I am a tale as old as time. Some call me Mother Nature and others call me the great Earth Mother or Mother Earth. It really doesn’t matter what you call me, what matters is how you treat me.
Some say I come from the clouds while others say I come from the Earth itself. What does it matter? What difference does it make?
I am the Mother of life and at my breast you all feed. I nourish the plants which in turn nourish all living things whether in the seas, in the air, or on the earth.
I have never forgotten you, why have you forgotten me? I weep for you, why do you not weep for me?
*artwork by David M. Bowers
Aww, I love how everything you post has a purpose.
You're such a wonderful woman Renee!
I hope my heart grows as big as yours.
Much love xox
'It really doesn’t matter what you call me, what matters is how you treat me.'
My feelings, too. What's in a name? What matters is what you do to what you name, doesn't it?
Many thanks. Artwork and text were very inspiring as usual.
Greetings from London.
That is a very strong and clear message! Beautiful post!
words escape me...sigh...
Oh so beautiful Renee....May I quote that? It is so perfect!
Hi Renee
a friend just sent me this and it seems to go with your post tonight:
A Song of Life by V.S.De.Pinto
My body is not this little parcel of flesh,
this bundle of nerves and tissues these chalky bones
My body is a wide and blossoming meadow.
My body is a mountain with wild torrents and rain bright stones
My hair is not this tuft of fur
My Hair is the leaves of the forest, green,gold and red
My blood is not these few poor drops in my veins ,
My blood is the wine of the world from a million vineyards shed
I do not only look from these two dim windows
I look from the countless eyes of heaven,
the crowded stars,
The risen sun is my great and glowing Eye
And the setting sun that beholds the world through crimson bars
Happy days
Sone of us weep for her. And, in doing so, weep for us all.
Ah! Very beautiful. Very Renee.
Your spirit is like a light. You know, when you look it hurts the eyes, but you can't help but want to look.
I found your words about mother nature very moving and true.
The beautiful painting works well together with your creative writing.
Many thanks for sharing your work.
I think: The earth does not weep. It is a mass. We give it human traits. If this earth is populated only by animals there won't by these lyrical, idyllic and poetic attributes. It's humans who create this "world". It's the human brain that deciphers the earth's and other planetary systems' physical and chemical characteristics. Artists and poets aand religious fanatics are notorious for attributing human traits to the solar system. Treat your environment with respect. Do not trash it but earth does not weep. It has no tears, just waterfalls, rivers and oceans and all the atmospheric processes taking place like rain, cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes. We have enough bleeding heart already, let's be pragmatic and realistic, scientific and logical. Of course literature and the arts are fun, but people who write poetry should not create environmental policies.
I weep for you
x Ribbon
That's a wonderful and much needed message Renee! Thanks!
p.s. my word verification is 'joeless' ha!~ Not true! I'm having a cup-o-joe right now :)
Wow, what a fabulous piece of art. This is how I will picture Mother Nature from now on. Lovely writing, Renee. You are so very talented!! xoxo Pam
I do sometimes despair over this state of affairs where we have lost an awareness of what is of true value. Without the sustaining power of nature what do we have? It can be hard to remember ... and then suddenly the mist lifts on a sunny morning reminding me all over again. Renee thank you for reminding me again. xxJ
Beautiful thoughts -- mother earth is giving, full, terrible and generous.
Good morning, dear Renee,
Poor Mother Nature! Like all mothers, she is taken for granted. We, who depend on her, think she will always be there, waiting to fill our every want and need. We are like greedy little children, who don't see that she is tired, and spent, and needs to be cherished and taken care of, as well.
The state of our planet saddens me very much. Not enough people seem to want to make necessary changes, because it won't be "fun" to modify some aspects of our modern way of life. The future, if "progress" goes unchecked, won't be fun either. Mother Nature, like all mothers, will have the last word.
I hope you have a good day, my dear friend!
Renee, that is so beautiful and haunting. Although I must admit, my hair spray is an aerosol, I never let hubby spray weed killer and I am an organic gardener... Have you put that baby down yet? No? That's okay, a child can never have too much love. Sending you all of mine, Deb
I love the photo, Renee!! It fits your post so perfectly.
We all need to be more caring and nurturing of Mother Earth. I cry when I see how carelessly big corporations rape the rain forests and dump poisons in our rivers and oceans. Hugs and Blessings!!
Oh Mother Earth! You are so wise, we are so ignorant! You are so giving, we are so "taking!" You provide riches, we destroy them.
Love this post Renee! You need to be sitting in government, smacking the hands of those who abuse the planet we have been blessed with!
Love to you!
The words and the painting are so very beautiful Renee. Thank you for the reminder!
Love and hugs.
Ohh Renee..as always you get to the heart of everything. Doesn't that speak to so many things..
'It really doesn’t matter what you call me, what matters is how you treat me.'
Beautiful, touching and deep as always Swan Master!!
Love you hon, Sarah
Fantastic post !!Unseen Rajasthan
For sure, someone thought you'd pick up from that snake emerging from the hallow trunk. The little monster disarmed you, huh?
Points: Ces - 2 Reneee - 1 (but Domenic and Josephine make her think she's a winner!)
Ces just may be correct; I write poetry and I have never been able to enforce any policy I have written for my children or animals!
I love the simplicity of this....
It really doesn’t matter what you call me, what matters is how you treat me.'
That says it all.
Great words and an excellent reminder to treat our Mother Earth with love, care and respect!
Thank You!
Have a Happy Day!
A misunderstood mother if there ever was one! I wonder if she weeps because she has been used as a political pawn? Only she knows what is really good for her … a lot of people are doing their best, but there are those misinformed voices preaching and upsetting her balance.
This is just beautiful and so inspiring! Whenever I am in need of inspiration, I visit your blog! Hugs, Silke
Oh I weep, believe me! I think we need to 'humanise' the earth how else do we convince people that it's a fragile planet. It's so much more than the third rock from the sun. I disagree with Ces, humans didn't 'create' this world, we're the virus destroying it.
From times long ago, different cultures have thought of our earth as being a female entity. Earth supports us, Earth is fertile, Earth is beautiful. "Mother Earth", "Goddess Earth", "Goddess Mother", "Gaia".....whatever we call her, we must respect, appreciate and care for her.
As with anything, neglect and abuse could be fatal.
I love Mother Nature~
She is such a great mom!
Also, a very forgiving soul.
We must honor and
treat her right~
for she is the only Mother Nature we will ever get!!
Thank you for this Renee~
Yes I don't think the words or labels we use matter...to me everything is one...if we abuse one thing it affects the other...love to you dear girl...
I always weep for Mother Nature. I am one of her biggest defenders and one her most sentimental of children.
Your post reminds me of a Native American proverb, " We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Hope to find you well and sending you my hugs today.
Thank you for the lovely post. The art was a perfect compliment to your touching meditations.
You are in my prayers for strength and healing.
You are amazing!!! you know that Renee!!! I feel like you are this wise teacher that is here to help us understand life....and things....thanks for that!!!!
Hi Renee,
Stopping by to say HI!
You've been on my mind~
Did you know I left you a comment yesterday? Don't know why it is not here!
Love from your friend,
This post reminds me of connection, and how easy it is for us to disconnect. I am weeping for you. May all our tears be rivers that meet in one ocean.
Hi Renee,
You always have something great to share. Thanks for a great post.
We always need to be reminded how to treat Mother earth with respect.
Renee, thank you for coming over and your delightful comment...as one gets older, or at least, as I get older I am constantly drawn outside to be under God's sky. First thing in the morning and last thing at night I just stand there under the sky and drink my fill while my heart says thank you for all the beauty of every minute of each day, I stand there hanging in a blowing gale, in searing heat or drenching rain, suspended between heaven and earth, knowing I belong to both, equally content to stay or go.
I'll be back later in the day to feast on your posts.
Hi Renee,
Beautiful post, as usual. Your blog is so inspiring, and insightful. Thank you for sharing with us.
Also, congratulations on your new grandson. I wish you many happy hours getting to know your little man.
Thanks for popping by my blog.... and yes, tasmania is real... and so beautiful, I could live there.
Happy day Renee
Give me a break! Do the MATH! BTW, why is there so much effing on this blog? You'd think everyone would be so moved by the idyllic and lyrical atmosphere, and wax poetic, NO?! What kind of school teaches Math where my 2 became a 1.5 and your 1 became a 3? Only socialist claptrap and shenanigans would steal from someone to give to another. Work for it. It is not the branch between the legs but perhaps an arachnid?
Ces definitely 4 for the original 2 and a new point plus being pragmatic.
Renee definitely a shitty 0.5 because of the original 1 and no point for gutter talk and half a point deduction for false assumptions.
I will have to get Bella to chime in on this one!
And I love you too! You adorable monster!
And Deb is right; it's a crapshoot for people who write poetry to write rules. I write rules, I am THE rule writer and I have the grey hairs to prove them!
Renee - so are you saying it's ODD to have a Halloween countdown? hahahaha! That would be me, then. :) Maybe you need one, too! hee hee! xoxo Pam
My dearest darling renee! My you have such confidence. HAHAHAHA! Whacky Math! and just so you know, while she loves you, Bella agrees with me almost all of the time! HAHAHAHA! I know she will give you a nod though just as I would for considering age before reason. HAHAHAHA!
You are delirious! Keep on dreaming BABY!
Hi Renee!!! just popped by to say hello and I am so excited that you saw my work on the front page of Etsy and noticed it was mine...my own little style....
you are so sweet!!!
You are so cute!!! and I am so happy that you can spot my style!!! you rock!!!
This is fantastic and lovely !! Really appreciate his post..Unseen Rajasthan
Hallo my friend, I just wish you a nice weekend!!
Agneta....the swedish... you know
Hahahhahahaha! The reaction was "WTF", convoluted Math and I thought it was for you but for both of us, so we better shape up huh? You especially! HAHAHA! Have a great day darling Renee!
Ces is so delightfully left brain pragmatic and yet when she paints, the right hemisphere takes over withour her knowing and pours out her soul in Yhe language of colour.
I have felt the grass grow through me, have felt the terror and cold on a sunny day where men were seselessly slaughtered, I have seen the very earth weep while beeing ripped and gouged by flood and howl with the winds of doom as her skin was ripped off to lay her bare in a storm. The scars heal slowly and no matter what rules men make, mother nature comes off second best. Is it any wonder she has had enough of the disrespect of her children and is lashing out with ever more terrible 'natural' disasters?
But I do know that when I paint I am not ruled by logic and reasoning, that it is abstract concept and raw emotions from my aspect of the brain that filter these processes that I translate to lines and and colors. If I were to mix my left and my right brain functions into an aesthetic form then it will architecture or even scaled anatomical drawing excercises, not impressions.
weep, dream, pray, create -I do them all for you, sweet mother of us all...
xox k
Very sad - but so true. Beautiful post.
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