Monday, 19 October 2009

F = Angels And Goddesses

Fallen angels are the collective name given to those angels who chose to rebel against God and so ‘fell’ from the ranks of the heavenly host.

The fallen angels are known as devils, demons, and unclean spirits and are known to reside in hell or the bottomless pit.

The fallen are unredeemable enemies of God and all of his Creation, especially humanity. The fallen angels struggle daily against all that is holy, sacred, and good. They seek to corrupt and destroy the innocent. They want to plunge the universe into chaos and one of their main goals is to snuff out the perfect light of God’s love.

The most common story of how they fell is that God informed the angels that he intended to create humanity and that the angels should bow down before this new species. Some of the angels refused to obey God, one in particular ‘Satan.’ His pride would not permit him to submit to God. Satan along with one-third of the entire heavenly army launched war against God.

Losing this war the fallen angels were driven from heaven by Michael and the angels of light.

Flower Woman is the Yaqui Goddess of prophecy.

Yaqui myth tells of the time just before the Spaniards came to North America when a tribe called the Surem lived in the Sonoran desert. One day a tree began to shake and make strange noises and no one could understand what message the tree was trying to tell them.

A young woman came forward and told the people that the tree told her that the world was about to change, that a new people would come and bring new beliefs and new ways. Many of the people did not like Flower Woman’s message and chose to leave the tribe to live underground rather than have new ways imposed upon them. The rest of the people stayed and merged with the newcomers (the Spaniards) and became the Yaqui people.


Meghann said...

How neat! A heavenly smack-down....I would NOT have wanted to witness that!!

Art by Darla Kay said...

How interesting Renee! One third? That's scary.
I'm glad I'm on the good side... well MOST of the time :) I try, I really, really do.
Love, Darla♥

studio lolo said...

I wonder what I would have done. I'm not a follower, I'm a rebel of sorts but not a troublemaker. I dont think I would have become a fallen angel and I certainly wouldn't have gone to live underground.

I think I just would have followed the beat to my own drummer, even then. (As long as no one got hurt.)

I adore the second illustration.
And you, of course ;)

Mailing address will remain the same btw.


Annie said...

Love and hugs today,xoxo

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh I loved them both. I love these hon..the unique angels you offer up!! I lived in the Sonoran desert - in AZ for years and adore the culture of the tribes there!! wonderful folks!! Thank you for sharing this one!!
How are you hon? I worry about you and am sending you love and prayers! Take care of you hon!!
Love you, Sarah

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. Over the last couple months I've been doing some research on angels and fallen angels. I'd like to see if I can come up with an idea for a short story.

Jackie said...

Good Morning! Just stopping by for a visit and to say I hope you have a wonderful week .
Hug and extra one for Jaquie

Barbara said...

Renee, Fascinating! It's so interesting, isn't it, that no matter where in the world we go, there are these universal stories that hang together with the same threads? Over and over, stories get repeated, twisted by the cultures that tell them. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Have a great day, hon. ((Hugs))

xxx said...

there's a lot to learn from fallen angels... they have their value.

i love you renee
you are a wonderful creative soul.

best wishes
Ribbon x

xxx said...

whenever i think of you i smile.

i know you carry big hurts, but you carry them in such a way that i can't help but learn from you.

you are wonderful renee....
i've just been reading missed posts... smiling and thinking about you :)

xx ribbon

Marie S said...

I just love the goddess and angel series. I love Flower woman and the picture of her.
Pride is always the fall isn't it?
ego- edging god out.
Have a great week lovely goddess angel!

Diva Kreszl said...

love the history!!!!

Lori ann said...

This is kind of a scary love story.

Isn't Ribbon the sweetest? I love her. I want to say what she's said, and I love you too.

*jean* said...

aren't the yaquai the people that castenada wrote about? can't remember anymore, read that sooo long ago...hope you are well today...i always enjoy your angel posts...


TheChicGeek said...

Such interesting facts, Renee :) I love how you teach us new things! It's always a treat.

Wishing you a Super Happy Day Today and all Week Long!



Just Another She said...

Thank you for sharing the Flower Woman. I am part Yaqui and to have someone share that part of me is wonderful!

Stacey J. Warner said...

lovely post, interesting and entertaining...

sending you lots of love

Anonymous said...

Dearest Renee, so lovely to hear from you.
Loved the story about the fallen angels. I didn't know a third of them rebelled.
Have you read the 'fall of Lucifer' by Wendy Alec? Mark as read it five times already. One of his favorite books.
Thank you for inviting me to a prize draw this will be so exciting.

Anonymous said...

Angels walk among us....
don't all of us have a dark side?

As a child I could see early on the hypocrisies of the church. I had to find away to create my own spirituality. Not follow some doctrine...

I love angels... I think you are one Renee..
Love oxo

ps I left an award on my blog for you~: )

Baino said...

These are always so interesting and I must admit, I'm a sucker for movies which include fallen angels! Spooky but absorbing.

Manon said...

You always teach me something new girlfriend! Very interesting post!!

Have a great evening!!

love ,

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I always love to learn these customs that I am not familiar with. How profound were the Spaniards to know that these new people would bring change...whether good or bad. So interesting....

turquoise cro said...

Sending love and prayers to GOD today for YOU!!!and YOURS!! Take that you fallen angels!!Whenever he is around, say"Satan, get behind me!!in the name of Jesus!!"

rochambeau said...

Dearest Renee,
Hi and Happy Monday. It's nice to see the art work honoring of Sheldon and his terrific spirit above.
I like coming here to read your posts. Always interesting. You shoot from the hip and get to the bottom line, when you speak about your feelings, then sometimes you share about dreams and prophesy always allowing the reader to think. You are a good modern day storyteller of old stories.

Out of curiosity, do you think all people are part fallen angel or do you have an opinion about that?

I bear good tidings, a nice report. Tony moved his hand and leg this morning.
Praying for you and Jacquie. My prayers are circling both of your heads can you feel them?

Rosaria Williams said...

Heaven and Earth in collusion. My, what stories we tell!

yoborobo said...

Hi Renee! Sorry to be so late visiting you. The story of the fallen angels is so interesting - have you seen the preview for the new Del Toro movie? It has dark angels in it. Scary!!! Love to you, my friend - xoxox Pam

secret agent woman said...

The story of Michael and the angels is one I know, since it is commemorated (Michaelmas) every year on my birthday.

I fear I'd be a fallen angel, if I were an angel at all. Not seeking to destroy what is good, just balking at being told what to do!

Hope you have had a good day.

♥ Braja said...

I find the concept of Satan quite funny: that God lost power or control over this world because Satan got pissed off? lol....yeah....I don't think so.....

Chrisy said...

Yes think there would be shades of grey to all angels...both good and all of to you dear heart...

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Renee,

An interesting post today and always great to come and see what you have to share with us.

I hope that you have a good week and thoughts, prayers and love to you and Jacquie.


kj said...

renee, have you ever read 'the mists of avalon'? i think you would love the story of the godesses before the emergence of male driven christianity changed the historical record. the book's a long read, but once you're into it you won't put it down. it changed the way i view 'God' forever.

how are you, favorite moon sister? you've been a bit quiet from my vantage point...


julie said...

Lovely story and painting....thank you for sharing...

kj said...

i meet few people who have actually read 'mists.' i am tickled you are one of them. i shouldn't be surprised, but i am.

of course i'll be by tomorrow. is it free food? :)

Anonymous said...

Renee you would always have your own room and bathroom at my home... and I can put the others up stairs... I have a big home...
I would love to have you and whom ever (esp. Sonia) and Sue B. at my home... you are always welcome....
You are my dearest and closest friend~
I love you Renee.. I think of you often and Jacqui also...Please take care~
Love Oxo Pattee

Marie Rayner said...

fascinating Renee. My church teaches that those of us who are here on earth were amongst that host of heaven and of the two thirds that chose not follow satan. It makes me feel good to know that I made a righteous choice even before I came here.

kj said...

"if we ever get together?"!!!!!!

are you f----kidding, renee? I'll cook everything. all you have to do is sit there and smile.


Daria said...

Renee, thank you for your kind words and support ... you are a bright star!

mansuetude said...

so love the story of the shaking tree; that there is a translator that "knows"

knows how to listen to see to read...

love also the post up above about the fatiques of compassion: we are such spoiled beings...some of us (myself included: not rotten but surrounded by bounty and not sure always how to use it all_)

peace to you deep, within the bones!

Clarity said...

Very familiar with the story, although I don't see the original fallen as angels, would angels betray truth when they see it?

This is a marvelous reveal of truth and how even humans choose not to be open to it because of pride. I love you, peace, xxx.