We listened as though our lives depended on it. We didn’t swallow in case it made noise.
A warrior and the warrior’s family were told of terrible things that were happening on the battlefield. The warrior did not avert his head nor did his family.
Sheldon had a CT scan on Friday the 21st so that they would have a good picture of what is going on before they start chemotherapy.
August 25th the results are in and we met with Dr. Wong for a family meeting at 4:30.
‘Sheldon, I am sorry.’
‘The tumors that were 2 ½ cm after your surgery have grown to over 12 ½ cm within one month.’
‘We do not believe that the chemo will work and it is no longer an option.’
I jump up to stand behind Jacquie’s wheelchair so that she could touch me and I could touch her. I can’t bear for her to continue hearing this alone, even though Sheldon, Ben, Gilbert, Mickey, Joey and Dr. Wong, as well as three other nurses and another doctor are also in the room.
‘The pain you are in is from the cancer pressing against nerves and the liver. Your blood is already showing signs of problems and your liver enzymes are elevated.’
‘We think that radiation may be the way to go so that it can shrink the tumor and you would be in less pain. Radiation could start tomorrow.’
‘You will be in palliative care.’
“How much time do I have?”
‘Do you really want to know that Sheldon?’
‘About two months.’
‘I’m sorry Sheldon.’
“That’s okay, thank you for your help.”
Joey is in the hallway crying. Mickey is in the chair in the hallway crying. Gord is in the chair in shock.
Charlton comes and I have someone to hold on to. I phone and let the family know.
Jacquie comes out and says she wants to go outside. Jacquie tells me that Sheldon wants to see everyone and that Angelique, Nadalene, Nathan and Wahid should come up right away. Gilbert and Mickey take Jacquie outside.
I go in and see Sheldon, I am crying and holding his hand and he tells me that it is okay.
“The dream I had was not a dream Auntie Renee, it was a premonition.”
‘Yes, Sheldon, it was a premonition.’
“It comforts me Auntie Renee.” ‘It comforts me too Sheldon.’
A few months after my father died at the end of September, Sheldon told his Mom of the dream he had and how it scared him so much he woke from his sleep.
Sheldon had a dream that he was sitting with my father on a bench and they were talking. All of a sudden Sheldon remembered that his grandpa was dead and said “Grandpa what are you doing here, you’re dead?” ‘I know I am Sheldon, but you are dead too.’
August 26th Sheldon is saying that he is not afraid to die. That he believes that there is more to this life. Sheldon tells me that he had so much fun last night with Ben, Angelique, Nadalene, Nathan, and Uncle Wahid. He said they laughed a lot at Ben telling stories.
He talked again about his premonition and knows that his grandpa is with him and is his guardian angel and that he will be there to meet him when he dies.
My father is a warrior from way-back and now that old warrior will one day be waiting to greet this young warrior.
I am counting on it.
..........I am so sorry Renee. I know Sheldon is at peace with where he is at. It does not, however, ease the pain that comes with a loss so great that you,Sheldon's mom and your family feel at this time.
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you all.
Blessings to you all.
it will be wonderful for those two wariors to meet one day, i am so very sorry renee.
I just want to take you in my arms and hold you. Since I can't I hold you in my heart and mind - and dear, brave Sheldon too.
How wonderful that you are such a close, caring family. You will really have to lean on each other - as you have been.
I am sure you are all devastated. The task now, as I don't need to tell you, is to make these two months as connected, caring and holding an environment as possible for this dear young man.
Take care of yourself too Renee.
Everybody needs to know that while Sheldon is a gentle soul, has travelled little in his life and has suffered way too much - he is wise beyond his years, wordly in a way that only few can know and strong enough to handle his unforgiveable fate.
This is like the worst nightmare any family would ever have. You, your sister, your nephew. He is a couregous man; a real warrior. He's looking at certain death wide eyed-facing it soberly.
May God ease his pain and guide his thoughts. May God help you all and hold you in his fold.
Oh Renee,
I am so sorry to read this news..
Sheldon sounds like a very Brave Young Man.
I will continue to pray for a miracle.
Bless you all through this bad time.
If you need anything please email me.
Many Hugs and Prayers...
Renee, I am so sorry, there are no words.....but Sheldon is a true warrier. I feel heartache for all of you and especially for Jaquie, I know how hard it is to lose a precious child, and Jaquie has her own battle to fight. She is a true warrier too. I will keep you ALL in my prayers. Life just isn't fair...............
Hugs to you xoxo Shirley
I'm so sorry Renee.
pardon my french but that f'ing sucks!! You are in my prayers!
Oh Renee. I feel cold. God bless Sheldon. Oh my dear God, Let Sheldo not have much pain.
Today i cry for you. It's really hard to believe. It's not fair.
When I was 16, my locker partner, Eddie, died of a brain aneurysm. The month before he wrote a poem about death. He said he wasn't afraid to die. The school put it in our yearbook that year.
This reminds me of Sheldon and his premonition. He is a warrior Renee. He is a angel.
my heart goes out to you and your family
Renee, You and your family are in my thoughts and my Prayers.
My heart is crying!I love you my pretty!
I'm almost afraid to read these. Well now we know. That poor young man is indeed a warrior himself. Bless him to bits. Make his last weeks as comfortable as can be and hope your Dad is indeed watching over his beautiful grandson. I'm beside myself here and can't imagine what you lot are going through. Stay strong sweet girl. Not a minute goes by that I don't think of you all
Oh, Renee, my heart is breaking for you and at the same time I am in awe of that young man and your whole family! I am holding you all in my heart! Sending all my love! Silke
Oh hon....I am so deeply sorry. What an amazing soul he is! I am heartbroken for you all! I will simply say..I love you and I am walking with you hon. Huge gentle hugs. Love, Sarah
Words fail me (((Hugs))) Renee all i have are (((hugs))) for you and your warriors x
Ahhh, Renee,
There are really no words in the wake of that heartbreaking post except to tell you how sorry I am. So sorry for Sheldon, and you and your sister. And the dream...I feel sure he's right. I believe in angels. My prayers are with you all. And I'm sending white light your way. Long distance hugs. Barbara
Nooooooo!!!!!!! :(
Sheldon is made of stuff tougher than diamonds. Sheldon, you rock.
I am devastated as I read your blog, so I can't even begin to imagine what all of you feel.
Sheldon is a true warrior. Is it possible that your Dad went before him, so that he would be there to welcome Sheldon into the kingdom. I think maybe....
Sheldon sounds like an amazing man and I can only hope that he is able to embrace all of the love he is surrounded with and take that with him, when the time comes.
And OMG, Jacquie. How incredibly horrible is this for her to hear. Again, I am at a loss for words. Please tell her that I love her, I feel her pain and I will be there for her, when ever and if ever she needs me to be....
I do believe that as I do believe in you my dear friend.Love and hugs,Aleksandra
Yes Nadalene, he is.
Love Mom xoxoxo
Oh Renee I'm so sorry for all the pain your family is experiencing now. Wrap yourselves together as best you can.
oh heavens...that is so scary to hear...I am so sorry about the results and send prayers your way....
Hearing that from the doctors must have been ever so difficult....
I am here if you need me...
I am so sorry Renee. x
Oh Renee. I was so afraid of this, so afraid.
nothing to say except enjoy all that can be enjoyed. there is so much love in your family,make it as good as possible for Sheldon. and for all of you.
That was an amazing dream, so comforting, so natural.
I will be thinking of you all, all day, all the time, praying for you to have all the strength you need.
much love and hugs - mim
Feel my arms around all your family...feel the prayers surround and lift you to higher ground. Sheldon does. May I tell you a little story...my childhood friend's father passed recently. Four days before he passed, his wife found him standing on the corner across the street. She ran to retrieve him and asked what he was doing. He said he was waiting for Henry. Henry was picking him up and taking him somewhere. No one had talked to Henry or his family in another state in many years. My friend's father passed four days later. Then they found out that Henry had passed two days earlier. Bob was out there waiting for Henry to pick him up with the Bus to Heaven. Still gives me goosebumps.
(forgot the band that sings this)
Soon your trials will be over
Offered up by mercy's hand
A better view from where you stand
Going to another land
The sweetest welcome from the Father
Gathered up and carried home
We are past this time of waiting
Come let us bow before Your throne
We will meet in the Golden City in the New Jerusalem
All our pain and all our tears will be no more
We will stand with the hosts of heaven
And cry holy is the Lamb
We will worship and adore You evermore
Never can the powers of darkness
Neither death nor even life
Let nothing ever separate us
From the holy love of God
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb.
All my love to you, beloved friend.
There is just something about you and your family Renee that grabs my heart. I fell in love with Sheldon the first time I heard his name mentioned, and I have fallen for him more and more with each passing day.
Tell him for me.
Tell him that I love him, for eternity.
i love you R
I have absolute chills reading this today. What a remarkable young man. He has the insight and acceptance of someone much older, much wiser. I do hope he can be kept as comfortable as possible. Thinking of your family as you accept this news and offer Sheldon the comfort of your family's immense love and support.XoXO
oh sweet renee, i am so so sorry... and i feel so bad for jacquie ... i just can't believe all that u have been through... i am sending prayers up for your entire family.
love u.
I am here. In tears, but here. It was not a dream that he had, it was not a premonition. He crossed time's horizon to be reassured that his grandfather would be there for him. That there is a light we cannot see from this mundane plane, that love as I told you will survive every one of us and everything that exists as we know it.
He came into this world to finish perhaps a once unfinished journey.
Now he is going to embark on the journey without end, and some day, as we measure time here, he will be waiting for you and the rest of the ones he loves and everything will be as it should be, minus the pain, the fears, all of those things that in some way always managed to obscure what we call happiness.
I wish I was there too. I would take care of you and the rest, making tea, cleaning house, doing whatever a girl has to do to keep the minutiae out of the way from those she love. Renee dearest, you have my heart if you can use it to leave your sadness there, to take the strength instead and to help you remember: from life to life, forever.
Dearest Renee,
I am so sad to hear this news, but I am so profoundly thankful that your father is (and has been)looking after Sheldon this entire time. What a grace. Sheldon will not have to be afraid, because he is not alone, and will not be alone. He knows he is loved; I can hear it in what you wrote. What a wonderful young man. I wish I could meet him, and am thankful that you have introduced me to him here. I admire his gentle strength, his courage, his acceptance and his faith.
May his path be gentle & merciful all the way, and may you have the strength to be with him.
Mercy, mercy, mercy...that's what I prayed for Katie, and I am praying it for all of you!
Much love to you. XOXO
So sorry to hear the news Renee. Sheldon's strength, courage, and dignity is a shining light for all.
Dear Renee,
Your wings are so strong, so full of compassion and love...
Thank God for you and for Sheldon and all the warriors of the light,
I pray that someday we will all be free,
My deepest love, Maithri
Renee - I am heartbroken. There is no other word to express this sorrow. Broken for Sheldon. For Jacquie. For you. I love you, Renee - Pam
Hi Renee,
I am saddened to hear this about Sheldon. This story about the dream gives me so much comfort. Hugs to you.
I am counting on it too Renee...
Nadia's post says it so well... I hope I can say yes that her post is what I believe also.
Sheldon is such a brave soul to accept what life has given him. To say I'm not afraid.
He's a true warrior and I'm so glad his grandpa is waiting for him.
Renee- I feel hollow upon reading this about Sheldon,his mum, his auntie, everyone....I felt this same way when my Mum was still breathing but only for a few seconds, then THUD- I felt this way when I totaled my car on chuckanut drive at 2:00am- took the wind shield out with my face...I think this may be shock that I am feeling - I am sending so much love energy your way , Dearest one...I am not sure I know how you can deal with all of what has been handed to you...Lovely Sheldon- superior spirit, that one!
love- big kiss- love
Oh Renee, please let Sheldon and Jacquie know that they are in my thoughts.
I'm so sorry and I have no idea what to say. I am extending my hand out to the ethers to all of you.
It's amazing how someone I've never met has touched my life so deeply.
Lots of love,
Thinking of you.
Love and hugs,
I am total tears...I will never meet face to face with Sheldon but have come to love him with his strength, passion, honesty, and his soul. MY Hero has become a Warrior. I am praying and hoping my gift gets there very soon. Please tell Sheldon..he has become a inspiration like no other. He was given a special gift in strength like no other. He was given his Auntie and Mothers Strength. Who themselves inherited from their Father. Kiss Sheldon on the forehead for me and tell him he is MY HERO!! sorry Renee..tears fill my heart and soul...I love you Lovey xoxoxo
God bless your family for its love and determination. You are all in His hands and He will help you through this unspeakable time.
Hugs my dear friend xoxo
I don't know what to say ... it just doesn't make sense. How can this happen?
I'm so sorry ...
Oh Renee I ache for all of you who will be left behind, but Sheldon has seen the light and used his fear as a stepping stone into the peace of going home. I am so glad he knows his grampa is waiting for him and yes, there is so much more than this short life experience we have here.
Praying for you and your entire family. Sheldon seems like he has such a strong and enduring spirit. Comfort and love to you.
Renee, I don't know what to say...there is nothing I can say that will make any difference, but know that you and your family are in my prayers every day. Sheldon is a very brave young man, and it may be small comfort, but he has many people standing beside him, supporting him through this journey.
xoxo betty
I know it to be true, Renee. I am crying at the sadness of this post...to lose such a precious young man from this world is a great tragedy.
I do believe that his dream is a view to his future and he and his grandpa will meet again in heaven, pain free, able to run free...so beautiful. How comforting to know he will be welcomed with open arms.
God Bless Sheldon. I send my love and prayers his way.
oh renee....
Oh Renee...i'm so sorry. Sheldon sounds like ONE AMAZING SOUL! Looks as if it runs in the family. I continue my prayers for you and yours. I love that his Warrior Grandpa is with him and will continue to be so.
Oh Renee. What a damn bastard of a thing. I am so sorry.
You come from a long line of warriors obviously. I include you in that. I am in awe....
love to you
oh my darlin girl...i am filled with such sadness at what you and your family are going through...
Oh Renee, so hard to find words in the face of news like this. Sheldon is here today, so today is a good day. And one day soon he will be sitting with your Dad and will feel no pain, only peace. And how you will miss him ... but not today, today he is here. The sun is not up yet but I will start my prayers early today. Holding you all in my heart as ever. xx Jos
Amazing child, amazing. But I'm still filled with sadness and, actually, horror, for you and your family. Thank God you have the warriors.
Oh, Dearest Renee,
My heart is weeping. Yet at the same time, knowing that your young warrior is brave and at peace helps to calm my angry soul. Thank you for telling his story. Thank you for being his voice. The story about his premonition is incredible, but that is not surprising because he is an incredible human being.
I hold you all in my heart.
Love, always.
I am thinking peaceful thoughts for you all. I will be away for a while...absent from the internet but please know that I am thinking of you all...xx Love
I'm so so sorry Renee. What terrible news for Sheldon and all of you. Your family continue to touch me with your amazing honesty and love, compassion and humour. Sheldon's dream is incredible and is such an tribute to your family and the strong connections that bind you all together. It gives me peace also.
Lots of love to you. xxx
Darling Renee. I am lost for words other than to say I am so, so sorry. It must just seem like a bad dream to all of you. Kate xx
I'm sorry. So very sorry. What a beautiful spirit Sheldon has.
So sorry Renee, this post has left me with goose bumps all over. Sheldon IS right though, his grandpa will be there to meet him, I KNOW this. When my nain (grandma) died, she showed me how it felt and it was wonderful, like nothing you can ever feel on this earth. It is as though you are filled with golden light, warmth and so much love and joy. Imagine the happiest moment of your life, cancel out all of the subconcious worries you have, and that is what it is like. I will pray for you all. Tell Sheldon he will be fine from me xx
Sheldon is surely one of those holy men who are put on this earth for a short while to teach the rest of us how to live and how to die. He is a gentle warrior.
I am touching my computer screen, wishing it were your hand, dearest Renee. I'm so sad for your family and will keep each one of you in my prayers and thoughts. I love you. Blessings....
We never stop learning from children. I just wish this wasn't the lesson Sheldon was put here to teach.
I honor his bravery and his grace.
Blessings and love to all of you~
I am so sorry for your broken hearts. When I think of the impact Sheldon's story has made on the hundreds of people who are following him and praying for him, I am overwhelmed, and it literally leaves me trembling. Though his life may be shortened by this cursed disease, he will long be remembered as a warrior angel however long he lives. Love to you, Lynda
Sheldon is such an amazing young man; I believe he did have a premonition - sad as it is to say, but I am glad that when he goes on his travels to the new place that we all go to at some point, that is grandpa will be there waiting to show him the ropes and to give him comfort; to be that person who sits on the bench with him as he watches over the family and who can laugh and joke with him at the families antics in this place we call Earth and in their place Heaven.
To be so strong is amazing - Sheldon if I could jump across the ocean i would, to hug you and your Auntie Renee and your mom, why? because I am blessed to know through this place called blogland such a truly wonderful family.
I will pray for you all, I will think of you each and every day BIG HUGS to you ALL
Renne you know that I love you right, and that love extends to your family xxx I am crying as I write this because it seems so unfair... rightly or wrongly that is how I feel. God bless you all xxxx keep the family unity and strength you share - I know I would love to have that unity xxx
the words of your nadalene tell so much about her, you, sheldon, and your whole family.
Renee, the sun is just about to go down. Today has been a good day ... maybe you don't think so under the weight of such crushing news about Sheldon. Today I hold you, and Sheldon and Jacquie in my heart as I pray. Every day I pray, I hope & wish ... with all my heart. I hold your hand, I offer what strength I can. Is there more I can do? I want so much to do more. xx Jos
Such a wise, sweet soul, Sheldon. He is also a brave soul and he will be fine with your grandfather there to take his hand. I KNOW this life is not the end. However, you will miss him, but he is not gone yet and I believe that every moment counts :-). Sending much love, prayers and big hugs.
Oh, Renee! So sorry....no words.
renee, if you don't mind i am going to ask my father to be there to greet and protect sheldon too. my father was a gentle warrior and he will keep things light and soft.
love you, renee
OMG what a tough burden.......
I am so sorry for you and your family, it is soi much it is beyond words and also for me to give you words of comfort......
I don't pray but I will keep you and your family in my heart and thoughts!
Hope you all find the strnght to cope with this
I'm so very sorry Renee. I just don't have the words.....Sheldon is amazing, as are you all!
Love, Darla
Hi Renee,
I've just read the awful news about Sheldon and am sitting here weeping for you, for him, for your family, for all of us. I know it's been said before, but I'll say it again: what a brave young man. And, I'm sure he doesn't feel very "lucky" right now, but he's so fortunate to have you as his Aunt. Your love and strength and advocacy will get him through this with dignity and grace.
Thanks for being so strong and please pass my regards onto your family.
Love from Charlotte
Renee, it is a blessing that Sheldon is so strong. I am amazed by his strength... he is going to get you all through this... imagine! Blessings to Sheldon, you & your entire family.
Renee, words are inadequate and fail me entirely in expressing how I feel for you and you your family in the face of this.My heart and thoughts are with you... ♥
this is so sad and terrible.
How one family can have to suffer so much.
I hold you and Sheldon in my thoughts and prayers in the place
where dear Tessa is now too.
Sending love, compassion and healing thoughts your way
Hugs and all good wishes.
Holding you all very, very close.
dearest Renee, I wish that you and Sheldon and Jacquie and your family all didn't have to be such warriors of spirit for us all, teaching us how to face suffering with courage and grace. I wish you only had to share your humor and creativity and wit and wisdom through day to day mundane beauty. Instead you do all that in the midst of anguish, and life is shared with us in it's fullest. We are truly blessed. I pray for Sheldon's physical comfort to increase and match his peace of mind, and for you all to be embraced by the light of calm and love found in the eternal Divine. I love you,
I'm very sorry.
Sending you much love, Renee. Sheldon is my hero, too. xox Pam
My heart hurts as I read this post. I feel very sad and very angry that you, Jaquie and Sheldon have been going through so much and it doesn't seem to stop. I can't imagine that there are any words to lighten your heavy load and heavy heart, yet i want to say that you, Jacquie and Sheldon are so close in my heart, on my mind and in my prayers. I love you and your beautiful, strong, loving, nurturing family. Your blog has helped me to really *get* that life isn't fair and that I now choose to live my life moment by moment trying not to take anyone or anything for granted. I send you my love and positive, healing vibes to you, Jacquie and Sheldon. I so want to believe in the healing power of many people praying and miracles.
Will continue to pray for Sheldon and Jacquie and you~
My heart stands next to yours. My
hand holds your.
Your Papa is so sweet~
A gentle warrior!
Renee, I am sorry to ready all about Sheldon...
Can Sheldon go on line and maybe share some his dream or anything in the blogworld?
I am sure all of us will want to tell him that he is a true warrior and strong men!
God blessed!
My prayers and thoughts are with you, Sheldon, Jacqui and the rest of your family. You are blessed to have the family you have, and particularly
to have Sheldon a true warrior angel.
To say I am sorry, is beyond inadequate, however there are no words.
Dear Renee,
I am so sorry.
My heart is breaking for you all.
Sheldon is a true warrior and how strong and brave he is.
The premonition in his dream is incredible and may his Grandpa be there with him.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all dear Renee.
I just came to hug you goodnight, and to remind you that there is always time for tears. Now we have to make sure that every second he has left is filled with laughter and peace, love and poetry, music and all the things he can take with him in his journey.
I am here, you know that, you don't even need to call me. I love you Reneé, please try to get some rest.
Renee dear, I can't sleep and I am thinking of you, Sheldon and Jacquie and all your lovely family members. I have not known a family so full of challenges as yours yet you manage to give more and more instead of take and take. The pain and suffering is yours and Sheldon's and Jaquie's yet the inspiration is ours. Why is that? Even though he did not chose it, Sheldon is our teacher. In the face of adversity and suffering, he manages to teach us courage, hope, strength and acceptance of the painful facets of life. A dignified young man, truly honorable, such an irony and a sadness to me to see him cling to his delicate life and to think that many of his peers waste theirs. Sheldon, I shall always equate this name with courage, strength, dignity and love.
I am so sorry Renee, my heart goes out to you my friend.. I wish you all strength in the coming weeks... I love you Renee.. my thoughts and prayers are with you all.. xoxoxo
Dear Renee. I have been thinking of you a lot these last few days in particular, and I wanted to leave you another comment to let you know you are in my thoughts. My heart is breaking for you all. I know you are devastated and it hurts, and I am devastated for you and your family too. Sending all my love to you Renee. Take care. xxx
I don't know what to say Renee...I just don't know what to say. I've just come from Tessa's site and now I am just overcome. My thoughts and prayers to Sheldon, and to all who love him.
Renee, just wanted to check in; hoping you are doing well. Keeping you and your loved ones in my prayers.
Renee, in these final days, be strong for Sheldon, and if you can, share the faith with him, that this is only a journey, that the best is yet to come. That this is our lot in life, each and every one of us must pass through the valley of death. (Well, there are some exceptions, but you'll have to read about THAT in the 'manual')
But once this temporary and brief journey is over, we can have the hope of once again reuniting in joy, if we be in Christ. And if not in Christ, we'll also reunite, only not in joy, but in even more pain and suffering. There are no shortcuts, no two ways about it. That's why it's important that you talk with Sheldon Renee. Arm yourself with courage and knowledge before you do. Ask the Lord to give you the words of encouragement and hope that he needs. And I hope you receive these words knowing that I myself am burdened to share them with you. It isn't easy Renee, to speak with people about something so personal as faith. Some would argue that it's just not proper, that to each his own, and no one must intrude or interfere. Only if I kept quiet, your blood would be on my hands, if I knew how you might be saved and didn't tell you. I know you yourself are not feeling strong, but I know the Lord will give you strength and health. Yes, even health. Have faith!
Every year
I have ever learned
in my lifetime
leads back to this: the fires
and the black river of loss
whose other side
is salvation,
whose meaning
none of us will ever know.
To live in this world
you must be able
to do three things:
to love what is mortal;
to hold it
against your bones knowing
your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go.
Mary Oliver, from "In Blackwater Woods"
Loving you xoxo
Dearest Renee,
I can't stop thinking about you and your dear loved ones. You are all in my heart, in my prayers, constantly. I am so sorry for your pain and anguish. You are all warriors in this nightmare.
Feel your beating heart, and know that I love you and am thinking of you, dear one.
I am so sorry, Renee.
Dearest Renee, today was my 'catch up' day and so here I am with my hand over my mouth as I read your post. I am so so sorry for you and your family, but Sheldon is a marvel, isn't he? I was amazed and comforted by his dream/premonition and to know his Grandpa will be waiting for this very special person must help you all.
What else can I say but am thinking of you all, especially Sheldon at this difficult time. xxx
(((HUGS))) To your entire warrior family Renee. Sheldon's premonition or dream gives me comfort, I know that his grandpa will be there waiting for his warrior grandson. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
Dear Renee,
Brave heart I am so sorry. I pray your love of Sheldon and that of your whole family grows as it knows in these coming days it never ends.
I pray for Sheldon too and Jacquie, and that their pain lessens.
With your permission Renee, please may I write him? If I can some way share some of what you inspire, I would appreciate it.
You standing behind Jacquie's chair, I understand friend.
Oh Renee, I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to you all. Sending you love and strength... .xx.
Dearest renee, like is such a puzzle! god bless x
just don´t allow Sheldon to feel beeing alone not even for 1 second You all are Everything for him
hope the doctors can reduce his pain :o.
I keep on thinking of You all, dearest Renee, please take care of You all, hugs Kristina
Renee, I'm not quite sure how this is happening. I'm not quite sure why. And I'm shocked by what I am learning from you and from Sheldon and your sister. But you are all wonderous. I wish that would be enough to spare you. I'll pour out all that I have for Sheldon.
much love,
I am at a loss for words, Renee... I am in absolute awe at the closeness of your family- oh but that all families could be so close. My heart goes out to Sheldon and Jacquie and you... and the rest of your family as you cope with the news the doctor has given you. Damn cancer! They can send a spaceship to Mars, but they can't cure freaking cancer. I don't understand...
dear renee.
just love.
BLESS ALL your family Renee! Sheldon's dream gave me cold chills! GOD BLESS Sheldon! I will keep him near my heart and his mother, all of YOU!((((Sheldon)))))God Bless Grandpa too! Praise GOD for comforting Sheldon.
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