To all of us that were lucky enough to have a wonderful father (I know that many weren’t) I hope that you get to spend some of your day with him; whether touching him physically or only with your mind.
I especially want to whisper on the wind a Happy Father’s Day to my own father. I got to breath with you last year Dad and I sure wish I could this year; but that is not to be.
I also want to wish a Happy Father’s Day to my husband Wahid, the father of my three children.
A few quotes in honour of fathers:
Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance. ~~ Ruth E. Renkel ~~
There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself. ~~ John Gregory Brown ~~
Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. ~~ Anonymous ~~
Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later…that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life. ~~ Tom Wolfe from The Bonfire of the Vanities ~~
*artwork by Polly Dunbar
The date is different on this side of the planet than it in the U.K. I keep missing them but do tell my dad he is loved every time we speak.
Love to you Renee x
Happy Father's Day to Wahid. He is blessed to have you and your three epsilons. I hope he gets to do what he wants to do today. What would that be?...pleasing you my dearest Renee?
One Father's Day my husband asked the kids what they wanted to do or where to go. The kids told him it was Father's Day and he replied, yes, I know, that's why I am asking you what you want to do or where to go.
That did not last long. Later he declared: This is Father's Day, my day, I am watching the games at Andy's.
Today he is fishing at Corpus Christi and there won't be dinner ready for him because I am out gallivanting for the rest of my Gemini month. Imagine that. I am starting to lack in my officiousness as a wife.
Hi Renee,
Great words about Fathers. I love that last quote. I have never read that book though. It was big in the 80s I seem to remember!
I am lucky to have a great Father. I won't see him today but will give him a ring!
How beautiful and lovely
what a touching post. my dad has been gone for 26 years now....sigh..all girls love their daddies.
This is a lovely post Renee. Father's Day is in September in Australia so we have a few months to go but I think I'll send my dad a message to let him know I love him anyway. He's been in and out of hospital this last week. He has suddenly lost almost all sight in one eye which can't be rectified. It's been a real shock but also a reminder of how much I value the wonderful gift of vision.
I hope you're well. I haven't dropped by in a little while because life's been happily busy but I think of you every day. xx
Oh, that last quote especially poignant.
It's a curious thing though, isn't it, fatherhood? It is so distinctly different than motherhood and yet such a close relative.
Much honour to all those dads who deserve it.
Hi Renee,
Beautiful post! I'm sorry your father is not with you this year :(
physically, that is. But he IS with you...ALWAYS.
Have a wonderful day. I'm taking my Dad out for breakfast after my son (another great Daddy!) picks up the little ones who spent the night. Should be a good day♥
I too miss my father! When he died, my mother said at the funeral: "If you could measure a man's wealth by the love of his family, he would have been a millionaire many times over."
i can still feel dad's spirit, and i miss you dad, not only on father's day but everyday.
happy father's day wherever you are dad....i will charish your memory all day today and rememberm just what a wonderful father you were to me...
.........sorry for ever burning your stomach with the campfire toaster....
cheers to you dad...my hope for you, is that no matter where you are that you are somehow happy and surrounded by many wonder spirits.
love you and miss you
to all the other father's ....cheers and have a wonderful day..
Hello Lovely Renee,
Lovely thoughts, I am with my Father in thoughts today as well.
I posted something about my Dad last night and actually used the quote about the daughter and thread!
Xo, SuZi
Morning Renee! I love that quote from Tom Wolfe. I hope you and your hubby have a great day today - you have some amazing kids, and I know that means you are amazing parents. :) Today I am going to make my hubby flan, his favorite desert. Please say a prayer for the eggs, because this could turn out to be a culinary disaster with me at the helm. xox Pam
All such nice quotes, but the last one I found particularly touching.
Lovely! Happy Fathers Day Wahid, and Renee's Dad, who raised a wonderful, kind and caring daughter. I know that he was a good man.
That is a sweet picture ... hope you are doing O.K.
You won second prize in my art giveaway sweetie!
Can you email me your address and i'll send the painting to you asap.
Micki x
Happy Father's Day Wahid!!
And a lovely day to you my pretty!
Love and huge hugs,
Behind every good father is a mother who believes in him and makes him better than he ever imagined he could be. Happy Father's Day.
So touching, Renee. Happy Father's Day to your Wahid. Where are the other nine children in this drawing??? I am giggling now, thinking of how your Daddy left you in the car in the "parking lot" with the Hell's Angels! I am so happy he had such a lovely evening with his new friends while you were all scared ----less! All my love to you on the wings of a sparrow...Deborah
Strange and wonderful, isn't it, how even when our fathers are no longer with us, they guide us and walk with us through all the ups and downs of our lives?
I send Wahid a big, jet-propelled bear hug for Father's Day...and a smackaroonie to you, of course!
Thanks for your visit and kind words.
Love Jeanne
It was fun! You would! It is surprisingly easy to knock things up in the woods actually and the best thing is that nothing has to be perfect or even straight, just usable!
Happy Father's Day, dearest Renee -- kudos on picking such a wonderful man to father your children!
A beautiful tribute to Fathers, Renee! The quotes are wonderful (particularly the last one). I'm fortunate that my wonderful Dad is still here - although many miles separate us - he is always with me.
Funny that this celebration happens on so many different dates, according to country. In Catholic ones like Italy, Spain and others it's March 19th; In the New World it's today and in Australia is't some time in Sept... Geesh! Someone should make up ONE father's day and make it global.
Those lucky daddies get honoured all year long, just like mothers should!
Ciao my dear dear friend,
Lola xx
xoxox to you, Renee - I think of myself as a bipolar baker. Sometimes I am a complete genius and cannot believe how wonderful my creations are. Sometimes I look at them and they are complete and utter crap. So I hear you, sister. But flan is on the flippin' menu, so flan it is. I have to say, I took it out of the oven a few minutes ago, and the top is a VERY dark brown. I'm not sure this is a good thing! :) Oh dear.
ah, so our fathers are in heaven together,renee, along with tessa's and so many others.
these are wonderful quotes. to be a loving parent: the most important job in all the world. i miss my father every day. he talks to me through certain flowers--those that bloom or appear where they are not suppose to.
it's rainy here. i hope you are doing well today. tossing a volleyball of love in your direction. kj
Nothing my lovely!!
What is up with you?
Being present is the most crucial part, yes???
Love you my pretty!
it bounced on my head, woke me up to possibilities and i hit it right back to you. what a week, huh? so much sadness surrounded by so much joy and community. it all just about leaves me in tears.
lo is heading my way in a week. that feels very warm. i wish you would be here too. tsup x 3.
This is a terrific post Renee. I came here via kj,,,and have enjoyed your words and all the beautiful art on your blog.I saw my father last month, although he doesn't remember 5 minutes later, (alzheimer's) it's a joy-filled time while I'm there.
Hoping Father's Day was huge at your house,,sounds like he deserves it!
So wonderful the way you spoke to your Dad and husband...I bow in your grace..
Love ya
Sonia xoxoxo
I watched my younger son today write a song on the computer for his father after drawing him a card. Warmed my heart. I may not have a great father, but at least I had my children with someone who is a great father.
Touching, Renee. I'm sure your dad's spirit is still protecting you and your siblings.
And Happy Father's Day to Wahid. Your family is blessed.
We had our celebration last weekend when we met the boys in California and spent some time catching up.
Holidays help us stop and take stock/check the temperature of our lives, and reassure each other that families are there for each other.
Hi Dearest Renee!!! I am sending you hugs and wishes for a wonderful day....I am so much more aware of how lucky I am these days and I feel blessed to have my family around me for support and love.....
you are always such an inspiration and an angel and I am grateful we met!!!
Hi Renee. Yes, Happy Father's Day to our dads who were and are great people. We'll always miss them but they stand tall next to us as we speak. I miss my dad and I know you miss yours too, but we can find comfort in all the good memories and smiles they left with us. To Wahid, wish him a Happy Father's Day. Take care and I hope you have been feeling well.
My Dad wasn't such a great Dad till he hit 70ish and then he changed....the notion of immortality I suppose...men often seem to take time to see what's important...I'm grateful to have him in my life tho...The Tom Wolfe quote is insightful...thank you...
renee, babs painted the atc collage i sent you. i'm glad to see her visit here.
ps it's monday. i have just finished two inches of paperwork and i've been bitching the whole time. now i'm relieved. and you dear moon girl? how are you doing?
pss the alphabet looks delightful this week. you and your pictures...
I loved the quotes, especially the second :) My dad lives miles and miles away, so I just called him and talked for an hour about nothing in particular(and asked him to send me huckleberry candy, lol! 'Tis the season for those berries where he lives.)
I love the image of the family!
I had to say goodbye to my father many years ago, as he died at the age of 51. I know I will see him again. Happy Father's to my Dad!
Stay Cozy, Rene,
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