To live content with small means,
To seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion,
To be worthy, not respectable,
And wealthy, not rich,
To study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly,
To listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart,
To bear all cheerfully, do all bravely,
Await occasions, hurry never,
In a word to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious,
Grow up through the common; this is to be my symphony.
~~ by William Henry Channing ~~
May this symphony be the music of all our lives!
I love this Channing quote so much I have it as the 'lead' on my sidebar. I think it speaks to all that you are Renee.
This is beautiful! For years I always felt something was missing in my life, that there had to be something more. I didn't pray for anything specific, but I prayed for contentment because in that, I knew I could find happiness.
Thanks for sharing this piece Renee!
I think are living this symphony!
Love, Darla
Dear Renee,
Thank you for these thoughts by William Henry Channing. I aspire to be this way, but fall short. I sent a copy to my mom (because of you) via email, because it describes her grace to Tee.
Love and Hugs to you and Jacquie~
A beautiful poem. A mantra :)
This is perfection. Wishing you the perfect day, Lovee. **blows kisses** Deb
This is a wonderful quote that seems to speak to my soul and my heart.
The beauty of the picture tops the quote off.
May we all realise this quiet awareness and understand its abundance.
love and hugs my pretty!
wow, you have set the tone for my day. that is simply beautiful. thank you Renee I love that
That makes me very happy!!
Love this Renee! These words touch me because this is that way I want to be..... I want to live my life in a simple way with an open heart!!
love u
I haven't heard a truer word. My motto too.
What a wonderful find of a quote!
I do hope all is well with you et al, hugs, Arija.
That's a good poem to share Renee and to follow. I saw you had visited Strawberry Girl's great list of how to live the other day. This is having a similar effect on me thanks. How is your day today?
I've always loved these words.
How did you know I needed the reminder today?
I emailed it to myself so I can print it out and read it a hundred times if needed.
Thank you Renee.
I love you.
P.S. Now I understand the comment about my 'beauty.'
I hardly ever show my face, so thank you for your sweet comment ;)
I love it. Thank you.
One of my favorite quotes, posted today by one of my favorite people. Your life is a symphony, dear Renee, and it touches me deeply.
Sending you much love and BIG HUGS,
Beautiful. Thank you for that.
I hope you feel good today and that you get happy surprises.
Big love. XOXO
Renee - just the perfect thing to read today. I will read it several more times, and savor the truths. Thank you for sharing this with us! xoxoxo Pam
I love the quote Renee, beautiful.
Hi Jaquie:) sending thoughts for you as well.
Renee , I want you to see this
thought you might have some encouragement.
Wise words. Thanks for sharing this. I'm not familiar with William Henry Channing, but will acquaint myself with more of his writings. Great.
Beautiful. I love this poem. It's funny, I was just on a blog from a guy in Mexico who said as much in Spanish this morning (different words, but same sentiment.) It's so amazing, this journey, how common we all are, yet how unique. But our dreams seem to flow toward the same sea. Thanks for this, hon. Hope you are feeling well.
Ah, yes, this is what I wish and feel and believe. Thank you, Renee, for a wonder of inspiration today, once again!
Very wise words to live by!
Hope you're feeling well today, Renee. Been thinking of you.
Doris :-)
Oh, my gosh. I just love this quote. Thank you, Renee.
Love to you!
Lovely Renee. Here's something I gift to you:
"And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue;
They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.
Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from their eyes He smiles upon the earth."
(The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran)
Hope you are well.
That was beautiful Renee.
:) simply beautiful.. both picture and words x
Incredibly beautiful, I hope to live this way.
Robert Louis Stevenson wrote a similar thing, you reminded me of it.
Where is the photo from dear Renee?
love to you and Jacquie too.
XXX lori
As subtle and strong as the ever waiting and watching wise old owl.
I love this - thank you! XOXO
Hi Renee!!! this is beautiful and so what I needed today...you are like an angel....you always know just what we all need!!
I needed this today - thanks.
I just love you Renee!!
Just because :)
how absolutely lovely, never seen this before, thanx. and lotsa hugs.xx
oh, i love this quote! beautiful image to match. thank you for this post..beautiful thoughts...
Old southern bottle tree. Beautiful. Maybe I'll start me one.
Oh my goodness, Renee. This is why women fall in love with poets. I've never read a more elequent mission statement for life. I'm swooning.
A good template for any life is this and if we followed this excellent advice we would all be much better people.
Renee, whilst writing I wonder if you would care to participate in the Sunday Roast column. I would be highly honoured if you agree to appear and you would be a very popular choice. Please email me on: thesundayroasting@googlemail.com
Best wishes and a hug from me ~ Eddie
To be happy is not the goal...but to be content is the prize!
Hugs, Carrie
Hej min käraste bloggvän, over there....
One swedish word today; LYCKA
The photo in the post darling! i love it.
This is just beautiful hon! Thank you for the reminder to slow down and just breathe and enjoy the good things rather than the right things! Thank you hon! I loved the picture too. Hugs and love to you hon, Sarah
Hmmmmm......be nice to think I had achieved some of this. One of these days ....
Excellent words and sentiments and I couldn't agree more! Thanks for an uplifting start to a grey Friday. Yay, 8 hours and it's the weekend.
What wonderful words to live by...I have a ways to go, lol.
Hugs and prayers,
What a glorious poem. It mimics exactly how I am feeling today. Thank you Renee. I'm going to write it down in my journal. Love and hugs to you my friend.
Dear Renee, I am going to write that down and read it every day! I was just thinking something like that last night - the need to slow things down, to notice the small wonders, to listen, to read, to savor, to discover the perfection of things as they are.... Thank you for this!! Much love, Silke
And I love you more than Ces. Hahaha. You know that I do.
What a symphony! Words we should all live by...
your comment on my karma post, spoke volumes.
you are an angel Renee, an absolute angel.
much love
for me that is the most perfect poem I think that I have ever read!
thank you for sharing this.
x Ribbon :)
PS... think i'm gonna steal this...
yep i am. xx
"To live content with small means,"
Oh, I know, I know. Sometimes I just wish I had lots and lots of money so I could afford to live simply. You know, only THREE mansions and ONE Lear jet.
Renee - the yellow one has a big old reserved sign on her now. :) And you are very welcome for the reminder. LOL!!! xoxoxoxo Pam
The simple jars hanging there are so beautiful. Love you. Blessings.
Life sucks!
By the way, you may be on a tightrope, but you are never ever alone. Sorry your back is hurting, darling. Would you like me to send you my personal masseur Sven? He can work wonders.
Whoa! I just saw that comment from The Bella. What's that suppose to mean, like I give a shit!
Incredible picture. Did you take it? The poem is a wonderful companion, as well.
william henry channing--he was a boston boy, corresponded with ralph waldo emerson. i can see the connections, being a boston girl.
i am in love with that photo. one light bulb and four candles. that seems like the right balance to keep it simple.
you know renee, i didn't know you were a prolific reader until recently. duh! you are so modest about the breath and scope of your knowledge. matter of fact, i wouldn't be surprised if you are a Duchess to some country. :)
i love you.
Oh Renee this is brilliant!
And so beautiful :)
A mantra to live by
What a beautiful writing!Oh, to be like that. We can only try.
Absolutely beautiful. If only everyone would be quiet for a moment and listen to the symphony...
Since I don't know if you get back to read comments to your comments...
Renee: "From the very first I liked you."
Which is no doubt why you, a woman with four million two thousand and twelve followers (give or take six or seven) actually visit my blog from time to time. I go to your blog, and I read response after response from people who absolutely adore you, and I rather envy that, but I should also think you would find it a bit overwhelming at times--I know I would. I must say that, as nice as you are, I am at a bit of a loss to understand such a constant outpouring of affection toward anyone. Maybe it's a woman thing.
This is a beautiful quote Renee. I wish for you the best for someone deserving of it. You give such a glimpse into the challenges of your life. I wish I had a magic wand that could make it all better for you and Jacquie. It seems you have been through so much...I can't even imagine. I do believe that our thoughts are the creators of life...so I will be creating in my minds eye a picture of health for you both.
My favorite quote, Renee. It is perfect in every way...a pure symphony!
that's so meaningful :)
I have never seen this one before, it is truly beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
And I can definitely hum to that melody, too.
Apologies if my blog is playing up. I have no idea why it's doing what it's doing. I hope blogger sorts it out quickly. Your comments are always welcome.
Greetings from London.
So very true - they are words to live by! I am going to print that out and hang it next to my workstation.
Intriguing image, beautiful words. -J
This is just perfect Renee. Where would I be without you to remind me that there is wonder all around ... if only we stop and look. My daily prayers continue btw, as ever. And I have added one of Tessa's beautiful pictures to my Christmas list with a double bold asterix to ensure it gets bumped up to the top! Subtley not being my strong suit. xx Jos
I had to look Channing up on google. What did we do before computers? Encyclopedias I guess. That he was Unitarian says a lot - a voice of awareness. Really speaks to me.
Love to you today.
Hi Renee,
Thank you for leaving me a message at my blog. I appreciate the prayers. My prayers are going out to you as well. Yes, it is a whole different world with cancer. I am not sure what the chemo is as I start it today. I have been in shock for about two weeks now and just grasping the seriousness of this disease. Denial? maybe. But probably not. Just going through the stages of grief I think.
I love your blog and your art. I am going to do my art like I've never done it before. It is so healing for me. I go to another place as so many artists do. I love it there and I plan to go there a lot. This is new for me so I will take it a day at a time. Keep in touch please and I will do the same.
Thanks for the poem. I was just about to go there when I go the diagnosis. Now I know this is what I must strive for.
Peace, love and blessings to you and yours.
Renee, this appeals to me vastly. At first I was rejecting the words elegance and refinement even, but was relieved that we don't need to be respectable, and then on the second reading I thought, these words are products of the time it was written in and both refinement and elegance can come in unlikely packages. I imagine a man in a second hand shabby suit but with undeniable refinement and a woman like Leonard Cohen's Suzanne in rags but absolutely elegant. That I can abide by. Never hurry. Let all grow organically. And a pretty mason jar never hurt anyone.
Love it, Renee
and you too.
Sending you all the best.
Oh, I do love that. Just what I wanted to feel...soothing. Thanks, Renee. You give so much.
Renee - may i please steal your entry and post it on my blog? i will give you full credit - i love it!
This just sings to my heart. What beautiful words...
Sending my love.
beautiful... and the words ring so true... likewise I stole it and tucked it away for use on another day or just when I want to be lifted... thanks for sharing such wise words...
Oh that is so beautiful & the pic so appropriate sighhh... x
What a beautiful quote this is Renee. I shall aspire to follow it. You already have.
this is a beautiful poem and a wonderful guide for life!
Dear Renee ~ What you say and share is always so beautiful. I am going to carry this one with me.~ XO
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