Have you ever been as lucky as I am to have a nephew like Sheldon in your life? If you have, then you know just how lucky I am.
Colette and I leave at 6:30 a.m. to get to the hospital on time to see Jacquie before her surgery. Ben and Jennifer are there and so we get to spend some time together.
Jacquie is strong but she is completely exhausted.
Colette and I are alone with Jacquie and I tell her that when I am getting something done or if I am in a machine I say the 23rd psalm, especially the part of ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me.’
As I tell her this Colette and I are crying. Jacquie touches my head and says ‘You two, I am not going to die.’ I tell her we know that, it is just I want to remind her that she is never alone, no matter what.’ Jacquie says she is going to say that when they start putting the screws in her head.
Jacquie’s surgery was to start at 9:30 instead it starts at 10:40.
Last week when Sheldon heard that he has cancer and Nathan shaved his head. He gave himself an alter-ego and called himself ‘Hector the Mexican cancer killing bastard.’ You have to know here that Sheldon is funny, and I mean really funny. (His alter-ego is of someone that is not afraid of anything.)
Jennifer took her Mom to the operating room and said before they brought her in the room, that Jacquie had wanted to call Sheldon to encourage him and wish him luck in his surgery. They got her through to St. Boniface on the phone. Jacquie called him Hector and he answers back Maria. It was very funny to me.
Jeanine is with Sheldon and I don’t know exactly when his surgery starts but in the end they were both having surgery at the same time.
Suzie, Mickey, Camille, Colette, and I are all waiting for Jacquie. We talk, we cry, we play a game, we do crosswords, we are silent, we cry, we re-assure each other. 4.5 hours later the surgeon comes in and tells us that Jacquie did well.
He was able to take out a frozen square which the pathologist was able to do some tests on immediately and through that test we find out that it is brain cancer, it is aggressive, and it is 4.1 cm. Another biopsy was taken and should be back in about a week and that will give us the rest of the information. We also learn that they were able to remove half of the tumor.
I phone Ben immediately and tell him and he lets me know that he will go and tell Gilbert and Jennifer. I will stay with Jacquie until he gets back to the hospital with Jennifer and Chrisy.
The rest of the sisters leave so that Ben and Jennifer can have some privacy. The sisters leave Health Sciences to go to St. Boniface and see how Sheldon is making out. I think Jeanine, Joey, and Shelly are at St. Boniface already with Sheldon.
They allow me in the recovery room and I sit with Jacquie. Right away she says ‘Hi Renee.’ I ask if she is in pain and if she remembers anything. I tell her I love her. I tell her the kids will be here soon and they will see her when she is in the step-down room.
Jacquie said she remembers when they told her that the cancer originated in the brain and that she said to them, well that is a good thing then; and the surgeon said ‘not necessarily.’ And then she said she didn’t hear anything else he said.
As she sleeps I am crying and counting numbers in the room so that I don’t start sobbing and wake her up or scare her. I add up the bed numbers, her blood pressure numbers, her oxygen level, etc. etc. I have to keep myself from thinking of her little grandchildren and how much she adores them. And how much they would miss her and she would miss them. I remind myself she isn’t going anywhere yet.
They ask me to leave as they are moving her up to the 5th floor for step-down. I go up there and as I am walking down the hall she comes in.
After 30 minutes I go in and she is a little more awake and as a matter of fact she looks better than she has for days. The stress of waiting for this operation is at least over.
I ask her if she is in pain and if she needs more medicine, she tells me that the drain in her head hurts. I look and see all the staples in her head.
I ask if anything hurt during surgery and she said that the staples were the only thing that hurt. I asked in what way; like a pinch; are like a shooting pain; or what exactly? Jacquie in her deadpan way says ‘Renee, it hurt like getting staples stapled into your fucking head.’ I laughed and she smiled. And I have laughed ever since thinking about it.
Ben, Jennifer, and Chrisy came and we are wrecks. Ben is very strong and holding us all together, but we are all wrecked. We stay for a few hours and then leave. Jennifer stays with her Mom and Angelique came and stayed with Jennifer.
Ben drops me off and goes to St. Boniface to stay overnight with Sheldon. Sheldon is still not out of surgery.
2:00 a.m. Sheldon is finally coming out of recovery.
At 8:10 Jennifer calls to see if I am coming up to see her Mom. I tell her I will be there around 9:00 a.m. with Gilbert.
When Gilbert and I get there Jennifer is gone with Jacquie for a CT scan. We wait for about an hour for her to come back.
While we are waiting, Suzie and Camille come in. Not long after Colette and Shelly come in, and not long after that Dane comes up with some flowers for Auntie Jacquie.
I tell them that Gil is going to go in first with Jennifer because only two visitors are allowed in there at a time. Then after that, I will go in and then it can go in the order of the people that have come to visit.
I also say that if after Suzie and Camille visit Jacquie that they come and visit with Sheldon so I can go home as my back is sore. Colette and Shelly will stay with Jacquie till another visitor comes. You see Jacquie doesn’t want Sheldon left alone.
I thought that was all agreed too, but it didn't get done that way.
Jacquie looked good. We stared into each others eyes for a very long time. No words were needed. After Jacquie tells me how happy she was to get to see a picture of Domenic that Angelique brought her and how much she loves him already.
Jennifer, Gil and I went to the hospital to see Sheldon. He was in good spirits but boy I felt so broken up.
Sheldon was in surgery for a very long time, I don’t even know how long. He went in at around 2 p.m. and came out around 2 a.m. At one point they didn’t think he would make it.
You see, Sheldon wouldn’t stop bleeding.
They removed a tumor the size of a small football. It was pressing against the pancreas and the liver.
They had to remove Sheldon’s stomach. The surgery was so long and so difficult they decided to move his esophagus to his neck and in about six months they will go back in and reattach it to his intestines.
I was devastated. I am devastated.
Sheldon will have a feeding tube for about six months. During that time he will have to start chemotherapy. After that they said he will heal enough to reconnect everything. Sheldon has a long road ahead of him.
I got to spend the whole day with Sheldon yesterday. I got there around 11 and stayed till 4:15 p.m. and Sheldon is amazing.
Sheldon is the most amazing 25 year-old I have ever met.
When I was crying he would say ‘Auntie Renee it is okay.’ ‘Auntie Renee, I am thankful they removed my stomach because they have saved my life,’ when Sheldon said that I started to feel thankful too.
The doctor came in and Sheldon thanked him for saving his life. The doctor said that at one point they didn’t think he was going to make it. But that Sheldon was doing really well right now. He told Sheldon not to care about the bag at his neck or the feeding tube, because they are nothing, they are only there for a short time. That six months was not a long time and that before he knew it he would be able to eat and drink again. The doctor made me feel better.
Throughout the day I saw how remarkable Sheldon is. How he was grateful and looking at his life as a fresh start. That he is here and everyday is a new beginning. That he will do whatever he has to do and that this will one day be a bad memory.
He was his usual self and even when he got back from the recovery room he told Ben to hold his hand and when Ben did he said ‘now we are peeing together.’ He told the male nurse while he was making him comfortable that ‘I have a man crush on you Ken.’ He is amazing.
He cried when he thought of his Mom and I cried too.
Colette came up and showed him a video that his Mom got her to record and so it was nice for Sheldon that he got to see that his Mom was doing well.
Mom, Harry, and Stacy came up to see Sheldon and Mom was crying and telling Sheldon how he looked so good. Sheldon said ‘Grandma I’m okay, I’m okay Grandma.’ Mom said she had the worst day in her life with both of them in surgery. (The H1N1 was no longer considered for Mom so she had been removed from isolation.)
They told me that Angelique brought the baby to the hospital to see Mom and that she was downstairs. I was going to see her for a few minutes but the two men said they had to leave right away. In the end I could have gone and seen her as they stayed for about 30 minutes. (I was fucking pissed but would never argue in front of Sheldon. I wanted to be with him and would never want him to think he was a burden.)
Suzie and Camille came up around 4:15 and so did Ben and Chrisy. I went up to see my Mom and stayed till about 5:15 p.m. and then phoned home. I could barely walk to the car as my back feels like dead meat.
Nathan was coming up to see Sheldon and I went home.
Sheldon and Jacquie’s attitudes are remarkable. They are brave. We are warriors. St. Michael, Guardian Angel of Warriors fight with us. We are in the battle of our lives. We are in hell and have to march straight through.
God just give us one break. Please let Sheldon’s biopsy results be good. Let Sheldon be cured of cancer. It would be nice for Jacquie too, but at this point, please let Sheldon be okay. Jacquie and I would both be very happy to leave this earth if you can give Sheldon a full life.
God Bless. We're all praying for you. Warm hugs to all, Lynda
What amazing, strong, loving, salt of the earth people you are! What good news that they both survived their surgeries. I know you are treasuring each blessing as it comes your way. My thoughts are with you and I send a special chunk of love and light to your dear nephew and your sister.
Do take care of yourself dear Renee.
Dearest Renee:
I am praying very hard for you and your family. I am just in awe of the positive spirit your whole family has.
Much love,
Oh, Renee! You are surely a WARRIOR of the first order!! I laughed at the patients' wonderful sense of humor, cracking jokes!! I was playing your playlist and the first song to come on was "I Will Survive", then "Amazing Grace" so I took it as a good sign that all will be well (as I cried my heart out). I read just yesterday online about a 19 year old girl that had her stomach and part of her esophagus removed and, after a year was back at college. As long as there is life, there is hope, dear Renee.
Get some rest and take care of yourself. You are all being held up in prayer by hundreds, perhaps thousands of people out here in bloggerville. Hugs, Love, Healing Prayers and Blessings!
Sheldon is amazing, and his humor reminds me of my Alex. That deadpan stuff. :) It breaks my heart, Renee, to think of him going through this. But he is a Warrior, and he will get through this hell, and live a long life. I'm thinking of you all, I am praying for Sheldon and his lovely ma. I think you are all the most courageous people. And although I don't go to church, God hears from me regularly. I won't stop praying.
I am Praying for all of you to be "cured"! I was relieved (although not as much as you are I am sure) that everyone made it through. I was so worried when I did not read anything for so long. I want you to know I am there in spirit and praying that Angel Raphael (Angel of healing) stays ever by your side. May he heal your nephew, your sister, and you.
Take care.
Renee, Gosh Sweetie, you and your family have been through so much...God Bless yous! My thoughts and prayers and warmest wishes are with all of yous!
Giant hugs and love to you...
Thank you Renee for the update. I came to your blog so many times yesterday I felt almost disturbed at my anxiety to make sure everyone and everything was alright.
Try to get some rest. Things are going to be fine and we are all praying and giving thanks for the first steps accomplished. Love and Light be with you and yours as you walk this path.
All I see is love. Holy Love. Love spreading like wild fire. You, my beloved Renee, are the epitome of love. "At every moment, do what love requires". Hector and Maria. I believe that this kind of love and faithfulness can move God to grant miracles. Nothing can stop the love of God. Nothing can stop the life of God. Light is stronger than darkness. Love is stronger than hatred. Life is stronger than death. With every breath I take, a prayer is exhaled to Heaven, spiraling silver threads falling at the feet of Jesus. Lord hear my prayer. Amen. I love you, Renee, with all my being, and I love your family. Deb
I am praying constantly for you and your family to get through this and be okay. God will lead you on the path he wants you on and will hold your hands the entire way.
God bless you and keep you. Stay strong my friend, take care of you so that you can take care of others.
Hugs and prayers my dear friend,
Meg xoxo
Another step is accomplished. One things at a time, a little bit moving forward, then rest, then moving forward again. Big hugs.
Love & prayers that "all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well." Seeing you and your entire family held in the love that is God. XO
i am amazed and so grateful that you find the strength, time and courage to write so eloquently in the midst of all of this...may the angels surround you and those you love, my the spirit of grace and goodness uphold and carry you, may the healing of the Lord be within and around you...
speechless ..........still keeping you all in my prayers.
Your last sentence got to me. It says it all. God bless you all!
Oh Renee, what difficult turmoil experiences you have all gone through and how brave you all have been. I didn't wish to tell you before my ex husband has just has his bowels taken away (full of cnacer)as cancer runs in the family. Ab's great grandma died of it. All her sisters and brothers beside one, Kris's dad has had his bowel removed, uncle Trev, my best friend out of school.
We are waiting for a specialist to come and visit Ab's(my second eldest daughter) to help her prepare for her blood test. She has 50% of having this bad gene. We keep going day to day at the moment trying to put it at the back of our minds. Kris is getting better slowly, he drove Ab's home last week.
It is truly upsetting to see people you care about go into hospital and go through this. Trev went septic and we thought we would lose him a few weeks ago.
I really feel for you brave and wonderful people and you are such fighters and your brilliant all of you! Cancer is sh1t! You are all fighting the best you can!
Sending you all a big kiss!
Renee, you are all warriors and I love you!
Have been thinking of you and your family constantly and hoping that you are also taking care of yourself. Glad step 1 is over - much love mim
You have more than your share to deal with. It is difficult to understand how that happens. I will indeed be praying for you all and thinking the best of thoughts.
I am currently knitting a silk "wonder hat" for a good friend who just found out she has breast cancer. We thought perhaps she would miss out on chemo, but found out this week that is not to be the case. She is scared. I am knitting.
Bless you all!
Oh Renee, may angels hold you and your family in their arms and keep you all safe and well.
I love you
Hello Renee, I will pray harder still. xx Jos
Oh, what a heart-wrenching story. You have a brilliant family with brilliant attitudes. That's what it takes to get through things like this. I am moving Sheldon to the top of my prayer list. He sounds like a truly amazing young man...You all are!
My prayers are with you and yours, Renee.
Renee, I am not good with words like you are, I do not believe in any God like you do, but just know that you are all in my thoughts and I wish you all the best of luck from the bottom of my heart.
Micki X
Sending love and support Renee! You are ALL remarkable! I painted my prayer for you today♥
amen to that debra. sending lots of prayers and thoughts your way from across the pond, what a remarkable family you have. what a remarkable person you are, you humble me each and every day.
I am at a loss for words, Renee! Speechless. All my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family! Lots of love, Silke
We've all been holding a collective breath waiting to hear from you. What a ride Renee.
Thank God they both came through surgery alive. They both have a huge road ahead of them with many detours but we can't count them out yet no matter what the biopsies say.
I'm sure they get a lot of their courage from you Renee. You've been doing your own dance with cancer for a while now yet you always find the time to buoy the rest of us up for the smallest things. You're amazing. Maybe you had to go through cancer just to help others along the way.
I'll keep praying from here. Please rest and listen to what your own body needs. Your family would insist upon it ;)
Love you, Raven sister.
More than ever, together strong!
I am so relieved to hear that both surgeries went as well as they did. I imagine Thursday was the most "stressful" day ever, for a lot of people, you in particular. You (Jacquie, Sheldon, Mom) have been on my mind constantly, and it was such a relief to see your updated blog. It will be a long road ahead, but being surrounded by so much love and support will go a long way to making that journey easier. Please give my love/hugs to Jacquie and your Mom. (Maybe a silent hug for Sheldon too, just in case he doesn't like getting hugged by strangers).
Remember to look after "Renee"!!! You need to keep up your strength and not get totally run down. I will continue to keep everyone in my prayers.
Love you so much
Dearest Renee,
All my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Love and hugs to you, dear one,
So much to be happening in one family Renee. Am thinking of you and sending strength and healing and whatever else I can manage.
Well, I don't pray, but I do wish you the best outcome possible. You deserve it. There was an element of your ordeal that has called my attention and that has made me admire you even more. Humour. You find humour even in the most difficult situations. And that shows tenacity. Many thanks for these updates which I have read now after a few days' absence from the blogosphere due to my holidays.
My regards to you and your family.
Greetings from London.
You and your family are so strong Renee... to deal with so much and all be there for each other is just amazing. I wish you and your family well. Your story makes me grateful for what I have, so very very grateful.
All my wishes and prayers go to you,your sister and nephew, as well as all those of you who are holding it all together. XXXX
Oh sweatheart, this is so tough. I'm really glad Sheldon's surgery went well and he does sound like an amazingly brave young man. You're right, he has a lot to deal with. And so you you sweet thing. Look after yourself. (I'm commenting every time you post but I think you are moderating so I hope you're getting all these messages of support. Seriously, you take care of yourself. There's enough drama going on without you hitting the deck as well. Much love. Helen
Renee - I wish I could put into words how I am feeling. I wish I had some red button on my phone that I could press and God himself would answer. I would ask him to heal you all. I am asking him to heal you all. Much love to you, dear Renee. xoxox
So glad to hear that your sister and nephew have made it through their surgeries and are ready for battle. Continuing to send prayers your way - no doubt all the love and support in your family are helping them though. Stay strong.
Oh it was heartbreaking reading this post. You are all in my heart and prayers. I pray for healing for all.
I haven't stopped thinking about you and your family... be strong my friend, all of our prayers are with you, we are all walking beside you in spirit...
love to you all..
Dear One..the loving arms of the world are around you sending healing and peace to you, your sister, and your nephew...
Renee, dear, you must be totally exhausted by now but I pray that comfort and healing will now reign in your loving home. Pray is all I can do right now Renee, you know I already love you, unfortunately, sometimes that is not enough. Take care sweet.
so sad to read your news.
all will be much improved soon... I sincerely hope.
you will be amazed at how well someone can live with brain cancer.
someone very close to me has lived that journey.
xoxoxo Ribbon
Please know you are in my prayers along with all of your family! Keep strong!!!
Oh, Renee, what a difficult journey you are on - all of you. I am so glad your sister and Sheldon made it through the surgery.
I think Sheldon will be just fine. His surgery sounds so very traumatic. But, he pulled through. And yes, a feeding tube is nothing. 6 months will go quickly. His attitude says it all. A very brave young man.
Your sister too. I laughed at her description of staples in her head. Good thing she can laugh.
Your family is so strong and loving. God bless. Yes, you are all in my prayers.
Love & Light
I keep praying Renee! Praying for everyone! Keep up the strength sister! I think about you everyday!!
Oh, Renee. Such a frightenng time for you. I'm continuing to send my thoughts and love your way.
renee, this is a trip to hell and back. but the final chapters are not yet written. be strong AND take care of yourself: you know in your deepest mind and heart that things can right themselves.
and clearly, totally you are all shielding one another with love.
i miss you and love you renee,
Praying praying praying
Hoping hoping hoping
Sending all the good vibes I can muster!
Dear Renee,
Sounds like the worst day of one's life but so glad that they all made it through the operations.
I am praying hard my friend, for Sheldon, Jacquie and you.
You are brave warriors and you all need to be here on this Earth.
Hoping for a miracle and healing, for you all.
Carolyn xo
thinking of you.
i'm sorry that you are going through this very difficult time.
Dear Dear Renee
Seeing your sibling in such a distressing situation is something I can understand and I totally understand your heartache. It is horrendous to watch the ones you love in pain and feeling so helpless. What you are (all) enduring is beyond belief.
I continue to hold you in my thoughts and send you all my love. Please remember to rest and look after yourself in the middle of all the chaos and hurt.
Love to you Renee.
Cinta xxx
Dear Renee, you and your wonderful family have been through more trauma in the past little while than anybody should have to go through in an entire lifetime. My heart goes out to you and Jacquie and Sheldon. I send you all loving thoughts and healing prayers... You are all warriors, and I am in awe of your strength- you are as always an inspiration.
Renee - Thinking of all of you and sending you my love and prayers.
I don't even know what to say.
We are all praying for you and your family and sending positive energy your way.
Love you and may God bless you and your family...
There has to be some accounting for all the love and care going around your family. Surely somewhere in our faith and belief, this matters and it has to equate to a cure. The human body is a wondrous thing but more wondrous is the human spirit and I think that "miracle" was a word that needed to be invented and that we all need to explain why science cannot account for everything! God Bless you my friend and God Bless Jacquie, Sheldon, your Mother and all of you up to little Josephine and Dominic.
Like Heidi said, I have had you and your family in my thoughts constantly. I am praying for all of you. Sending my angel your way.....and Renee, please take care of yourself.
Love Shirley xo
If you need any rides to hospital just call.
Renee - I am holding you all in my heart, and in my prayers. I hope you can get a little rest, my friend. xoxox Pam
Oh Renee, if any bargaining can be done...
you are all beautiful people...
let's find something else to sacrafice, K? Cellulite. Let's tell god, if you all can live he can have all the f'n cellulite he wants. How 'bout that?
much love
I am so incredibly grateful that you are keeping us updated on all that is happening with the courageous warriors three. Always in my thoughts and heart, I am in awe of each of you, Sheldon, Jacquie, and yourself. Truly. Your spirits remain so strong - to continue with the faith, humor, and love that you do is such a blessing, to us all. Thank you. I love you, Karin
I am holding you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope your loved ones are doing better today now that the surgeries are behind them. Take care my friend, Lisa
I`m so sorry ... it is beyond belief.
Hi Renee,
I am praying for the three of you.
i hope today was even a little easier for you and yours, renee. can you feel all these loving prayers soaring through the skies to your place and space.
the simple fact is you deserve it. but please: just tell me (and everyone else) how the hell we can give you chicken soup and backrubs? you gotta come up with something terrific, moon sister!
The prayers from my heart continue for Sheldon, Jacquie and for you Renee. You and your family love and support one another. It is lovely to witness. I'm so sorry for what you all are going through.
I see a beautiful rainbow surrounding you all!
I see you all surrounded in light~
With love,
My thought and prayers are with all you, especially Sheldon. But you...You are such a caring, supportive and wonderful person that I have nominated you for a friendship award. But i think it goes without saying that you are such a good friend to so many people that I sending this to you on behalf of all your friends.
praying for you all dear darling renee.
good grief, i wish i were closer so i could actually help somehow, someway.
Still praying here Renee, as hard as I know how. Rest as much as you can, you must look after yourself too. xxx Jos
God is with you, for you needed Him. For He, my father is the one who always listens to the needy.
He was with you on the very fist moment you thought of Him on the news of this great affliction.
So be happy and keep smiling.I am from India.But for the time being, I am with you...:)
Hello Renee, my first visit here, our mouse paths have crossed at Ces's and Kj's but today I came direct from Baino's to wish your nephew and sister speed in their recovery from their operations.
Oh Renee, I'm not religious but I'll pray for you and your family.
This upsets me like you wouldn't believe.
My grandmother has breast cancer and I know the fear of loosing someone is worse than any pain that I've ever felt.
You're in my thoughts.
Much love xoxo
If well wishes and loving thoughts count for anything - you've got them by the truckload coming your family's way. Keep well yourself also...
jesus renee, i come back and reread your update(s) and i'm folding into your sorrow once again.
both jacquie and sheldon are now through the surgery. they made it through. that is step one.
i remember at my very saddest moments it was and is so clear how much family and friends and love and community actually mean. it's everything. and as long as we're alive we will feel and live the connections and the love. i am so happy that you do not face these challenges alone.
you are indeed a warrior, with a heart as big as the grand canyon.
love and prayers to you sweet friend. take care.
Renee...you are in my heart and in my prayers. Please let Colette and Sheldon know that I am praying for their recovery and wellness.
And dearest Renee...you need to look after YOU as well. You will be no good to anyone if you get worn down. But you know that, don't you my lovely friend!
Love and hugs,
I haven't give up thinking about Sheldon, Jaquie and all of you Renee!Wish everything will turn to get better, and that all of you get healty again! My thoughts are with you in these hard times, take care, K.
What a couple of days you've had -- all of you!
Blessings for the road ahead.
You are all amazing and I am in awe of all of you. I am so glad that both surgeries have gone ok initially and that your Mum is out of isolation. Please take care of yourself Renee as well as your dear family.
Sarah xx
You and your family are amazing. I will continue to pray for you all, and send you good vibes and much hope. Thank you for blessing us by sharing this story.
It's all been said much more eloquently than I can,,, His grace is sufficient.
Just one more prayer team member here,,,added to the surrounding love for you and yours.
Phew, Renee! My head is still spinning after reading that. (Kind of like the little girl in "Poltergeist".)
All will be well...you'll see.
May God be with all of you! I'm praying for all of you! God bless you!
Lots of love,
Sanda xx
God is good and He listens our prayers! So keep praying and hoping!
Didn't have your email adress to send you my painting The Guardian Angel, so I posted it on my blog for you, Renee!
God bless you,
Warm hugs and love,
Sanda xxx
I am constantly in awe of you Renee. You have an endless capacity for love, compassion and generosity.
Words seem so inadequate right now - a long hug would be much more useful so just imagine that's what I'm sending.
Hi Renee, I have made my first short video to say hello. A little silly, but me. More personal.
Hope you are all getting better over the operations!
Love and hugs!
Dearest Renee, I would imagine that right now you are getting tired. I wish I was there to help somehow. I know that everyone here feels the same way I do. I am sending you my strength, my love and my prayers. xoxoxo Pam
Oh, my sweet Renee, your family is having a very tough time, and I'm so sorry.
I, too, laughed when I read what Jacquie said about the staples in her head. Such a sense of humor will take her a long way!
Sheldon sounds like an amazing young man and cancer responds well to positive energy.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
I want to celebrate the inner power of youtr love in the face of all this...
if a single candle is a prayer... perhaps a bon fire is called for for you Renee.
Just a hug post and to let you know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers..You have a strong family.
What an amazing family you have, your spirit is unbelievable. I am holding you all close to my heart. Sheldon seems to be an amazing young man.God be with you all as He holds you in the palm of His hand. Love, Barb
I just can't believe all of this going on with you all. May God give you all strength to get through this roller coaster ride.
Thoughts and prayers are with all of you. What remarkable people!
Love, Suzi
Good morning hon...I am so sorry I missed this yesterday..I am not sure how. I'm sobbing for you..somehow maybe that will take some of this incredible pain away and let you breathe for even just a minute. Wishful thinking..but wishes are powerful.
So very glad they both made it through the surgeries and are fighting! Love the "Fucking Staples" comment - made me giggle too.
I know you will all get through this..it is what we do - get through. But know dearest Renee..we are pulling for all of you.
I wanted to pass something on to you from Jim. He is not one to share love outside of his fmily much - you know this. I told him that you had asked after him. I also let him know what was happening with you. He asked me to send you his love and that he was deeply touched. He is wishing for you too!! Love you hon, Sarah
You are all warriors and I'm praying hard for all of you. I truly believe in miracles. I do understand how you feel about Sheldon. I feel the same way about my son, Beau. I want to trade places with him. He is only 24 years old and the quality of his life makes me feel so sad and helpless. It is painful when someone you love is suffering so much, but when they are so young and haven't even had a chance to experience so much of life yet - it hurts even more. You are all very strong people surrounded by love and support. I am sending loving, healing vibes to you and your family. You are a very strong inspirational family and I have been praying hard for you, Jacquie and Sheldon. Please take care of yourself which I know must be so hard as you are pushing yourself to be there for your sister and nephew.
Renee... what can I say? I can say that I will pray for you and your family everyday. I get angry when I read how much one family has to go through - such a GOOD family too, what is that all about!!!
I feel so bad that I have thought my life had problems, ha! nothing in comparison to what you are all going through.... I will be by everyday to check up on the progress. You all are such remarkable people - I humble me.
I love you Renee big hugs and prayers coming your way xxxx
Dear Renee,
I am so touched by Sheldon and Jacquie's beauty of soul. They are survivors too and loving ones, the best kind.
I truly believe and trust that Sheldon will improve God willing, alter ego or no alter ego. Jacquie is so lovely to even video herself to reassure her son. Your family I know are grateful for the human rock you are, thank you for teaching me much. I pray for your dear loves and you and am so glad your mom is better, xxxx
My sister, Sarah, told me about you and I've just read this amazing, heart-wrenching post and I just wanted to say you are in my thoughts and prayers and I'm sending white light to you and your family.
Hugs, Barbara
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