ceremony.
Well August 5th is our anniversary (29 years) and I don't have any grand children yet...congrats to you! My husband and I were on our own this July 4th. All 5 of our kids were off with friends, etc. We worked in our yard and garden all day...it was a very hot day...about 97 degrees or so! When the sun went down I noticed that I could see the fireworks display right between the opening of the trees through my front window. It was awesome!
Stay Cozy and enjoy that new baby!
nope, no fireworks here, either. though we've seen a lot of nature's fireworks this july, with hundreds of lightning strikes filling the skies!
How very cool that you performed Natalie's wedding ceremony - just another hidden Reneé talent!!
You will have to change your profile now, to include your new grandson :) Sending love, Karin
dear renee,
it seems like it was a good july. a very good july.
a wedding? really? cool ☺
my July has been filled with looking for a new home.
my hunt has been successful and I have peace of mind once again.
I like your July.
I like the picture you chose too.
xx always Ribbon
Im having trouble remembering this morning :)
Isn't it just wonderful having grandchildren. I am blessed to have three grandsons and another on the way. I live too far away from them though and don't get to see them very often. Thank goodness for modern techonology which means that I don't have to wait months and months for a letter. The four most beautiful words to be heard on earth have got to be "I love you Grammy." and thankfully I have heard them. As always you are in my prayers.
Well there you go. I learn a little every day. I had no idea you were a marriage celebrant! Nothing significant in July for me I'm afraid. I can't believe it's almost over! It's not hot down here I can tell you. Frosty mornings and chilly evenings . . I'm not a great fan of the heat either actually but it's coming . .eventually . . .I hope!
Every Canada Day I inflict "home cooking" on my poor hubby. He has come to dread the onslaught of a full steak house style dinner with apple pie & ice-cream to follow ... still ... it's only once a year so he puts up with it! Renee, thank you for your kindness, just wanted you to know that I continue to hold you in my heart and in my now daily prayers, you, Sheldon, Jacquie and your mom. xx Jos
You performed the wedding ceremony?!!! How did you do that? Are you a Justice of some sort? Will you please explain? You are a very interesting woman!
I was visiting my parents on the 1st and the 4th of July... you had a busy month, it seems, and it's not over yet!
Congratulations on your grandson, how amazing is that! And my jaw dropped when I read that you performed the marriage ceremony for Natalie - that is just too cool for words.
You would hate the heat here in Spain cos believe me it is mega hot, but hey that's what I come for...
love ya xxxx
July sigh... another none month in this war with cancer! We didnt have any national celebrations, the kids broke up from school, I just lived and enjoyed living.
August - what will it bring? My dads birthday, the anniversary of my beloved Bobbis death, more chemo, kids go on holiday with their Nain and Nana so I will miss them, I have a lunch date planned with a fellow figher..... I will try to have more to remember Aug 2009 for!
July? Well we just had a surprise party for my oldest, Stephanie, she turned 30(Ugh where did the time go) on the 27th. My youngest Kim turned 20 on the 11th. We celebrated the fourth in Lexington at my in-laws, and fortunately it has not been a hot month so far so very little air conditioning was needed.
I hope Jacquie, Sheldon, and you are all doing well. Have you had any news on the prognosis for Jacquie? Please keep me updated and send them my best!
july has been (another) windy, wet month here in merry old england!after being promised a great summer this year!!!!! i learn more and more about you every day....firstly congrats on that new baby boy, please show me/us some photos. secondly, you perform weddings? wow! i am awed and thrilled. i can imagine the nice things you say to everyone.xx
We had a quiet 4th this year, but saw fireworks from afar.
Lovely that you could perform the marriage ceremony of your niece - what a special day that must have been for her..and you and all of your family.
how are jacquie and sheldon doing? please give me/us an update. have they seen each other yet? are they up and about yet? are they chirpy? and mostly are you feeling more rested yet? hugs and lots of them xxxxxxxxx
Hi Renee,
It is interesting how you have a day to celebrate Canada and Independence Day. We don't have an England Day.
If we did it would probably be a day with the pubs full of drunken lads and lassies, drinking until the early hours. It would not be a civilized event with nice fireworks and a family meal!
We have a drink problem here in the Uk with young people having way too much alcohol.:(
How lovely and amazing you performed the wedding ceremony for your niece. You are very lucky to have a supportive and such a large family.
Thank you for sharing your lovely stories about them all.:)
Best wishes, Jo.x
P.S Hey you! Where is your followers badge on my blog?:)
I was trying to find you the other day. I wanted to click on your picture to visit you.
July is usually a quiet month for us - falling in the middle of a cold winter this year. We didn't celebrate any births or weddings, but we did celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary. The time sure flies...
You have certainly had some highs and low this month - here's hoping for a happy August for you and yours. Hoping you are getting plenty of time for cuddling your new grandson.
You performed the ceremony? Way cool Renee!!!
July..let's see. I DID attend a wedding, it was at the Soo Pass Ranch where they hold WEFest annually. Air conditioning....pretty much non stop! I also planted lots of grass seed this summer since I had trees removed and a larger patch in the backyard where a stone garden used to be. Not the brightest of moves since there is a drought this summer! I'm dreading the water bill when it arrives. My yard is brown except for 5 patches of lovingly watered new patches! I wish I had planted it in the spring when mother nature would have kept it wet for me :)
Have a wonderful weekend Renee, I'm heading out shortly for a little mini-vacation.
Ahhhh, July - I had Daniel home for most of the month as he was on break - wonderful!! We attended our nieces wedding in Niagara Falls and made an inspiring road trip out of it visiting several friends on the way, I painted, I stayed inside most of the time (too hot outside), went to the beach a few times, went to see a movie (a big deal for us), made new friends, connected with old ones, cooked, baked, blogged, loved, napped, played with our pets, and much more... Hope your July is ending on a hopeful note! Love, Silke
I don't spend much time on my dial up connected computer, so I havn't read your blog for a while.
I read your 4th of July entry, and it resonated with me. For some odd reason, my mental calendar is stuck on July 4th. Memories and thoughts connected to that day frequently creep through my mind.
I dunno, the day was uneventful. It was a chilly, windy day. The wind kept the mosquitoes under control. I set up my sellers booth at the Farmer's Market, (the very deserted Farmer's Market,) went home and did very ordinary things. And yet, the whole day stays perched on my shoulder like it was yesterday. It's a strange sensation for me.
Anyway, Renee, that was, and is my July 4th.
Strength, and Blessings for you
You performed the wedding ceremony? I didn't know this about you, talented lady! How wonderful.
Thinking of you, Jacquie and Sheldon. Sending love to wee Domenic.
We saw fireworks, Renee! We went into our back yard, and the kids spread out blankets. We lit some big KA-BOOMS, and then sparklers. Then we just watched the fireflies in the woods. Some of them fly up to the top of the trees - it reminds me of Christmas lights. :)
xox Pam
It's nice to know that you performed Natalie's wedding Renee.
That there have been some bright spots to this month of July.
Bug Hug.
Lots of Prayers
and Love,
i'm reading reading along and bam! YOU PERFORMED THE WEDDING CEREMONY?! who knew?!
you are one multi-layered woman, my wild moon sister. did you say the f word at all that day. i trust it didn't slip out on the alter.
and here you are somehow managing to write your regular fascinating posts with a tempest all around you. you are FUCKING amazing, ms. renee from winnipeg (doesn't that sound just like laurel--not the fuck part but the ms. renee part?
i am hoping for a good calm day for you and yours.
One day Renee when your whole family are well we'll hire a big jet and you'll all fly out here to Australia and we'll watch the New Years Eve Fireworks in Sydney Harbour. Of course you'll be staying on my private yacht and we'll just cruise about for a few days relaxing, eating yummy food, drinking some champers...and all the grandchildren will play together....
Wow! You performed the marriage ceremony for your neice - how perfectly perfect!
Our wedding anniversary was yesterday - July 29th. Guy picked some roses and arranged them most beautifully in a jam jar and put them on the tray when he bought me tea in bed. He's so adorable, really. When they start fading a little, I'll hang them on a beam in the kitchen to dry and keep them forever.
I do hope, Renee, that today will be a gentle one for you and the family. Please give them my love when you see them even though they don't know me.
i wish i was inside that picture .
at the end July was good ! camon !
better than mine .
i wish you a great August .
You had some really awesome good events in July, Renee, especially the birth of your precious grandson. The circle of life continues....
I had my 55th birthday (my how time flies!!!) and ate some killer tomatoes that I grew along with some amazing dishes made with my fresh basils and oregano.
My favorite July event was being asked to join the Amazon.com Vine Program where they send me books to review before they're out...for FREE! (Yes, I did a little happy dance!!!!) I've been reviewing books there for 10 years just because I enjoy doing it, but this is still exciting for me, to be able to pursue my passion of reading and reviewing books and not having to BUY THEM! Woo-Hoo!! God/Karma was good to me in that area!! It was like Christmas and a great birthday present to boot! LOL! It's funny the things that bring you joy, but books have been my comforting companions since my father died when I was 6 years old and all I had left of him was books.
I'm thankful for my family's good health, especially my mother who had heart surgery in June and is doing well at 80 years young. My grandson who wears hearing aids is two and keeping up with his speech therapy for his age group and I'm so grateful for that because at his birth they told us he would be profoundly deaf. God heard all of our prayers and he can hear with the help of his hearing aids and is now talking non-stop. Yes, I am so blessed. Thank you for this, Renee. I needed to see all this in writing to fully appreicate my many blessings. I love you! Bless you & Big HUGZ!!!
I didn't see any fireworks this year. I miss them a lot. My dad's birthday is the first of july.
My sis in law's birthday would have been the 16th, I celebrated in a slilent way.
A very good friend prayed for us on the 28th of july. I think that was the best thing that happened.
This has been a busy month for you my dear.
Happy Anniversary
Happy Grandson
Happy Angelique's anniversary
Happy Natalie's wedding
I hope everyone in your world is doing well. You are all constantly on my mind, in my prayers, and in my heart.
Good morning, dear Renee ... Hmm ... Canada Day ... We didn't do much -- It was rainy here (which it has been for most of the summer!) ... No weddings this year (a rare thing!) but a new baby in our family -- a girl! --> We've had boys upon boys being born the last several years, so everyone's in the pink about this ... Our newest babe is a contemplative, placid little one ... Our family has 10 birthdays in July, so last weekend we held our annual July Birthday Bash -- we were all in and out of the pool and house like crazy -- storms, clearing, storms, clearing ... Wacky day but such fun ... We had four generations at the party, ranging in age from one month to 80 years!
Winnipeg! -- How's the weather been there this summer? Are you getting the **heat** or the **rain**?
Bless xoxo
July has been very hot here. One hundred six degree norms. We finally have had rain this week and it's cooled.
We had fireworks on the dock at the lake this year. For our Jack. He didn't much care, but his Daddy and Grandaddy enjoyed them.
Performing a wedding ceremony,,that's something most of us don't have on our 'to-do' list.
Wow, July has some good memories for you, I'm glad.
I am praying for you and your family daily.
hugs, prayers and happy thoughts my dearest Renee,
Meg xoxo
Oh, July 2009 was a very good month indeed. And a frightening month for your family. I am still lifting you all up in prayer. Sending you all my love, Deb
So cool that you performed a wedding ceremony. That's so special.
I managed to avoid seeing fireworks again this year, although I heard them all night. It's been cool (70s) and dry here much of July, so I've been comfortable under our ceiling fans, despite my hot flashes.
We also have lots of birthdays on my husband's side of the family in July, so it's always busy.
I'm so glad you're finding so many happy July memories!
You did the ceremony?? How cool is that!!! Uhmmm I was sick over the 4th..and through most of this month. Feeling human again. I guess the big events have been having Jim gone...which really hasn't been fun.
I will say though - the weather in North Idaho has been heavenly and cool.
How are you doing hon?? Jim told me to send you his best and that you are in his prayers! Love you hon, Sarah
renee, 9 and 3/4 will work just fine. i can give you some extra land, no problem. and so will marion i'm sure.
do you need help setting up? gee, there's a great thought: how nice to be able to tangibly help you!!
i don't do cleaning but i'm a fabulous non-working supervisor.
howdy neighbor to you, moon sister. i am over the top, as you say, to have you so close.
Wow, memory searching back, I worked hard following my dreams, but wish to remember to sustain my main dream, the love of those around me. Thank you.
Your grandson sounds lovely, a fresh air and burst of new life is enough to lift our hearts. How blessed you are.
We celebrated two birthdays and one anniversary. Our 43rd!
How hot does it get in your town? Here, on the Pacific, our highest temperatures are in the 70's. Our coolest, in winter, in the high 30's. We are not complaining.
You know, I can't remember! I may have wished a few Americans Happy 4th July and a few Canadians happy Canada day! As for air con.-well-if you lived in the English summer it would mainly be a wasted expense! THough I would definitely have it if we had sustained high temperatures instead of just two weeks a year!
No weddings either!
Happy anniversary to you and Wahid though. I hope things have improved a lot for all of you.
July is the birth month of my eldest. Very hot month for us here in Texas. Unbearable at times. Our outdoor thermometer reads 107F (in the shade).
And how are you my dear? Your writing as always is keen and entertaining. Like a breath of fresh air. I think my favorites are the posts you write about your family.
"Reverend Renee" -- it has a nice sound!
July is always a nice month. I got married on my birthday 8 yrs ago on the 27th and so I always look forward to celebrating this. This year was much quieter than the rest....but still lovely to share with my husband!
This time of the year was always hot for us...Scottish summer but now we have the cold to contend with. Wrapped up, by the fire would seem strange to you now I am guessing :)
Thinking of you x
WOW you performed the ceremony for Natalie's wedding??? Wow thats wonderful.
I hate the 4th of July... We can see the "big" fireworks from our upstairs... I hate the noise and the poor animals... Why can't we just have an ice cream social?
Our July has been the hottest on record. Seattle yesterday was 104 degrees!
The best thing that happened in July... well it's not over yet! : )
Love to you ~Pattee
Renee- Nope. I just let July pass easy, if I can. Did get a nice swim in though. Saw fireworks in Louisville a couple months earlier. Thanks for asking! ~rick
Renee, you know I truly appreciate your reply. And I too consider you a dear friend.
What a sweet little picture!
And much more sweet memories.
Congratulations on your first grandson, here's to many more! :)
Much love xox
I can't say this July ws my best month ever and included the ending of a relationship, but I did have soem great time with my kids so I'm thankful for that. How very neat that you actually performed your nieces wedding - what a gift. I hope August brings much healing for your family.
Oh my gosh ... I don't much of anything these days.
Hope you are feeling well. I know it can get so hot in Winnipeg.
Hi Renee,
Sounds like July was lovely for you ~ the arrival of your darling grandson Domenic, your Anniversary and a wedding.
Neat that you could pick out all the good parts and put the not so good ones aside.
I really hope that August will be a great month for healing for the family and more good times.
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