Friday, 27 November 2009

Fantasy Friday BLD No. 35

*artwork B by Mike Brown and L by Lisa Falzon


Anonymous said...

Beautiful work!

Jos said...

Ooooh, there's something pretty sinister feeling about all of these Renee. Definitely the sort that conjure up dark edged fantasies in my mind anyway.

Hope you are well Renee, I was very sorry to read about your friend Catherine. None of this is fair or at all easy. Losing friends and loved ones continually along the way makes us very aware of the need to celebrate life even while we miss and mourn those gone on ahead. xx Jos

pRiyA said...

you always manage to pick out the most intriguingly beautiful pictures.
love this selection with their reds.

Deborah said...

LoVe that deerie decorated with little red birds. OOoooo, I think I need one on my lawn!!! You and Jacquie are always in my thoughts and prayers. Gotta run ... time to put the penguins out! **kisskiss* Deb

Caio Fern said...

here i am on your lovely fantasy friday .
hard to choose today . you're inspired .
but the 2 firsts are hard to resist .

lovely weekend for you renee !!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. I was up until 2:30 last night, high on Nyquil and putting up some Christmas decorations. The cold is much better, but thank goodness I didn't lose my sense of taste - the Thanksgiving turkey was delish and I had a few bites for you as well.

Now that Thanksgiving is over...LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!

Annie said...

Oh, I love the first and last of these. Sending love to you this day.

shelly said...

I love the colours in b+l - of course the birds are beautiful!

Micki Wilde said...

I love the first one it's amazing! the others are brilliant to but the first one is so striking!

Micki x

A Cuban In London said...

Excellent images. The second one was terrifying. Many thanks. And Happy Thanksgivings to you and your family, too!

Greetings from London.

Manon said...

Thanks for your lovely comment yesterday Renee! I'm glad it's!
Love these works!! The first two are my favorite!!
I hope you're having a great day! We got a couple of snow flakes here today but now it's sunny!


Rosaria Williams said...

Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. I'm all pooped out; will not cook again for weeks. I hate all those leftovers and nobody to eat them.

Debra Kay said...

My favorite is the first. The stag looks like he is protecting the little cardinals. Stunning!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A touch of the macabre today!

Kolleen said...

loving the vibrant reds in each of these...i actually like the 2nd one best.
hope you are doing well!

Wine and Words said...

If I were those sweet little birds I would be keeping an eye out for the ghouls below. Yikes! Something this way comes...

Unknown said...

holy smokessssssss ...these are fantastic Renee!!!


Unknown said...

Hi Renee!!! Hank is on his way!!! he will do everything you need him to to....just hide all your sweets from him...he gets lazy when he eats sweet things!!!


Unknown said...

He will love that Renee!!! you are so so sweeeeeeeeeet!!!!

turquoise cro said...

Just watching a little Buck today!! I think the hunters are all giving him a free pass because he is so small!! Love the red cardinals on the deer's antlers!!! hehe Thinking of YOU sweet one!

Arija said...

Dearest Renee, what wonderful illustrations! So well tied up with red and white ribbons.
The white sacrificial deer, Snowwhite to be slaughtered in the woods...but there is nothing at all sinister about that pompous White Rabbit. Lovely cohesive choices.

Angie Muresan said...

I do love that second one. A bit creepy, but I know she'll talk him out of it. If only life was so.
Thinking of you. Hoping your Thanksgiving was wonderful, and that you're feeling well.

Ruthie Redden said...

beautiful, i especially love lisa's work. x x sending you blessings dear renee x

Angie Muresan said...

You know, something did ring a bell regarding that second one. Thanks for clarifying, Renee. :)

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Oooh, it's getting to look a lot like . . . .

Love to you Renee.

Ingrid Mida said...

I LOVE red!! Paintings with red always have a vibrancy that draw me in.
Hope you are having a good day Renee!

Doris Sturm said...

Thought-provoking and kind of eery, especially the last two...I love those kind of pictures/painting - makes one think!

Hope you're feeling well. I'm working on another Giveaway - must hurry before Christmas surprises me - again :-) I already missed one important deadline - will try not to miss another!

Kind Regards,

Jasmine said...

Beautiful art :)

drollgirl said...

i love to zip off to fantasy camp! and these pictures are transporting me there! :)

zoe said...

oops--i posted my comment on the wrong post! these images are gorgoues, i love them! and i'm going to have to follow that rabbit to his maker....thanks!

Lori ann said...

i missed wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving dear Renee, thank you for the wishes, and i hope you've had a nice friday. i am tired, but happy from all the cooking,hosting and company.
love, lori

Silver said...

Just dropping in to say hi (as usual ;D) and that you will have a great day today.


Bella Sinclair said...

Goodness, what are you doing to me? I am completely stuffed after Yanksgiving dinner, and you go serving these delicious dishes the day after? Oy! They are all remarkable.

Snowbrush said...

It's a tough choice, but I do believe I like the deer best.

Lila said...

Oh Renee this is my favourite fantasy friday by far! Gorgeous pictures - especially the first one!
Love and hugs
Lila xx

soulbrush said...

hope your thanksgiving was good, and i am sure you all thought of dearest sheldon. how are your mom and jacqui?please let us all know. think of you daily and send my fervent blessings your way. xxx

Maithri said...

Beautiful as always,

Just dropping by to send you my love,


studio lolo said...

hello Ms. Winipeg!
I love Fantasy Fridays ;)

B is delightful!. Making the deer albino against the dark background is perfection. I love the cardinal on the far right being very inquisitive!

L is a fabulous painting! I don't normally like 'dark' subjects but this artist has mad skills. The style reminds me of one of my favorite illustrators, Gennady Spirin. You must look him up ;)

D, well um, I prefer a cuddlier White Rabbit!

Love you raven Sister,

Unknown said...

So cool....Love them all.


Daria said...

They are all beautiful but the second one speaks to me.

secret agent woman said...

Ooh, I love that top one. It would be great to have up in the winter.

michelle allen said...

beautiful pictures. thanks for introducing me to these amazing artists that you always seem to find!

hope you're feeling better :(
blessings to you and your family.

Marie S said...

Black and red is so dramatic isn't it?