Did you do anything special at the end of your summer? No I have not done anything special for years during the summer. And at this very moment in the summer I am as irritated as I have ever been.
What was your favourite summer memory of ’09? My favourite summer memory from 2009 is that Domenic was born on July 12th which is Jacquie’s birthday. Domenic my very first grandson was born with lots of black hair.
Did you have a sunburn? I have not had a sunburn for years. The last time I got a sunburn was probably in 1980 when I was at Mayaro Beach in Trinidad. My skin burnt so bad that it was purple. Besides that, I get sick in the sun.
Did you go to the pool a lot? Not a lot but one of the best days was when Wahid and I took Josephine swimming at Jacquie’s and Grace and Luke were in and it was so much fun to watch Josephine swimming all over. Now when I go and Jacquie isn’t there it just makes me sad.
Smile. Bigger. Irritation is not good for wrinkles, smiles are.
I am up way too early and I know I am going to be a zombie later so I came to say good morning, give you a hug and a cup of tea and hope you will smile. I know, just when we think we have no reason to smile a fool comes to remind us of our wrinkles (that alone should make you smile) Love you girl, I hope the day is gentle on you.
Thank God for the children...they can always make us smile in the midst of so much sadness. Thinking of you xxxxx
hey Renee, I missed you!
I just got back from my vacation in Greece, and there is lots to catch up on. I'm only now getting caught up on my reading and emails, I came home to 240 in my inbox!! mind you lots were junk, but still, that's alot to get through.
You've had a tough summer, but hang in there. Jacquie is a trooper, and I am sure she will be able to join you in the pool again one day. You have much support and lots of people are praying for you.
take care
That photo matches your mood, I think. It feels lonely. I wish there was another inner tube in the water.
My favorite memory of the summer:
Lucas carrying a bucket of tadpoles from our swimming pool to set them free in the creek. :)
No sunburns for me anymore! I do not like being hot and sitting in the sun. Nope. I love summer evenings when the sun is going down, or the mornings.
Our pool was a frog breeding ground for the first part of the summer. I haven't gone in yet. I try not to scare people by getting into a swimsuit publicly. :)
Love you, Renee. Sending you a giant hug...and maybe a chocolate bar, too. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Pam
Yup, the sunshine is not my friend though I am loving this sunny summer- I don't do well in the heat and i fry- everyone in my family seems to get skin cancer.I haven't been in a pool for years- don't want to horrify any onlookers. Summertime to me is what is missing- the snow, the cold, the six layers of clothing and boots- I am liking this summer very much- Dexter is too...we don't want to see winter come...
Hi Renee, sorry summer is almost over and you've not had much of its fun. I hope things are easing up a bit; just enough that you can breath and sleep more peacefully. I love the picture of a perfect water-loving day.
Awww hon...hugs..it must be hard for you right now..what a summer you have had. Highs and seems like lots of lows. You have been ever in my thoughts and prayers!
My summer has been odd..seems to be off somehow. I live on a lake an have not been once in the water. Some sun, some play, lots of fun with the camera and my kiddos. It has overall been very cool here..not a normal summer..but nice. Just different.
Love you loads, Sarah
You do have some good memories of this summer, Renee.
I didn't do anything special. Did get some sun from watering my plants & flowers and picking tomatoes, but I tan and don't burn. Must be the French & Indian blood in me. We used to have an above ground pool, but a hurricane killed it a few years back when a tree fell on it and we never replaced it. I sort of miss it. It was nice to float and daydream.
My best memories are that I made so many fabulous, precious blog friends like you, sweet Renee! Love, Hugs & Blessings!!
Hello Renee
(still praying every day, with my whole heart). Hmmm August is not the end of summer here in England ... I always include September too. Anyway my favourite memory so far has been meeting my new God-son Thomas who is just bloody gorgeous. His eyes are as twinkly as eyes can be. His skin is like velvet. His poo is like poo ... some things are just the way they are!
Hope you're doing OK Renee. xx Jos
Hmm ... Summer '09 ... You and I met through our blogs, Renee! That is definitely a highlight :-)
Love you xoxo
P.S. Breathe ... xoxo
hello renee - we have a ritual at the end of the summer...we have a huge state fair that is a very special part of living in MN...last year, we saw brandi carlisle perform under the stars, outside....for free...
we also grow tomatoes and eat plates of them...
no swimming this summer at all, too chilly, cooler than normal here...
I'm so sorry you are having such a shitty time Renee. I am cheering you on from way over here to get through this and be okay. I know okay is sort of a bullshit word, but I mean it. I want you to be okay my dear, dear friend.
Hugs and prayers,
Meg xoxo
and yeah, I go purple in the sun too, or I get a rash from the sun. Damn pasty-white Celtic skin...I could get a sunburn from a nightlight, lol!
As they say in the Peanuts cartoons, RATS.
This summer has been unspeakably horrible for you and your family, and you are a strong, wise and lovely soul to remember to look at the blessings. I also love your honesty, which follows your own decision NOT to "stuff" your feelings. You are a beautiful woman! XOXO
dear Renee , as you know here in Brazil our summer ended in March !!
i must to say , this time was used for to rebuilding the house . but among all the problems this activity ofers , i have good mamories !!
now i have this "winter " body and i am working out a lot for be hot next summer . any girl will be able to resist .
and i don't get sunburned for years ... it is time to do it again ,hahahh!!!
see you honey .
i wish all the happyness of the world for you .
Renee - here's a funny thing: I was driving around doing errands and it is so HOT outside and a little voice said to me "When you get home, you and Lucas should go in the pool. He doesn't give a hoot what you look like." And then I got your message. :)
Hi Renee,
You've had a rough summer my friend......but I think the '09 memory of your grandson being born is a wonderful summer memory.
Sometimes we don't have a huge event that stands out but little things can make the summer nice.
No sunburns pour moi! I've tried to avoid tanning since the age of 26. Gotta protect the skin!
love you Renee
Hi Renee,
It is winter here, so not a lot of sunburn and swimming, for me here.
That must have been terrible sunburn for you on holiday - purple, eek!
Loved the highlight for you, your darling Grandson.
thinking lots, about your family Renee and I hope that you will all be able to swim in the pool together and have fun.
Sending love and prayers, your way.
oh I love each and every day of the year!!! love them all...and you are so special and sweet!!!
The birth of Domenic is magic...
Renee-you made a lot of friends, and those friends you made happy. You lived and did it so well. ~rick
Yay!! Domenic... and Madi!!!
oh i had a good summer. i went hiking! me the one who can stay secluded in the house and not be bothered. i enjoyed life. i am so glad I found you or we found each other, this summer.
I've only been swimming in my imagination, and there I do a lot of it! Like you, it's been a long time since summer was a time for enjoying something particularly *special*, including sunburn! My favorite day this summer was a simple one, of perfect weather, quiet and peaceful watching the neighborhood critters do their thing, and enjoying a good book out on our patio.
I hope your favorite day of the summer is yet to come, with miracles met and prayers answered.
sending love, Karin
Can't wait for summer frankly but I'll moan like a banshee when it arrives. At least the evenings are longer and I won't need bed sox.
As time goes on, it's just fragments, isn't it? Bad sunburns, and wonderful times with the grandkids, and big gaping holes where loved ones used to live....
But fall is right around the corner. It whistles to you from beneath thick sweaters and it smells of bread and stew, walks and crunch, and god willing, family.
What was your favourite summer memory of ’09? My favourite summer memory from 2009 is that Domenic was born on July 12th which is Jacquie’s birthday. Domenic my very first grandson was born with lots of black hair.
That is more special then anything this summer. Because he was born on Jacquies Bday(makes him a spitfire for sure), and you were here to witness it. You held him and saw all that black hair...
Now I say you had a wonderful summer...Chin up, head high, SMILE DAMMIT!!!! Ok that was my kick in the hiney from one friend to another...I love ya Lovey...Kiss Sheldon on the forehead for me...
xoxoxo S
It certainly has been an eventful summer for you...good things and not good things. Sometimes it is difficult to truly enjoy the good with so much bad going on. A lack of balance. Confusing. Exhausting. And then New Life reminds us of this circle. Life sure is hard sometimes. Hold that baby close, Renee. Sending you all my love, Deb
Renee - just stopping by to tell you that Lucas and I had a lovely swim. The hummingbirds were buzzing us on their way to the garden. Thank you for reminding me to live life. Next time you see your little grandson, will you give him a kiss from me?
love to you, my friend - xoxoxox Pam
Just letting you know you are in my thoughts..Here is a hug.
I won your bracelet! That means you have me sending you me for always. I love you. Smile, smile for Jaquie...
Pretty uneventful summer so far for the Bear. In-laws visited; puppies arrived.
You summer was terribly eventful -- eventful in terrible ways. The counterpoint being Domenic's safe arrival.
Think often of you, Jacquie and Sheldon. Blessings in a challenging time.
Renee - maybe there is a top secret invisible wire connecting our brains. :) I hope so! I will remember. I promise. If you remember to kiss your grandkids for me each time you see them. :)
Yay!! I am so happy Michelle won!
Madi says, "HI Miss Renee!"
A most challenging summer for you indeed renee but I agree, Dominic's birthday on Jacquie's birthday is a very special day indeed!
Ahhh....my summer memory of .... wait, did you sait 08 or 09? Cos I can't recall 08. But 09? All the loooooove, man.... :)))
I have always found beautiful sunny days and sadness a strange mix...your post reminded me of that.
We're almost at the last day of winter. The pink cherry blossoms are out and there are bright new lime green leaves on the silver birches in my garden. The mornings aren't so cold and the days are getting longer...I love the change of seasons most of all. It's like turning a page.
I hope the next chapter is lighter. Renee xo
Thank you so much and many sunny blessings...
I love summer and will be glad to see the end of winter here and head toward warmer days. I wish you many more days of laughter and poolside fun Renee, though I reckon right now they feel like a distant memory. I think of you often and hope each new day brings hope. Something to hold on to.
Lots of love to you Renee.
Renee, I need your advice if you can help? Don't worry if not. I have some strange photos of my daughter and 3 dreams I had last week. They all seemed good dreams.
Please visit my blog! Thank you Renee! No obligation though if you and your family need you more!
It's been such a horrid, horrid summer for you and your family, Renee. No wonder you are sad and furious - of course you have every right to be. I'm very angry, too, that god or whoever has allowed these dreadful, terrifying, frightening things to happen to a family so filled with love and goodness.
The blessing that is Domenic is here in the world with you and I just know that he will bring peace and happiness closer and closer to you and the family. I know it.
I think of you every day when I look up at the sky that we share and I send my love and hope.
cool, the inner tube on water and shadow form an 8... did you realize?
Swimming though life.
With you Renee~
Summer hasnt ended for me, it will when my boys go back to school. Summer 2009 has been taken up with cancer so it hasnt been the best. My best summer memories this year are; Snugburys ice cream adventure, Tuesdays adventure into town and cone chips in the pebble dash with my boys and mum, socialising with friends xx
xoxoxoxox to you my dearest moon sister.
I always escape to the winter when the summer comes to this part of the world, I hate the heat (gets pretty bad down here) but most of all I can not stand the sun, I guess it is because i am too pale, from polish origins, so my skin is too delicate in order to be expose for too long to the sun, and also my eyes are to clear, so it is more difficult for me to see, and brightness can became pretty uncomfortable for me. But anyway I love summers, because I always go either to europoe or to the states for several weaks, the last years I have been going to spain mainly because my sister lives there, and I love it, cause barcelona is an amazing place and I get along great with sister and friends. So that is my vacationing story to tell.
Take care of yourself
This has definitely not been my favorite summer. The best was tkaing the kids to the beach. I'm pretty careful about sunblock, so no sunburns for any of us.
Nothing exciting at this end for summer ... just enjoying each day as it comes.
I haven't received the sleeves yet but not to worry ... they will make it here. I know my niece sends me stuff and it takes forever and a day.
By the way, my nieces birthday is on the 12th of July too.
You've had too many dark cloudy days, Renee. I think there must be some sunshine still to come your way. Look there...! Some rays extra specially making their way through to help you through these tough days. Plenty of downpours here right now but there are still enough rays to share around! From Malaysia with love. Caroline xox
I have never had sun burn - sunstroke yes, after a day at a theme park with the kids,awful...
memories - ooh lots of happy ones with the kids here in Spain, will have to hold on to them as they are growing now and won't want to come soon.... :-(
As for you my friend, accept my arms wrapped around you in a big hug and a big kiss from across the pond.
Be strong and let the kids be your smiles for now, you will all smile again together soon LOVE YOU BEST XXXX
Domenic and I share the same birthday...
Yes we never know what life's going to spring on us do we...the good...your grandson...and the bad....
love to you darling...
Yeah i used to go to the beach alot when i first came to Australia, now it irritates me, the sun, the rubbish in the sand, the flies, wearing sunscreen, the sometimes dirty, cold water, sharks, the whole lot..
I hope u gonna have some nice experiences in autumn..
Domenic must be a real blessing to you all - there is nothing quite like cuddling a newborn to lift your spirits with all their sweet perfection!
We are eagerly awaiting the summer here - I am SO NOT a winter person! We live a short walk from the Indian Ocean and I much prefer the beach to pools. Unfortunately we are all very fair and with the high UV rating here in Australia are best avoiding the sun during heat of the day. Picnic dinners by the beach are my favourite summer memory.
Sending lots of hugs, Lisa
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