Friday, 13 November 2009

Fantasy Friday BLD No. 33


Ces Adorio said...

I wish I could paint like these artists and have their imagination.

Poetic Artist said...

I love Fantasy Friday.. Yes I do.
It makes me laugh as a child.

zoe said...

awesome!! i love these :) thanks!

Unknown said...

oh my heavens!!! these are amazing Renee!!! I love the last one...with the dreamy tree and girl...I have this thing about trees!!!

Have a wonderful Friday!!!


kj said...

oh, i want a friend like breakfast.

and lunch.

and dinner.

and i'm glad i have a friend
like you.

this is a rather upbeat serving, moonsister. it's preparing me for my mexican gastro-adventure.

love love & love

RNSANE said...

Great pictures, Renee...I like the carousel animals running away to freedom. I imagine it gets old running around in circles all the time!

Caio Fern said...

the second one is my favorite ... wow ... what a cool image !!1
thank you for these 3 gifts today Renee .
have a great weekend my dear friend !!!

Marie Rayner said...

I love all of these Renee, but most especially the top one!

Unknown said...

OMG I love them....The images are escape. Wow....
Love ya Lovey


Caroline said...

What fun to be a rabbit riding on a pennyfarthing alongside the Loch Ness monster! Or carousel horses breaking free! Is that tree offering its last leaves to the little girl? I just love these pictures you find for us Renee! xx

yoborobo said...

I love all of these. Some people can just make magic happen when they paint and draw. :) Thanks for finding them and sharing. xoxoxox pam

A Cuban In London said...

Don't you just love that first image? Is that 'The Never Ending Story' by any chance?

Greetings from London.

Micki Wilde said...

I love your fantasy friday pictures!! The first one is just gorgeous, the second one is delightful, I love the idea of the horses escaping the carousels.

Micki x

Noreen said...

I love it! Thanks

Linda Sue said...

Hello Roomie, I am curious to know where the carousel picture came from...many years ago a guy asked me to illustrate his book and one of the illustrations was to be that...I said no, I couldn't do it because I am not that acccomplished...He must have stolen the idea, as if an idea can ever be stolen...

studio lolo said...

Good morning dear raven sister...

yes, the top one (breakfast) reminds me a bit of The Neverending Story as well.
I can really feel the movement in this and the joy! His larger than life pal is alongside him all the way. They even look alike ;)

(lunch) It just oozes freedom and the breaking free of shackles. Could be a metaphor for so many things that bind us. It's beutifully done.

(Dinner) I can't tell if she's waving to the tree or holding her hand out for a leaf. Either way, it's a tender moment that we get to witness.

yes, I did know you like reflections. After all, we're reflections of each other;)

And yes, this Thanksgiving will be good this year as most of the last 22 have been since being with Brian. I shouldn't write such tragic memories on your wonderful blog. It's a theraputic place to come though...I can't help myself!

love you dearly,

Marie S said...

Wonderful images as usual. I love the second one... Leaving the vicious circle behind.

Is Ces joking???

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful paintings -- the first is from a book that my boys just loved. Thanks for posting these fantasies!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, carousel ponies, run!! Run free!!

Deborah said...

Oh picture #2 I LoVe! All the little ponies ran away. Delightful. And there is Ces' silly comment glaring right at me! She WISHES??? She DOES!!! Silly wee little Ces. All my love to you and Jacquie, Deb

Marion said...

Oh, I love, love, love the carousel horses breaking free from the horrid merry-go-round of their imprisonment!! YES!!!! You're such an intuitive artist yourself, Ms. Renee. I love your Fantasy Fridays better than chocolate! Love, Hugs, Peace, & Blessings, dear friend!!!!! xoxo

Sara Diana said...

Fantastic paintings, love them!

Javajune said...

Oh I love the fantasy pics, esp the tree. BTW you asked about x-mas gifts, my little one is all about Strawberry Shortcake and wants the movies, the dolls and the house and oh yes she has a car. We also got her a hide and seek monkey, you may want to check it out on You hide the monkey and the kids use a magic stick to try to find him. It relieves you of the task of hiding in a dark closet for 20 minutes until they find you. Tee he.
take care and have a perfectly lovely weekend.

Debra Kay said...

Fantasy= freedom!

TheChicGeek said...

Love these drawings, Renee :) Kind of fun to think of the Merry Go Round horses breaking free and running off to a magical day :) I like that!

I wish you a Happy Friday and a Beautiful Weekend :)
Love and Hugs :)

Angie Muresan said...

Love those images, but especially the one with the carrousel horses taking off. When I look at it I am reminded about how beautiful we each are, in our own way, yet we allow ourselves to be held in place by the little we see of life. And we lose sight of our unique beauty. We focus on just what is before us instead of seeing the beauty and the vastness of the universe around us.

A Gift Wrapped Life said...

Hi Renee,
I was thinking of you this week for a number of reasons and just wanted to share this with you. We returned from a trip and I started with shingles on the return home and spent the next four days in excruciating pain. I thought to myself that you must be some kind of woman to go through your experiences, often painful I am sure, and still blog and make time to share your challenging journey. I simply don't know how you do it!
The second reason was we met a delightful couple from Winnipeg who shared our dinner table on the cruise so of course I told them all about you. Have a happy weekend. XO

GlorV1 said...

I love those paintings. That's me on that bike. I'm making a dash for the bakery, for freshly baked donuts.:D Have a great weekend.::hugs::

Doris Sturm said...

I especially love the carousel horses running off...very cute!

I enjoy paintings that tell a story!

I hope you are having a good day today, Renee...

Doris and fam.

angela recada said...

I love the art you chose, and I love you.

Have a good weekend, my dear soup-loving, angel-spotting friend.

Hugs and love,

Stacey J. Warner said...

I love the horses running away, magnificent.

much love

Sarah said...

I love the escaping carousel horses and the little girl looks as if she is gving that tree a good talking to about something. As I type, my cat Lily has just got into a shoebox on the floor that has all my fused plastic in it. Nothing to do with fantasy Friday but she looks so cute!

Anonymous said...

I laughed at the merry-go-round picture. That looks like something that could only happen to me. Except the ponies wouldn't come alive. Just flying off the merry-go-round with me in tow, hurling through the air until we both landed in a giant pile of cotton candy. Hey, one can dream!

The running joke with my friends about me is: "What's your name?". 'Corey'. "What do you do?" 'I break things. HA!

Bella Sinclair said...

OOoooh! I like this Friday! And here I was, thinking, hmmmm, Friday the 13th....wonder if Renee has some sinister fantasies brewing. And lo and behold, I'm greeted with the most wonderful images, filled with innocent childhood charm. My brain is spinning like Mary Tyler Moore. weeeeeeeeee!!

Happy Friday, sweetness!

Tammie Lee said...

Amazing art. My father would bring home art in these styles when I was little, always so amazing to take them in with friends.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful fantasy paintings... I recognize the top one from a story.
I've always loved that rabbit...

I love the idea of breaking free like the carousel horse...
And a tree giving of it's self to a child....

Wonderful Renee...
Thanks for wanting to stop by for dressing.... : )
Love xoxo Pattee

Dan Gliubizzi said...

These are great. Do we all feel like that when we ride a bike, I do!

Mim said...

I love these - especially the second one - just wonderful

Barbara said...

Oh! I love these! Especially the carousel! Have I dreamed that??

xoxxo B

Rosaria Williams said...

Don't we all feel like this? Under a cloud/fish nightmare that keeps following us no matter how hard we try to wheel away? Or, on a carousel, going in circles? This was a true Fantasy Friday fare. Thanks Reneee.

Dede said...

Oh Renee I LOVE the second one! Breaking free....


Anonymous said...

These are lovely. My fav is the second one; I love the way the horses escaped!

Annie said...

I love all of these, the top one makes me happy. Love and hugs, xoxo

rochambeau said...

Good ones Renee!
Like them all, but especially the third one, it's me.

Elena_Valeriote said...

I loooooove these! Sometimes I feel like the carousel horse in the picture... Living a monotonous life that just goes round and round and gets nowhere- and all I want to do is break out and run as far away from the merri-go-round as I can...

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Renee,

Love all the Fantasy Friday paintings and they made me smile.
Especially the carousel horses escaping and taking off into the countryside.

I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend

Daria said...

The third is my fav ...

Amy C said...

I love all of these images, what a great selection and they all go together so well.
I really love the carousel with the escaped horse, what an awesome idea.
Love Amy

tomkiddo said...

i like the third painting most, adorable :)

LDWatkins said...

I love the carousel horses dash for freedom!!! Don't know where you find them, but they are wonderful!

BT said...

I love the horse taking off for freedom from the merry go round, it's fabulous. The others are lovely too but I just liked the idea of the other best.

Lila said...

Hi :)
Love this blog, especially fantasy Friday! :)
Love Lila xx