A woman approached the great Indian saint, Ramakrishna, and said: ‘I find that I do not love God. The concept does not move me.’ He asked her “Is there nothing in the world that you do love?” And she said ‘Yes, I love my little nephew.’ Ramakrishna replied “There He is.”
~~ Unknown ~~
perfection Renee. here is where I am reminded of that love each day. sending some to you, k
What a magnificent, moving parable of love! Blessings, sweet Renee!!
So beautiful! And so true, because I believe in God - and for those who believe, this quote reaffirms faith. Thanks!
Keeping in mind that there he is, is the essence of love and life. Enjoy what you can, love what you can, and be safe knowing that we can all feel as we wish in the end, there he is again.
Life is precious and so is my big sister.
Love you.
oh renee.....
Good morning, dear Renee!
This is another post which is more than what it seems at first glance. You always give us something to think about.
Much love and big hugs,
Oh yes. And for those who are not so sure about a personal god . . . until they can, this is the way to know her. Be well.
Yum ... There is so much to love in the world, yes? :-)
thank you, Renee xo
There you are..
Love ya Lovey...
xoxoxo Sonia
oh Renee...you always pull on our heart strings....this is so sweet and a revelation...he is all around!!!
This reminded me of the first time I saw Alex, my firstborn. I thought to myself, "There is God, right there."
:) Thanks for reminding me to always look. xox Pam
i like the line in the movie Forrest Gump. " I’m not a smart man… but I know what love is."
Wonderful hon!! Right to the point of it all. Love ya hon, Sarah
Karin said it all...here is where I find that love. Visiting you who are so close to God. Renee, you have changed the world for good. Sending you all my love upon the wings of a desert sparrow, Deb
How perfect for today, and everyday. Love to you, Renee.
Good one!
Thank you!
You are a great lady!
How beautiful! I love that quote. Greetings from Texas.
You always make me think, sweet friend! You make me find the deeper (a.k.a. not so shallow) side of myself!
I need that! :)
love is a very personal thing, we all love differently and that's okay, it really is...hugs.
That's awesome. And so is the picture. Thank you!
OHMYGOD, I've chills. I love this.
Durned smart god.
:-) lovely!
Right on target! That's IT!
Karin said "perfection" and I have to agree. Such a simple parable, but it imparts such a huge message.
Hugs to you my friend!
Nice, very nice. Hope all is well. Sending you good vibes. Take care.
Magic.... truely. The most innocent of comments can create such a stir within our souls. I see all around me everyday. Blessings to you and yours.
I can't think of anything to respond with except...Amen.
Oh... this is so beautiful! thank you for sharing this!
Renee.... I need you to email me your phone number for UPS.... thank you!
Well that explains it then. In that case, I do believe in God after all, every single time I look at my children!
I love that. So beautiful, the sentiment and the picture.
I don't even believe in a personal god, but rather that which is the sacred in all of us. Sometimes when I am feeling a lack of connection with someone I am working with, I study their face and visualize that it is the face of the holy and it reconnects me.
(And I am planning to call that person after the weekend to see if the antibiotic is working or if she needs to get back with her doctor quickly.)
I left you a blog award on my second blog, Beachy Keen :)
Perfect! So poignant and True.
Hugs and prayers for you my good friend,
Meg xoxo
love is sometimes felt and understood as the emotion between man and woman.. and one can learn that meaning a little deeper when sacrifices are made over one's own needs for the benefit and well being of another. Then we see love in the smile of a child, love in the wrinkles of the old lady offering us her story or the love from the eyes of a four legged friend.. then we realise- in all that there is, there is love so much bigger than ourselves..so much larger than life itself..because we have arrived at the doorstep of our loving God.
you're in my thoughts and in my prayers.
hello again sweet friend. how are you today? is the sun shining for you today? hey between you and me: i want to thank you.
Thought provoking as always Renee! You love to keep us challenged.
How beautiful! I can totally relate to this. Thanks Renee. I hope you had a good day. Sending my love.
That is so beautiful. So are you.
oh yes, yes, yes... all around me, everywhere i look... xxoo
Wonderful! A reminder that love and faith are all around us. I also like the parable because to me, it indicates that we mustn't be quick to assign one image to God.
Love to you!
Lovely indeed.
as you will see i've made mention of you over at my place... xo
Yes ... so true.
Hope you are doing well.
And there you are!
you are so funny...chipped a tooth...hahahaha...I will be happy to foot the dental bill and send you a real cupcake too....
tee hee ...yes funny!! I heard the sound of your teeth...hitting the monitor...but not a new one ...remember the old CRT monitors...the glass ones...I can hear the sound right now...hehehehe
very funny!!!
send me the bill!!!!
Love. It all boils down to love. What a small word for something so huge and so profound.
Thank you for this thought Renee!
pretty blog! (I came via Lynne's). You've got some great words and images over here
Renee, I have a lovely award waiting for you on my blog, thank you being a totally shinning star!
I saw your painting on Manon's blog and she had your link. So here i am and immediately touched by this post. Very beautiful and it reminds me to always look for the good things in life. Thank you.
Sweet greetz from Holland.
Ha! Ramakrishna meant to say God is Love!
That's so sweet!
Sending you some love today, Renee! I hope your morning is full of sunshine and chirping birdies, like mine is. xox Pam
Hmmm... why is it the cynic inside me relishes the answer, but does not heed the message? Too convenient. There HE is. One of the struggles with which a human being has to contend is the search for answers... that will never come. And get used to that. Simple as that.
Anyway, as I mentioned before, I loved the quote, but don't buy the message.
Greetings from London.
PS: And to top it all, your word verification is 'surrol', so close to 'surreal'. :-D
Seriously, beautiful!
Thank you for your kind comment.
Ohh, it's beautiful here.
; )
Oh--so so true...This made me cry, because yes, that's the way I feel about God, about the world, about love.
Hi Renee...
I love your fantasty friday's.
I always love to see if I can be one of the charcters in one of the pictures....
Have a great time at your wedding!
Much love to you...
Much love~Patttee
& very thought provoking for me.
I struggle a little with the word God.... but love I'm totally comfortable with :-)
best wishes
Ribbon x
ps... word verification for today
"hurgi" - it's a hug you give when in a hurry :-)
so true!
hope something is tickling you right now!
I have read a good bit of your blog this morning, and I am deeply moved by your words and by your grace. My life is the better for it and though I know you not, I will forever carry a part of your goodness inside from here on out. Thank you dear and good Renee. Do we share a name?
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