I was born when my sister Camille was 2 years and 10 months old. You may think this age would make her the nearest sister to me but there was a sister between us; Jacquie. Camille had two older brothers and three older sisters; she was the 4th girl born and the 6th child in a family that would be comprised of 13 children.
Many of my early memories of Camille are always combined with her and Jacquie as they were inseparable as children. Many of my earliest memories of Camille are more stories that I have heard from other family members.
Camille was named after my paternal grandfather who my mother loved. My Mom says that Camille was always like her namesake. She would listen to all that was being said. Always gave the person talking her full attention and then would add on what she wanted to say, but never interrupting and always patient to get her turn to speak.
There are two memories of Camille that really stand out in my mind from childhood and they are once being left at church on Christmas Day and seeing Camille get into the car and shut the door not knowing that I was running to get in behind her.
The other was of Camille and I walking to Windsor Park Inn and her telling me that she was pregnant. I was 12 and she was 14.
I remember my Nana reading my tea leaves and telling me that I had just found out that someone was going to have a baby. I was so stunned as I was sworn to secrecy. But there it was in the cup for the entire world to see, a little teddy bear.
Camille was a beautiful child with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She didn’t have as many freckles as the rest of us. One time Camille pulled Jacquie into a closet and cut off her hair, she let Jacquie cut her hair too. In the end, they both got their heads shaved.
I actually had a debate with Mom, Suzie, Mickey, and Jacquie the other day about Camille and aliens. I believe that Camille truly felt that she was abducted by aliens and that they did experiments on her. The rest of them all argued with me saying that Camille had made the whole thing up. So what is it Camille, is it true or did you make it up?
Every time I think of this memory I laugh my head off as it is so funny and brings my teen years right back.
Mom and Dad had gone on their first trip away to British Columbia. Colette and I were fighting with Jacquie and Suzie, Camille was married at this point and was over at the house too. Colette and I were about 13 and 14 and Camille must have been 16. She hoped in the car with Suzie and chased us down the back lane of Elizabeth Road. There was a barrier up so Suzie and Camille had to get out of the car to reach us. I remember Camille shaking like a leaf (she was so mad) and grabbing Colette and throwing her in the backseat of the car. Har har har, it is so fucking funny to me right now. I can see it all. You will hear more of this day in the near future.
Camille is calm and kind. She has severe arthritis and has since her 30s. She is very brave and never complains. I complain her under the table over and over and over.
I’m not sure but I think that Camille, Jacquie, Colette and Lori slept together. I remember Camille scaring the shit out of Colette by crawling under the bed to the wall and sticking her hand over Colette’s face in the dark. We all shared a room and Mickey, Shelly and I would have been in the other bed laughing our heads off while poor Colette would have been screaming and Camille would have been high-tailing it to get the hell out of their before our Mom (Hell-on-wheels) would get in the room.
Camille married young and left home so our lives were so different and while she was raising her children I was out living my life. And so though we always loved each other, we really didn’t spend much time alone together.
But now, well now is what matters. Camille and I are very close and I adore her. Camille is ‘The Keeper of my History’. Camille is who showed me how to steal all the lovely pictures I share with all of you. Camille is the mastermind.
Even though I am many of my sisters’ favourite, I am not Camille’s. Since I have been diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer Camille has totally been there for me. Camille knows how to listen to my heart and I know how to listen to hers.
Describing Camille I would say that she is an attractive woman and she has a very warm smile. Camille has beautiful blue eyes and is sincere, empathetic, private, gentle, soft-spoken and caring. Camille is like Mom described her to me a few days ago; Camille was a loving child and is a loving adult. I am happy that Camille is my sister.
Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood. ~~ Louisa May Alcott ~~
I love my sister and she means the world to me. Camille thank you for the privilege.
Happy 56th Birthday Camille. Love Renee, Wahid, Angelique, Nadalene, Nathan, and Josephine.
*artwork by Kelly Vivanco
I LOVE your family! You have a wonderful family Renee. truly blessed. The women are strong, fiery, passionate and funny! A bunch of Amazonians! I love your "Regrading" posts. Oh Renee. You are a wonderful sister to your sisters but it is no wonder because they are wonderful too. I am so enraptured by your post, I am breaking my rules and commenting between 9AM and 5PM. In fact you have made me break my rules a long time ago.
Camille rocks! You go Camille! Happy Birthday to you Dearest Gemini friend!
Yes, I know and you know that I love you too, right? You must know and I have to say that Bella loves you too. We talk about you, you know, how much we love you. And she will say I have a big mouth. I don't live near any of my 5 sisters. They are in the Phils. and in NJ. I used to live in NJ until I moved to Texas.
Really Renee, your family, very engaging and I love how you honor them. You are wonderful but I must say, Camille is truly endearing and engaging.
Dearest Renee, please tell Camille I love her. You have the most colorful family. I love the way you write about them. I covet your sisters. Camille and I are the same age. Happy Birthday, Camille.
Congratulations Camille,congratulations Renee,have a wonderful day,and shine! love Sandra
oh how wonderful Renee!!! family is the greatest gift....you know I used to be scared of aliens too....hehehehehe....I always thought they would come and take me because I was so special...lol...
I guess their waiting.....hehehe
Have a wonderful day...and send your sister some wonderful Birthday wishes from all of us!!!
I love your family too. This is a wonderful, warm tribute to your sister, and I feel honored to have been allowed to read it.
It was nice to read about your wonderful family.True,sisters are our biggest supporters and cheerleaders.
Happy b'day to camille.
I'm with Ces....I love reading about your family. All the crazy joy of huge families!! I am always amazed by them and you sweet Renee!
Happy Birthday Camille!!!!!
Love to you, Sarah
You have a very wonderful family Renee. I can tell that you had a memorable childhood with abducting aliens and shaving sisters.haha I wish I had siblings close to my age too.
You've chosen the perfect picture for Camille, she really looks like the one who waits for her turn to speak thus giving her full attention while you speak of her greatness.
Happy Birthday Camille!:)
PS: I really thought the warrior is you but was too afraid to ask. I'll fight for you Renee, I'll draw you a machine gun.:P Have a wonderful day!
Oh imagine if they did have cupcake trucks driving around neighborhoods...like the ice cream ones...what a riot!!! and I can see it happening....
Happy 56th to Camille!! I like the fine qualities of your sister. To be a great listener, to be gentle and loving important traits. You two are lucky to have one another. It's fun to hear tales about your family Renee. It is so different than how I grew up. My brother in 8 years older. It was really just me, but I learned how to have fun all by myself.
Thinking of YOU.
and Camille of course.
That is the sweetest post ever, I am all mysty eyed here. I hope Camille has a wonderful birthday!
What a great family you have! I love your descriptions of your childhood and can always picture the scene. In today's post I loved the bit about the bedroom you all shared and also the bit about your two clearest memories of Camille. I have got one sister and one brother. My sister and I shared a room which had its good and bad points! My Nan came from a family of 11 and I always liked the idea of so many people just there for you.
Anyway-Happy birthday to Camille!
What a beautiful tribute to your sister Renee. I cried when you described being left at church. I was left someplace as a child and it is teriffying.
I loved the part about the hand over Colette's face.
13 children, oh my! Must have been fun for you guys.
Happy Birthday Camille, may you get everything you could ever want and more than you can ever imagine.
Thanks Renee!
Huge hugs, my light!
Thank you for sharing this story of your sister, your family and you. Everything you share is told straight from the heart. Rich and strong and filled with love, you and your family!
Beautiful post, Renee, I wish I was one of your sisters!
Another thing that is a nice conincidence about us is that I am a Kelly Vivanco fan too. Isn't she something? I just found her on flickr the other day.
I forgot to tell you I laughed so hard about your art stealage!
I hope you are having a good day.
The sun is shining here.
Sisters are a priveledge to me in having...It is a special bond...they will always be the one friend in your life as others come and go...You have a lucky family and sisterhood with you... I grew up with only 2 lil brothers...never having a sister..maybe thats why female friends outside of blogland are hard for me...I was a tomboy...no matter how hard my mom tried to girlify me...I was beating up boys, racing, and hanging out with the guys.....So having sisters is a blessing in my eyes....My girls are opposite polars...and one day when Im gone as I tell them they are all they have....but time will change them.....You are a lucky lady.....Hugs and Happy Birthday Camille!!!!!!!
Smiles and Hugs to you Lovey!!!
Sonia ;)
You probably could make my blueberry muffins, but maybe you should ask Wahid. :)
what an amazing family, you must feel truly blessed. and happy birthday camille.
Wow, what a great writer you are, and happy birthday Camille!
And holy $h!t I can't imagine getting pregnant now at 26, at 14 I would have had a nervous breakdown. Your whole family is strong and I love it.
I pray for a good day for you today :)
Meg xoxo
Happy birthday to Camille :)
What an amazing adventure it must have been, growing up in your clan Renee!! I just love reading the stories of your memories. There were only three kids in our family, and I was the oldest, but I used to try to convince my siblings that I was delivered by aliens (rather than abducted by) to our family. I had my sister teetering on belief - actually, I had myself teetering :)
I can hardly wait to read more about the adventures of all of you making your way through the wonders of life.
Health, love, and many more years to you and Camille,
Yeah, your family is amazing!! Happy Birthday to your sis. Camille! :D (always loved that name, your mom picked beautiful names for all of you I think).
Renee! Like everyone else that commented, I adore Camille! What a household you must have had - I can only imagine the energy level with all those kids running around. LOL! And I think mine are a handful! :) The part where they cut each others hair just cracked me up! I never did that, but I did endanger my little brother's life on several occasions ("Trust me, it's perfectly safe to go down this hill in a wagon.")
Thank you for the smiles, and a very happy birthday to dear Camille. xoxo Pam
Happy Birthday Camille! How lucky you are Renee to have such a wonderful family. You truly are very rich in spirit because of this. I loved this post and look forward to the next episode about what happens in the car. I stopped by to say hi and hope you have a great day. Take care and again, Happy Birthday to your Camille.
first of all I need you to give Camille (ANOTHER great name, what is it with your family?!) my warmest wishes for a very happy birthday. Then I want you to accept this very big and long embrace from me.(((((hug)))))
Hearing you speak of your childhood/young adult life memories made me want to be your sister.
I have 2 half sisters, one lives a block away and the other on the other side of the planet. They hardly know each other, I am the thread that holds them together. Sometimes it feels like work, life, geography and choices are drifting us apart, my separate sisters and I. This post spurs me to stop this process and regain property of our bond. Thank you, on behalf of my sisters too.
You play a very important role in our lives, you know that?
Ciao sweet friend
Lola xx
Oh, my goodness! How good and generous to hear of such a wonderful, silly group of sisters. I've always LOVED stories of big families -- the lunacy of it all. Thank you for that tribute to Camille and happy birthday to her.
Happy birthday to Camille! Such a pretty name.... it is the name of my cousin's daughter also!
Thanks Renee for letting us into your life and sharing your family history!
Happy Birthday. I am glad that renee has a Camille and that she is you. I am glad you have a Renee and it is her.
Heads shaved? Really? Now that's HOW Momma! :-)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Camille from one Gemini (June 5th) to another (June 9th).
Hugs Rene
Regarding Camille...she sounds as if she is loved as much as she loves. Big families are magical. I can only imagine all the stories that fly when you're together!
Kelly's artwork is so fitting for most of your posts. I love that kind of serendipity.
Happy 56th Camille!! Mine is coming up right behind you ;)
Here's to sisters...well, most ;)
Actually you know I even love the cranky one!
I always thought Camille was Mom and Dad's most beautiful child, her lips were as red as in the picture you chose for her - she must have looked just like Snow White when she was little. Camille is another sister who I think always knew how to enjoy herself! I remember her coming to my house once in her nightgown and then later that night singing Tammy Wynette songs…Camille also told me once that abductions happen only to really intelligent people – that must be true if they took her!
I love you Camille, Happy Birthday…xoxo
Oh so lovely and fuNNy! xox
What a beautiful and honest portrait of your sister. You are so lucky to have Camille in your life!
13 kids, no wonder your mum was Hell on Wheels! You're fortunate to be so close to your sisters, mine is 9 years my junior so there are differences although they pale as we age. Having said that, I could never live more than a few miles from my family. They're all important to me (I live next door to my brother!) I hope Camille has a wonderful day.
I love reading about your family and your memories of your childhood. You make even the simple things adventurous! Thankyou for these glimpses into your life! xx
Happy Birthday Camille! You have been blessed with a wonderful sister whom we all love so much!
You sound like such an amazing woman! From the way Renee describes you, I can see that you are strong yet soft, bending yet determined, independent yet bound to a very loving and very connected family! May you have a year filled with blessings and the love that you so richly deserve!
Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog ... that is all I'm really looking for ... 'to be O.K. no matter what.'
Love reading about your family! I have a sister whom I love to death and she loves me too , but she lives about five hours away and is a pastors wife so we don't see each other much at all. But I know she would be here for me in a heartbeat if I needed her and that is so great to know!!
Happy birthday Camille! Thanks, Renee for letting us meet your sister. Such fun rollicking memories!
Beautiful you :)
lovely honest loving post and tribute to your sister. I agree that your mom have been a saint - 13 kids!! wow. but what fun for you all, in many ways. my sister is 14 years older than me so we didn't grow up together, but I still adored and worshiped her.
Happy Birthday Camille!
Happy Birthday Camille,
I think that is the best gift you could ever give someone, those words you just said about your sister.
It was incredibly beautiful.
Much love to you and your family Renee,
excellent post renee ........nothing too revealing of course....
camille always said she was in this big field and she was abducted by aliens while she was in her flanelette nightgown....a trademark of any of us ste marie girls....
so i asked her only a year ago or so if this was true or not and when she siad no... i was shocked... i could not believe my ears.... i was so sure she was telling the truth that i used to dream that eventually we in our flanelette nightgowns would all get abducted sooner than later.... we laughed our heads off as she had pulled this off for years literally...
happy birthday camille ... hopefully we will see you soon... love jacquie
shelly's post just reminded me that camille always thought she could be a singer and to this day loves to sing...
maybe we will be serinaded this summer in the hot tub.....jacquie
That was so well written. It seems like you have described Auntie Camille to a T. Especially with her caring and listening and adding her wise words. It is so wonderful to have her in the family and my childhood memories. Thanks for taking my camping and being so fun. Happy birthday Auntie Camille.
ps...i didn't get the link to the painting
Love you xxxx
I just received your blessing in the mail and have already read through it twice with a tears welling up in my eyes. You have touched my heart, made me feel as if I have created a meaningful connection in this big wide open world. The feeling is so fulfilling that I can only smile with gratitude. It is as if you are an angel, who has brought me such joy and satisfaction. In a way, I hope to some day meet you in the flesh, but at same time I like the ethereal, non-corpreal, almost spirit like connection that we have created.
Thank you for taking the time to get this meaningful gift into my honored hands. I will treasure it as long as I am alive.
Oh, so nice :D Happy Birthday, Camille! You sound like a very special person. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful family!
Beautiful Camille. Am I right to see a small sadness just under the surface of this all, or am I projecting? I'll hope for the projecting. Perhaps it's the young pregnancy. That in and of itself is so much. Now the aliens, I'm thinking...did she ever read...oh crap, what is it? I think it is Whiley Striber.
i am again STUNNED by the history you will someday leave your family. imagine your great grandchildren reading your words, renee. it is a treasure plain and simple.
it seems you and camille found a wonderful way to share and manifest your love and caring for one another in adulthood, esp. when crisis hit. i love imagining that: lifelong bonds just waiting to be affirmed.
i love everything you write and all those wild images you serve up, but most of all i love hearing about your family, and especially about your sisters. maybe because i don't have any, i always feel happy knowing you have their backs and blessings, and they yours...
it's been raining here today--really cozy--and i have tomorrow off--even cozier. be well moon sister. xoxo
OMG!!!! Renee I love love love the header. It is gorgeous, just gorgeous!!!
And the world is a better place because of you Renee!
ms. renee, i would like to roll down the hill with YOU! i would teach you the best way.
fondly yours,
emily r.
ms renee: surely you don't think I"M rolling down any hills!! i'm still trying to walk normally after my %%$#@ knee surgery 18 months ago.
i hope those bones aren't bothering you. i've been afraid to ask, but i've wondered. of course emily would just blurt it out if she wanted to know...
after reading this I just feel like giving you a cuddle. a warm firm hug :-)
best wishes
PS... so glad that sister of yours taught you how to steal the pics 'cause I love 'em!!
best wishes
I love the new banner. I think it is the oranges and redish colors.
I love Ces' lady that she repainted too, I think because of the intensity of those colors.
The universe is a wonderful thing!
It is just so perfect some days.
Renee, what a beautiful tribute to your sister - I'm thinking that this will be her very best birthday gift!
It sounds like you had a wonderfully riotous time growing up!
Oh my goodness, Happy Birthday, Camille!
Renee, this is such a heartwarming dedication. I can actually hear you giggling as you write this. I would have loved to have sneaked in there with your family. What's one more girl, right? You'd never have known!
Love to you and all your family!
good night moon sister. and by the way, your new header is beautiful. those eyes....
Okay Renee, this is lovely, and I (who have three sisters and three brothers) can appreciate the love you feel for all your siblings.
It is nice that as we get older we can see the "good and wonderful" things about family that might have been totally invisible most of the time, when we grew up. Even now though I could wax poetic about mine, yet I can equally see myself wringing some of their necks for being shit's to me.....
Thank's for stopping in. It has been a rough couple of months with work slow down, Steve is home most of the week and no jobs available for my teenager.
P.S. What I really love about your family is they all have pretty names. Camille, Jacquie, Colette, Renee...
You know what happened today! The postman came.....thank you lovely lady.
Happy Birthday to Camille from me, too! What a lovely tale and I loved the part where your grandmother got it right about the baby on the way. Many thanks.
Greetings from London.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. It really shows how much you like your sister. And it does make me love your family too!
You might all have been right: sometimes people make things up and come to believe them - those luck enough to have imagination that vivid.
Good Morning Renee,
I love to read your stories, they are all so meaning full and so well writen.
Happy Birthday Camille!!!
Hope all is well..
I am going alright, the lump is gone..YAY..
Thanks for your concern and your inspirational messages.
Have a Wonderful Day!
Many Hugs..
Renee! Darling girl - I have been found by that man from Scotland Yard. Just thought I'd let you know. I am sun-soaked and brown and I thought of you alot when I'd sit in the evenings on our verandah up in the pine trees, listening to the call to prayer from the muezzin far below on the flood plain. I watched the moon on its course across the sky and saw a star that twinkled more than most - the Renee star, I called it.
I've loved the half hour I've spent catching up on your recent posts. As always, one as delightful and as thought provoking as the other - with the images that are always so apt and so beautiful.
I, too, would like to wish your lovely Camille the happiest of Happy Birthdays. I send her a jet-propelled birthday hug. xxoo (My sister and best friend in all the world has her birthday on the 12th, so she is also a Gemini like gentle Camille)
i love your new banner and thank you for the kind words. Tell camille to celebrate the whole month! Geminis don't have birthdays, they have birth months! Right on!
Happy Birthday Camille!!
Renee you discribe Camille so well. Camille and I have been friends since we were both teenagers (a long time ago) but the alien story is news to me. Now the angel story she recently told us all, I truly believe. You don't suppose that she made that one up too? I don't see Camille that often because she lives so far away but when I do and she gives me a hug,I can feel all the love coming through that hug (no words needed) She is the best hugger ever.
Happy Birthday again Camille
Happy Birthday Auntie Camille.
I loved this read, as I love the woman who is my namesake and a joy.
I learned more about myself reading this and hope that I too share the namesake qualities she possesses.
"Camille was named after my paternal grandfather who my mother loved. My Mom says that Camille was always like her namesake. She would listen to all that was being said. Always gave the person talking her full attention and then would add on what she wanted to say, but never interrupting and always patient to get her turn to speak."
This blog makes Aunty Camille's life seem so uniquely full of adventure. I love the "regarding" blogs, what a great birthday gift!
Taylor R. Camille
As much fun as it was to read about your sister, it was as much fun to read the comments, all 70 of them and I never do that! You sent out some good "family" karma for lots of people. Your brought back "big family" memories for me and I got to thinking of my Pine Falls mom and her fun, fun sisters.
You write so beautifully, what a gift.
Speaking of Geminis, today is my Mom's 93rd birthday, and the 13th will be my 65th!!!
Good morning, dear Renee, I've missed you. I was having technical difficulties, but now I can stop by to visit you again, and that makes me happy.
Your sister, and your entire family, sound so wonderful. As an only child, I could only dream of a family like this. You have been truly blessed with each other.
Belated birthday wishes to your dear sister Camille.
What a beautiful birthday present. You are so kind, Renee!
Just beautiful Renee! Give Camille my best birthday wishes (a day late!)
Love reading your blog in case I haven't mentioned that. ha!
Ahhh, Happy Birthday Camille !
Renee, How special to have such a wonderful sister and sisters.
Renee, please oh please, you must write your life story for the world to read! I find myself drawn so deeply into your posts that it startles me when I reach the end. I'm always looking forward to the next "regarding"! Your childhood stories are like magic; you write so decadently!
You are so fortunate to have so many exceptional sisters Renee! I love the birthday posts you do - you have a way of really bringing people to life. You are so gifted with your writing. Have a wonderful week!
Wow Renee, and happy birthday Camille... if Dad was here he would have phone you to say Happy birthday Fatty xoxo, he loved you we all love you.
How beautiful Renee. I have really enjoyed reading this post, what wonderful memories , Camille sounds lovely.
You are so lucky to have sisters, I am an only child and I think it would have been nice to have this kind of relationship, for me it wasnt meant to be, but Im so pleased that you were blessed with that opportunity. Take Care Jaqi
My dear sister What a truly beautiful tribute to me & the best Birthday Present anyone could possibly recieve. I laughed & I cried. I sure am blessed to have a sister like you. It's too bad we missed out on spending more time tgether throughout the years. How we take our time here for granted. Living far away, I've missed getting to know your children and my other nephews & neices. But making more time now. I laughed at all the funny stories, the haircut with Jacquie, The alien abduction ??? Maybe I dreamt it???
So many good times.
Renee you say I complain you under the table? People, this is so Not True. We have great discussions But I don't hear complaints from you. Renee is the most compassionate, interesting and sincere, person you could ever meet. She truly is as you see her.
I love the title "The History Maker" Who could think that up but you. As for the mastermind for the art heist? Everyone needs a big sister to blame things on. Religion of sisterhood- Helping me to work through some hard things is something you've done for me Renee, Thank you so much for being there. Also a huge thank you to my family And your many followers for the great comments and BD wishes. Hugs to you all. Love you Renee, Camel
Oh Camille thank you so much for your comment.
I especially love that you signed it Camel (with the two humps).
Love you and wishing you peace in your life.
Love Renee xoxox
LMAO….lol LMAO….lol!!
Happy birthday Camille.
Now much as I hate to contradict ms Renee, I must. It was Renee that was grabbed and forced into the car by those bossy sisters (not their fault, they were just doing what they were directed to), I never got caught, never, I could escape the best of them and on a few occasions I did just give in because there was no were to go. I must remind Renee that it was her and her friend that got caught, and they yelled from the (f…ing LMAO) from the car not run Forrest run but run Colette run, to which I responded Where do I run to…. So (LMAO, shit I can never get a story out without laughing, shit, I am crying, I cannot even type) I ran into the car, which Camille proceeded to push me into with “YOU GUYs are going to get it! Wait till mom and dad get here, Oh no, not mom!) he,he,he…
Love my sisters, and again Camille happy B-day.
PS: notice that when life throws you a ball of shit, we are able to throw it back, Thank GOD for the support of sisters, family and friends. Boo Boo, no humps...lol
How much do I love you let me count the ways. No I could never never count that high. I am sorry this is a little late but Happy Birthday dear sweet sister. My computer was down for 3 whole days.
What a beautiful tribute to Camille. Every thing Renee writes is so true.
Camille you are one of the most beautiful people I know. You are so kind and caring sincere and thoughtful real and true. I am so blessed to have you in my life. If someone asked me how I would sum you up in 1 word I would have to say Kind Kind Kind I love when people show kindness to one another and you are the queen of it. I hope you had a great birthday and I look forward to you coming in soon.
I love you Camille love Mickey.....
What a beautiful post! Happy Birthday Camille!
When my Mother died suddenly and tragically, my whole world turned upside. The day we went to my Mom's apartment, was a very very bad day for me. I remember feeling so very alone. And then my 3 beautiful sisters held me and told me how I still have three Moms! Yes, my sisters are treasures to me and they have been and always will be my sister-moms. Thank you Renee, your post reminded me of that.
Hi Renee,
What a wonderful family you have.
Love your stories you share.
Happy birthday Camille.
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