Thursday, 22 October 2009

October = 10

What was your last Halloween costume? I don’t even recall. I probably haven’t dressed up in a million years. I don’t know how to cut loose and have fun.

What is your favourite Halloween candy? I love caramels. I also like candy corn and of course am sick of it within minutes.

What is your favourite thing about this month? My favourite thing about October is Thanksgiving Dinner. When my parents stopped having Thanksgiving Dinner because they moved out of their home into an apartment; Jacquie and I started taking turns having the dinner at our houses. The torch has been passed and now Ben is hosting Thanksgiving and Angelique and Nadalene will host Easter. Three other favourite things about October are that my son-in-law Don, my brother Dwain, and my nephew Ben are all born in October.

Please sign up for my giveaway on my October 20th post.


Dede said...

I love all of the colors that October brings. All of the family gatherings that were once outside are now indoors and cozy.


Unknown said...

I love the change in the weather...the colors of autumn...and Halloween...

xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Love you Lovey

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I dress up to hand out the Halloween candy at the door -- nothing too scary though, because most tricker-treaters are pretty little! Last year I wore a cat mask and black gloves with long red nails. Another year I had fuzzy bunny ears with flashing lights. I've also been a witch recently.

Arija said...

Well silly billy, if you don't know how to cut loose and have fun, you'd better be a fast learner. There's no time like the present, think back to when you were seven and start fromthere. What's the use of living if you can't have the sort of fun that kids have?
Are you taking yourself seriously or what?
If you are poor as a church mouse, make a coronet of daisies and you are richer than a princess. If you are sick and have enforced rest, turn that cup of tea into a goblet of manna from heaven that lets you float among the stars. If you ache for everyone else it is even more mportant to take your inner child to slash in the puddles to restore the equilibrium of your soul.

Ha, there's nothing like a good oldfashioned talking to. Now get to it and have some fun!

Jo Potter said...

Hi Renee,
So you are an October person too!;)
What a beautiful image of Autumn leaves. The colours are amazing, like treasure...
I have to admit it has been a while since I have worn a Halloween costume too!;)
We don't have Thanksgiving, here in England. I wish we did. It is a great idea...
Lovely to see you again.
Take good care.
Jo May.xx

Sarah Sullivan said...

Good morning hon...I left you an award on my blog this morning. I know you have it already..but it ment alot to me to give it to you hon! birthday is in Oct..that is fun. I guess I think of Oct as the beginning of my new year...not January. The colors, Halloween, new school yer..I love it all it is by far my favorite month of the year!! Well..I have dressed up already..LOL. We shall see come Halloween. Have a great day hon!!
Love you, Sarah

Yoli said...

My favorite Halloween candy Sneakers. When did I last dress up? Last year. I always dress up for Halloween, must be some arrested development thing but I love it. I was a Jane from Disney's Tarzan. Complete different costume than the Jane on film, this is a victorian lady costume.

xxx said...

I like the colours in that photo :)

Halloween isn't part of my corner of the world, but I did attend a blogland Halloween Party and that was fun :)

love ya xoxo
enjoy this time of costumes and sweeties :)

Art by Darla Kay said...

Happy October Renee!
My last costume involved a 100# sunflower seed bag and a big old sunflower headband. Yep, I worked at a sunflower plant and I was a bag-o-seeds!
My favorite candy was anything chocolate....anything! YUM!
Happy Thursday♥ Love, Darla

angela recada said...

Good morning, dear Renee,

October is one of my favorite months, too. I love the sounds and the smells.

Just the thought of the sweetness of candy corn makes my stomach turn, but I still can't resist them. And I love the buttery chewiness of caramels, especially combined with a good bit of chocolate. Everything is better with chocolate.

Hugs and love,

yoborobo said...

Renee - I am going to be a vampire zombie chick. LOL! I've decided that too many Halloweens have gone by without me playing as well. It should be plenty scary to see! LOL! I love the Fall because of those times we get to sit and break bread together. Fall reminds me to stop and look at what is around me. Like my dear friend, Renee! xoxoxox Pam

PS I'm going with green! ;)

Marion said...

I love everything about October: the cooler weather, the changing sunlight, the Spider Lilies, Mums and colored leaves, Halloween, candy corn, harvest & art festivals, frequent fog, and more rainy days. I can't recall my last costume, but I'm sure it was a witch. LOL! When my youngest daughter's then boyfriend (now husband) first met me, he asked me if I was a witch because I had so many herb gardens. To mess with him I said, yes, and be nice or I'll put a spell on you. LOL! He still loves me, though. Just last week he told Sarah that he loved me. That really made my day. And I love YOU, sweet Renee! Blessings!

Deborah said...

Easy. Always a witch when I took the children trick or treating. I am not allowed to have a favorite candy because of that little witch on the Weight Watchers On Line...Temperature on my walk this morning 52 degrees, warming up to 87...doesn't get any better than that! **kisskiss** Deb

Micki Wilde said...

my last halloween costume was a psychiatric patient in 2007, I had always loved halloween until I started piling on the pounds, now i don't dress up, maybe I will again one day ;)

Micki x

Annie said...

I love the Fall colors more than anything. I am a bit like you with the fun part, I need to get out more and let go. Love and kisses,xoxo

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your kind words and for stopping by my blog. I love the change of weather although here in Florida you never know what you're going to get! And October is my favorite month too, cause all the fun starts!

Meghann said...

I love Thanksgiving dinner and getting together with family, the crisp air (even though it means winter is on the way), I LOVE the colours! I love pumpkins and squash and to see the animals getting ready to hunker down for winter. I love the harvests from my gardens (when I'm well enough to plant, lol), and the bounty God gives us all.
I love reading your blog.
Hugs and prayers my dearest heart,

Ms. Becky said...

my last Halloween costume was a zebra. I borrowed a body suit from my friend Eric which was striped like a zebra and it had a deep V back. My boss (he was an artist, and I went to the party with him and his partner) painted my back with similar zebra stripes and my hair was spiked up and dyed with black stripes, looking like a mane. that was when I was brave enough to wear a body suit. I always wanted to be "the baddest ballerina in the West" though ~ wear my pink tutu with a black leather jacket and cowboy boots and lots of black make-up. I just don't go out for Halloween anymore but if/when I do, that is what I will be. I still have that tutu. Yikes! thanks for the memories Renee!

Susie Lubell said...

As a kid I never liked Halloween but I'm starting to like it a little now with my kids. I love my son's birthday on the 6th. I just love thinking about the year we've had together. It's a good month for reflection altogether. September too. I just love all things autumn basically. Even though autumn in California generally doesn't begin until November...happy october renee! xoxo

Kelly Lish said...

My last halloween costume was...hmmm...I have to think for a second...I think it was when my husband and I and another couple dressed up as the group "KISS" We looked really good! My favorite halloween candy is Brachs candy corn. They are addictive, and I try very hard to stay away from them, but every year a few slip through the barriers! I love October because I love seeing all the leaves change color-the reds and oranges and yellows can take my breath away. And of course I love handing out candy to the cute little trick or treaters that come to my door-some of those little ones just melt my heart!
Sending you a hug Renee! Love you friend!

Catherine said...

Two years ago I dressed up as a cat for a costume party. My favorite Halloween treat are melt-away pumpkins. I love the anticipation October brings for Christmas; we are on the verge of outright celebrating but not there yet.

Elizabeth said...

I like caramels, too. And I can eat candy corn, but only a little before it makes me sick. I think the last time I dressed up for Halloween was in college. I was one of the seven deadly sins (there were seven of us), and I was Gluttony! Why don't you dress up this year? Pretend you're a witch and have gone to the dark side.


Renee: "Defy Gravity" by Caroline Myss
...spontaneous healing for all.

I last dressed up as a Senorita Bandida!...long yarn braids with ribbons and roses weaved through. A full skirt and a little lace apron. My pockets were filled with Chinese poppers that I tossed towards everyone's toes. Our Bandit masks painted on, made everyone else jealous. We had a full on storyline, on how I single-handily saved my sister...still ripe and wild and wrapped up in a serape blanket, boots, and a belt, (hair disheveled) from her gang of captures that deflowered her, and made her commit crimes for them.

I little costume goes along way.
Have your face painted or even just have your make-up done by a pro, heavy on the eyes.

Don't be afraid, just have fun.
And big fun will find you just fine.

Manon said...

I love Sweethearts!!! Last time I dressed up for Halloween I took Alex out! Wow that was about 10 years ago! Anyway... I was a clown with the big black shoes.... I could barely walk down the street!

I miss having Thanksgiving in October. Since I moved to the States I feel that Thanksgiving and Christmas are too close together.... so much work.... I want simple as I grow older!!

I love the colors in October!!



Ces Adorio said...

What do you mean "I don’t know how to cut loose and have fun."

What is it you do with us especially those things we did at night when the three of us you, Bella, me and later Marie did? That was just a dress rehearsal for you?

We should do that again, that is if Bella ever unpacks the My. Kilimanjaro of boxes!

Also there were very important reasons why we had to be solemn during the past five months.

Hey! I love you. You are one of my favorite nuts!

rochambeau said...

This is your year! You should go for it and dress up. Be a silly gurl~
You will be great Renee! You will make an excellent angel methinks!
Carmels? Yes please.
Love to you
and Jacquie~

Lori ann said...

I don't like to dress up for Halloween, but i loved it when my kids did (or still are probably at college!).
I love October so much that we picked it for the month to be married in. So my favorite day in October would have to be my anniversary ♥
and my Mother's birthday,(today)but she would tell me to choose the anniversary for my favorite day!
and candy corn, YUM

Deborah said...

Oh Renee, I thank her every day for being her! She was born beautiful, really. And the sweetest baby ever, until your grandbabies. Do you know that she never kicked me once...I would just feel her little arm stretch ever so gracefully, like a little ballerina.

scribbling sassy said...

oh-ctober! hmmn... I still have to find out what I'll do with this month..^^ kidding! Six of my friends celebrated their birthdays this month and I have a wedding to go to this Saturday, how 'bout that? ^^... 'You have a happy October okay?! Enjoy!

Love and BIG hugs!

Ces Adorio said...

Renee you and Bella could be a pair of nuts. Two nuts are better than one! A pair of nuts looks more impressive!

Stacey J. Warner said...

So happy to hear that Wednesdays are fiction for you...I've taken note because my heart was breaking but it also didn't seem like you, LOL! You seem so much more "put together" and I mean that compassionately to anyone suffering through that reality.

I love all chocolate with nuts, my last halloween costume was a witch, and I love the smell of wet Eucalyptus trees when it rains (which is too rare)...

Sending you blessings!

Ces Adorio said...

Where do you think you and her would look best? Upper or lower as in the breast or waist?

Rosaria Williams said...

I love October, and not for Halloween. I love it for the colors, the harvest, the early rains, the early chills. Halloween, not so much.

Anonymous said...

The colors are wonderful. The clothing looks great. And I do love Halloween! I like dressing up more now than when I was a kid!

Arija said...

Dearst Renee,
somewhere there are restrictions from early childhood my dear one, that need to be let go of. Wish I were there to wipe the slate but since that cannot be, try this one: wake up that little restricted girl, take her on your knee and make sure to let her know that you are in charge now and she cah enjoy all those childish things that were taboo before for various reasons that were someone elses values. Then tell her that you are both going to have some real fun that no one has the right to deny you.
Next step, get a chocolate icecream cone, while you let it melt a little to get it runny, take off your shoes and go fly like an aeroplane in the backyard, making all the appropriate noises.
If anyone thinks you're nuts, that's their proplem!
When you strt getting out of breath, go get the dripping ice cream and slurp it letting it drip where it may...clothes don't matter, they can be washes, so get it all over your face and hands and your fave. jeans, who care? Right! Laugh and enjoy and go have a shower with your clothes on, peel them off one by one until only the perfection that God made is standing in the warm stream of life that washes all cares away.

Don't publish this if you don't want to.

Love you heaps.

TheChicGeek said...

Hello Renee :) I love October too! October 10 is my birthday. They say in Chinese tradition 10-10 is supposed to be very lucky. It has always been for me. I'm very blessed...overall...LOL

I love the change of seasons, the color of fall leaves. I love how the kids are all back in school and things quiet down from the summer. There is a renewal and excitement in October for me. It always feels like a new beginning to me. I love Halloween too! All the's just fun. It's one of the holidays that everyone enjoys together. I love the playfulness of it too :)
Gosh, I could go on for the longest time so I'll stop here. I love October!
Hugs to You!

Ces Adorio said...

See why I love you. This is only one of the reasons, you make me laugh! So you most definitely disprove this statement:

"I don’t know how to cut loose and have fun."

You were cutting loose just several minutes ago, and to think you were cutting loose with a pair of fine nuts! Renee and Bella, the finest pair of nuts to grace me.

I love you. Tsup!

HAHAHAHAHHA! The word verification is PALIN. I have to take a screenshot and email it to you. HAHAHAHAH!

Micki Wilde said...

Thank you Renee I love you too x

Arija said...

Although Halloween is no big deal in Australia, having lived in Canada and the States when the children were children, we still enjoy it in a family way and this old witch got a new and beautiful real witche's hat already last month and since some of our birches have died (a lot actually) I am going to treat myself to a new besom and fly down for the festivities, he, he, he....

Gberger said...

That is a beautiful photograph.

I can't recall my last costume, either. I'm not too good at dressing up as someone else.

I share your love of caramels and candy corn...and I must add, anything chocolate.

Favorite thing about October: my husband (born on the 1st), and the crisp, clear-blue sky days and brightly-colored leaves.

Arija said...

Tee, he he...mind reader !

Michelle said...

October for us usually means it's getting hot, so far it's been windy and cold.....grrrrr


drollgirl said...

thanksgiving! halloween! these are fun fall things.

my favorite halloween candy is reeses. but i must not think about them. they are too delicious! ;)

and i can't even remember the last time i dressed up at halloween. probably when i was 12 years old!

GlorV1 said...

Hi Renee. I love licorice but they never give away licorice. We don't have kids here and so I don't buy candy and in fact none of the people around where I live allow their children to go trick or treating. Instead they have home parties. I think that's better. But I do remember the old day when I was young and there was no fear of "things" happening, I'd go trick or treating from house to house with my cousin Connie. We would hug each other and skip to the next house. Those days are gone. Hope you are doing good, Thinking of you and take care.

Sue said...

I used to love Hallowe'en, especially when my girls were younger. So much fun
creating costumes for them and 'making up' their faces. Now, as much as I like primitive-type art spookies, etc., I'm not a huge Hallowe'en fan. The magic isn't there anymore and as such, MY last costume? Years ago when I dressed as a vampire to hand out candy.

My favorite part of October is the dramatic colours of the trees for the first part of the month and everything that goes with it - cool, crisp air, fabulous smell and crunch of fallen leaves.

I love October!


LuLu Kellogg said...

My favorite candies are Candy Corns and Caramels too! I like to take the Candy Corns and bite each different color off! (I know I am weird)

Love you sweet one,

Nevine Sultan said...

I love October because I get to celebrate the birthday of my sweetie (my husband). I also get to celebrate Halloween - I'm 38 but the eternal child. I don't go trick or treating but I do wear a costume so I can be in the mood when the kiddos come ringing our doorbell. Last year I dressed up as a gypsy fortune teller. I had a blast!

Have a great evening, Renee!


Draffin Bears said...

Have a fun Halloween dear Renee.
We do not celebrate Halloween over here so I will enjoy hearing all about it through my friends blogs.
Some candy would be nice though, I can buy some on the 31st.

Have a great weekend

kj said...

you don't know how to cut loose? i think the fact of the matter is that you haven't been able to, at least not with flow and rhythm. it's been a tough time, and you are weathering it with grace and gravity. and plenty of har hars inspite of everything else.

you're a treasure, moon sister.

now to my favorites: i love october. i love the leaves falling from the heavens to the ground, i like stacking my firewood, thinking about making soups instead of salads. i love knowing thanksgiving and the holidays are approaching. i love giving thanks. i love how cozy my bed feels this time of year.

my last halloween costume was as a garden. i painted myself brown as dirt and improvised from there.

renee, easy enough: you could wrap red tape all around you and be a bureauracy!!!!

"har har"

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I love that picture. The colors are so beautiful. I also love candy corn. LOL

My favorite thing about October are the gorgeous colors on the trees. I love watching them turn from green to all shades of crimson and gold.

Michelle said...

Of course you can :)

A Cuban In London said...

Within a week or so we will be telling scary stories to each other. That's my favourite thing about Halloween, family gatherings.

Greetings from London.

Willnnabel said...

I love October for all the fall harvest, apples, squash, hayrides, carmel apples, and baking. I like to bake this time of year. I look forward to the Halloween walk that my friend takes part in. There is a street in a neighboring town that competes to decorate their homes for Halloween. My friend then opens her home that she completely decorates to us.
My Grandmother, Sister Kim, Nephew James, Friend Jean, Nephew Joseph, and my Son John are all October birthdays.
It is very nice of your daughters to host the holiday. For my family we only seem to be able to manage Christmas, and usually because I host it.

Ingrid Mida said...

Dearest Renee,
My post today is in your honour! I hope you are having a good day today.
Love and hugs from me!

LDWatkins said...

I love to say 'October', such a nice mouthful, and even if it is in June, I smell pumpkin pies, feel the crispness in the air, and see the beautiful colors that surround us. It's also the birth month of my mother and father. Warm wishes for you. Lynda

Marie S said...

I love this month and halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the change in the air and light here in california after a long hot summer. It looks different outside and it is very subtle here, you have to look real close. It is light not as heavy and hot.
And no matter how life tries to get me to dislike the month, I love it anyway. The last time I dressed up was about 10 years ago. I loveto see the kids faces when I answer the door on halloween.
I am most creative at this time of year.
love and hugs my pretty

secret agent woman said...

Last time I went to a Halloween party was a few years ago and I was a Vegas showgirl. But this year, as usual, I'll be with the kids. I don't mind this hoilday, but it isn't one I'm thrilled about . Now Christmas, I love.

Bella Sinclair said...

Hahaha! You and me, sistah. We'll both dress up as nuts this year. Do you prefer hairy or smooth? Would you like to be on the left or the right?

Betzie said...

Isn't October just wonderful?
I'm not an orange lover except in October. I love the fresh, cooler air, the cute decorations, the trick or treaters, and all my memories of my boys dressing up in costumes I worked so hard on to make for them when they were young. My favorite was the year I made my youngest son look like "Jaws" and my older son a so cute they were! I loved those years before they discoverd super hero costumes!!!

Daria said...

I love October for the fall colors ... and sometimes great weather.

michelle allen said...

i love the dinner too! have you ever tried chipolte sweet potato mash??? yum, yum!

Nina said...

Oh my favorite is all the colors. It's the most colorful month around! Great Photo! Blesings. Love and Light, Nina P

zoe said...

my favorite october things...the beginning of school, fresh start, the cool, crisp air (as opposed to hot and humid...).
sorry i took so long, renee. your comment made me work :) thanks :)

why don't you dress up this year? :P what will you be?

LindaGJ said...

Wow that photo is so gorgeous I can't believe it's real!
Linda :)

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Halloween isn't really celebrated much in Australia. We enjoyed our three Halloweens while we were living in US - it was fun making the kids costumes and seeing their excited faces after trick or treating!

BT said...

What a beautiful leafy picture that is. We don't really celebrate halloween and I envy the Americans who have such fun on 30th October. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.