Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Wednesday's Women No. 29

When I talk nobody listens.

When I sing nobody dances.

When I am most my true self nobody knows me.

So I don’t speak;
nor do I sing;
and I certainly know better than to be my true self.


A Cuban In London said...

(Self) Repression is conducive to eventual suicide. And I don't mean just the physical kind. Many thanks. The image is poignat, ever so poignant.

Greetings from London.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Oh this post makes me cry.
I've felt this before.

Deanna said...

don't we all have days where we feel like the new pic!

Shelly said...

I think this Wednesday’s Women has been knocked down once too often.

It is amazing what a person’s confidence or lack thereof will do – it affects not only on how they perceive themselves but how others see them as well.

I love-love-love the new banner (?), it is my favorite so far, it really captures a part of who you are!

Javajune said...

This is so fitting with my post today. Did you read my mind or something? I love the new heading- it's beautiful! Loved the old one too. Have a blissful day!

jacquie said...

omg renee

ilove your new blog header....i would like to get to know you.

together strong

Sarah Sullivan said...

Yes I remember her well! So glad to beyond that stage of discontent. Pretty happy with the me and being me, don't dance or sing for anyone but me - unless I feel like it!!! Love the picture too!!! Love ya, Sarah

Unknown said...

These words reflect me at the moment x

Great-Granny Grandma said...

How sad. :-(

Ces Adorio said...

Renee, that you continue to shower me with kindness and words of praise…I am liable to think that you are under the influence of drugs. Okay now you will probably say WTH (WTF), I am all respectful to Arija over at my blog and act wholly irreverent to you. Are you asking me? I don’t know. Maybe I just want you to start cursing at me. I love the way your curse, so acidic, so tart, so sexy! Turn me on Renee, please…HAHAHAHA! Seriously though, Renee, some of the things I think about when I think of you, I cannot convert to words but let me describe my signs and symptoms: Renee, I don’t know what I feel, I can’t describe it but I feel so short of breath, my heart skips as if I am having a paroxysmal ventricular complex, my neck pulsates so loud I can hear the echo in my crain, then my eyes which I have to instill with emulsions to stimulate my lacrimal glands easily flow with tears. I have to lean back my chair and close my eyes to realize the full impact because keeping my eyes open will numb me from the shock of what just hit me…in summary, it sounds like a bout of acid reflux. HAHAHA! I love you Renee.


Yoli said...

Oh I do hope this does not apply to you my sweet Renee. If it does, realize that you speak and sing because you want to and to h@## with everyone else.

Ces Adorio said...

Brain! Brain! Not Crain. Hahaha! Talk to me, I will listen.

Linda Sue said...

Gorgeous header Ms. Renee! Loved the poste about your sisters. This one sounds like you are about 22, EMO trying to find yourself. I remember spending about a year of this sort of "insignificance" , spending my days writting morose poetry - looking for connection. This takes me back to when I thought that everything was too big- that I did not matter...I snapped out of it- now that I am all grown up and wise- I KNOW it for sure, we really are insignificant.HA HA funny joke from the universe!
All we can do is love our way through it, that would be my guess.

Deborah said...

Oh love, I not only listen, but I feel your words. My heart dances and leaps when you sing. My soul loves your true self. Come visit in my garden tonight, late when the faries come out to play. **blows kisses** Deborah

Anonymous said...

:-( too sad! Please keep singing.

Unknown said...

I feel that way alot. Somedays a mask is worn to be proper...expected...and to get by...really if everyone was just their true self...there would be no mystery.....or surprises.

I love you too by the way...HaHa response to ur last post to me..

Sonia xoxo

Elizabeth said...

Tell us about this. The art, this person you speak of. I'm listening.

angela recada said...

I so know this feeling. Do you really feel this way?

I've decided that, at this time in my life and from now on, I will try to be my true self. Anyone who doesn't like it can just go away.

Love YOU,

studio lolo said...

I say always be your true self, not for others but for YOU.

The image is wonderful. I love the patterned dress and the minimalist style. Great choice.

And hey, the wonderful new header!! Another KV I'm sure ;)

Love you raven sister.
Have a fabulous, pain free, joy filled day!


Julie said...

I love your new title piture ~ just perfect. What a beautiful artist.

Jeanne Estridge said...

Until you grow older, and then you don't give a hoot, and you dance and sing and you're your crotchety old self and if anyone one doesn't like it, tough noogies!

Rosaria Williams said...

I'm sure lots of people feel like this sometimes. It is hard being a santient and having truths you can't share. I guess we can't handle the truth most of the time; we prefer fantasy.

Gina Lee Kim said...

Hi glad to stop by your blog :) I love birds too...

Marie S said...

I'll listen
I'll dance


for me

Art by Darla Kay said...

That's sad.....I'm sure way too many live that life.
I don't sing but I talk a lot and make people listen even when they'd rather not! :) D
Like your new header picture!

Meghann said...

Hot damn I can relate. damn.
Hope you have sun and smiles today,

Willnnabel said...

This unfortunately true of most people. In order to be "ones-self" others would have to learn "acceptance", which, so far, seems to be a lesson that escapes most of us.
I would also mention that to be "one-self" you do not have to be "aggresive" about it. It seems to me that people who want to be "accepted" for "who they are" often are very in-your-face about it.
It puts people in a defensive mode. Frankly I feel this way about so many issues in the press. It's like they have to challenge you. Hey, if you want to be you it's okay, as long as I can be "me".
We often point out, avoid, or ridicule people free enough to dance, sing, or dress in a style they like, even though, most times we wish we could join them.

Julie Fillo said...

Awesome image and words. Your wednesday's women unsettle me, I imagine they are meant to.
Love the new Vivanco at the top.

GlorV1 said...

When I speak, I talk too much.
When I sing, only I dance...other's run away.:D
I'm myself one way or the other.

Just popped in to say helooo, have a great Wednesday and hope all is okay.Take care. Have to clean the house now.

Anonymous said...

I think we've all been there. When that happens I always center myself with the quote:

"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching."


Anil P said...

The one who listens, the one who dances, maybe he is someone we cannot see.

Beth Hikes said...

love this idea! reminds me of the 10 ox herding prints in zen buddhism :)

soulbrush said...

'when one does good, nobody sees,
when one does bad, everyone notices!'

Snowbrush said...

I understand how you feel. Your words reminded me of a verse in the Bible.

Matthew 11:17 "We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge and you did not mourn."

Anonymous said...

First of the header!

Second, I feel so bad for Ms Wednesday Woman! She needs to know that she is loved, and she needs to love herself! I am sending hugs her way!
And to you as well, dear Renee!

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

But I will sing anyway...

So glad little miss star angel made her journey safely to you. Oh, and she loves you as much as you love her. She chose you to dream with and couldn't wait to be on her way.



kj said...



be true.

when the muscle gets used, it gets alot easier. and while most of us are insecure in some small and large ways, let's acknowledge that we are a sisterhood, and we have strength to share.

your beloved jacquie said so: "forever strong."

in some part of the world we need to fight. in others, we merely need to step up and speak. and sing. and be true.

it's always always amazed me that men continue to hold most of the power. we've talked about that before. is it because we women hold tight our first priorities to nuture our sons and daughters?

another great post, my sweetest friend. xo

Ces Adorio said...

As for that woman, she needs a good spanking! yeah! Spank her hinies. What the heck is she talking about. She is a woman. She is powerful! She wields power. Start by being hot, so hot she will be in flames. Open that mouth of hers and so she cam machinegun everyone in the room with every ununciation of bile, vile and vulgarity. get a whip and whack it in the air. Wear a leather bustier and prop up those boobs and wear leather thigh-high boots and yell "You wanna mess with me? You wanna try me? I dare you!"

Michelle said...

..and when she learns to do it for herself....then she will see what she's worth.

Meanwhile, I wouldn't mind slapping her :)

love you


Ces Adorio said...

On second thought, if she really feels that way, maybe she should shut up...

Coreopsis said...

This is so sad, because, unfortunately, it is sometimes so true. How hard to continue to talk, continue to sing, and continue to be one's true self, even when one gets no recognition for it. I felt like I lost my true self during my fifteen years of marriage (though there were a lot of wonderful things about that marriage), and was ecstatically happy to find my voice again, and people who knew me for what I was. (I'm still very good friends with my ex-husband).

YayaOrchid said...

Renee, I really like your new header. I ♥ the colors in the graphics. So bright, yet dark, and full of shadows.

I really enjoyed reading your sweet tribute to your Sister Camille. Happy Birthday Camille!

Manon said...

Been there .... done that! We all have our days!!
Love the new banner Renee!

Gina Lee Kim said...

Hi again, Renee..thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. you're so sweet.

I'd also like to say that your poem reminds me of how dangerous it can be the second I stop being myself. How sad it would be if I kept myself quiet for the fear of negative feedback or no response at all.

May we find the very things that make us listen and dance and delight... no matter what.

kathy hare said...

we are all listening.. and dancing.. and getting to know you..
and loving you..

Anonymous said...

I have felt this way over and over and over and over and over and over again......etc.

Anonymous said...

You visited my blog in January during the OWOH giveaway. My mystery novel is out now, and my publisher is offering a special promotion, 10% off, to those who posted on my blog. The coupon/code is DAT10. Come visit my website at to learn more about my book. Take care, Denise.

xxx said...

the very best listener is the self. when we truely listen to ourselves without judgement wonderful change can come about.

on another note... i just became aware of your comment on "sponge bob" - & yes there are homeless people all over the world, but I just wanted to assure you that the gentleman in the photo is not homeless - just drunk :-)

best wishes always
Ribbon x

Kate Robertson said...

I love the image you have included in this post. Beauty in simplicity.


xxx said...

me again beautiful Renee... thank you for taking the time to view and comment on some of my older posts.
That is very kind of you :-)

xx ribbon

Bella Sinclair said...

Looks like someone skipped her anti-depressants today. Beautiful picture, Renee. She still has vibrant colors deep inside, and if they are her true colors, it will be hard to contain them for too long.

Sending love your way. Get out your big catcher's mitt, darling!

Strawberry Girl said...

Yes, thought provoking. It is hard to open ourselfs up, be vulnerable. Yet, when we are our true selfs, it is then that we are truely living. I've been finding this out lately, makin' a fool of myself sometimes, yes... but accepting it and moving on, yes as well. :0)

PS-I like all of the you that I know.

Sayli said...

lovely words and pic renee... though its sad but its ture...
i liked it a lot. have a gr8 day!

Marie S said...

I am glad you like the verse, it just came out.
Wasn't the first universe the best?
I am so glad you like it.
Good night, sleep tight!

Baino said...

Oh Renee, your header is a little dark today? How are you feeling?

I know this woman. She emerges in now and then . .more now than 'then' lately. I have a side that others never see, never know, never understand even if I actually tell them that's how I feel, they're impervious to it. Usually my sister the fuckwit. She has no intuition. Not singing this week but probably will next.

Mim said...

so many of us can relate to this feeling but I'm on the side of "speak up! Dance away! and to hell with 'em".

Unknown said...

sad, so sad
how many of us never get to experience the beauty of our unique selves
beautiful, yet so sad

BTW, love the new picture

yoborobo said...

The new header just blows me away. Love love love love.

There are times when I feel like no one is listening to me. When that happens, I stop talking, grab me a good book or a sketch pad and take a little vacation with myself. LOL! You do know, Miss Renee, that I love to listen to you. Everyone here does. xox Pam

Jeanne said...

Incredible post! Very moving!
Thank you for visiting my Blog and entering my give-away.
Brightest Blessings!

Ingrid Mida said...

I love your new banner!!! Who makes these lovely paintings for you?

Mickey said...


When I talk my sister Renee listens.

When I sing my sister Renee dances with me.

When I am my true self I know my sister Renee knows me even better.

So I speak, sing and dance with my sister Renee, and I thank God that I have her so I can all the time be my own true self with her.

I read something lately that said; nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets.

Because I believe this to be true. I hope everyone will have someone in there life that allow them to talk, sing, dance and allows them to be their true self because sometimes people don't know that their true self is really someone special.

Thanks for being my someone Renee. I love you.

Lori ann said...

I want to hug this person. This makes me sad.It took me a long time to learn to do those things for me, and to know myself. I hope this person learns too.

Renee said...

Mickey it is a true honour to be your sister.

I love you.

Renee xoxoxo

Woman in a Window said...

Oh, that is desperately sad.
And it makes me wanna kick some butt on someone's behalf.

kj said...

your sister mickey made me cry.

i didn't mind.


Karin Bartimole said...

such a tragic figure you are, no. 29, What shall we do to get others to hear you, dance to you, know you?!?
Maybe we should get you to a beach house and serve you a margarita with an umbrella and let the sea gulls do your talking, the waves do your singing, and you can join us all as we dance upon the sands and everyone will fill with joy :)

Prometheus said...

sad words :( having a voice but not being able to use it is torture..

joy said...

I am new to intrnet use, and wanted to check out Blogs, and came to yours through Countryfolkart.

You have such a gift. Parts of your blog keep swooping through my mind, and I'm loving it.
