Friday, 23 October 2009

Fantasy Friday BLD No. 31

Please sign up for my giveaway on my October 20th post.


Annie said...

Scary! :-). Love and hugs, wonderful, Renee.xoxo

Lori ann said...

I don't like those children with that witch. Poor babies.
I just decorated our house with a few pumpkins and other halloweenie things for my grandbabies, they'll love it!

yoborobo said...

Oooooooh, that last one gives me chills! :) I might use her as inspiration for my costume this year! LOL! Much love to you my friend! oxox Pam

angela recada said...

Good morning, dear Renee,

I am always bewitched by you and your blog.

I hope you have a rest-full weekend.

Hugs and love,

Marie S said...

I love the witches! So cool and the alst one has great eyes.
You are on my mind,
love and hugs my pretty!!

Marie S said...

You heard me???? LOL!!! I was throwing my voice. Mhwahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Jos said...

Yet more apologies for my absence Renee, work has been totally manic lately ... not so manic that i forget my promises though.

Will pop over to your 20th October post to see what this "giveaway" is ... just can't resist!

I hope you are keeping well. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers. Have a good weekend.

The witches are very spooky ... especially the 3rd one! Blimey one thing I like about England is there's hardly any trick or treating done here, not sure my heart would take someone looking like that turning up on my doorstep ha ha ha. xx Jos

Javajune said...

Ooh, the last witch kind of scares me. My last costume was a witch but I had to take it off because it scared the little kids who came to my door. I don't dress up anymore but I do love handing out candy and the opportunity to see all the little ones dressed up. I love fall colors, colorful gourds are my fave.
happy friday, sweetie

Kelly Lish said...

That last witch is a beautiful painting but really quite scary! I see you are getting into the Halloween mood Renee! Do you get trick or treaters that come to your door? That is one of my favorite parts!
You have a wonderful weekend...its dark and rainy here in Oregon-gotta wear my rain boots!
Love you!

Mim said...

just stopped by to say hello!

Anonymous said...

Witches don't scare me. They actually kind of fascinate me.

But clowns, on the other hand...hate those freaks!

Anonymous said...

Great art work! I think the last is my favorite!!

PurestGreen said...

You have convinced me that tonight is the night to light the candles. Thanks:)

GlorV1 said...

I like them all, but the last one is really a goodie. Hope all is well and as always, thinking of you. Have a great weekend.

Annabelle said...

Oh sooo lovely! The very last witch is my very favorite!But just to remind you I like good ones better...Hehehe!

Annabelle >^..^<

Jasmine said...

I just came here from Beyond Words, your blog is very beautiful. Love the pictures in this post.

Deborah said...

Hmmmmmm, let's see...I guess I would be #1 witch, except I never go without the support of my life-changing fantastic Victoria's Secret bra(it comes with a crane for lifting). Wishing you a peace filled weekend. All my love to you and please kiss Jacquie on the very top of her head for me. Deb

Marion said...

I love your witches, the first one best (she has an ethereal look about her...) and they gave me a delicious scary thrill. My granddaughter used to love to be scared when she was about 3 years old. She'd hide and then say real loud, "COME SCARE ME, GRAMMY!" LOL! Love, Hugs and Blessings, my delightful friend...

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, nice to be here again!


secret agent woman said...

I like the first one - the idea of women being free and magical without the stereotypical pointy hatch and hideousness.

Art by Darla Kay said...

I wanna fly like the first one! The second one is a tad scary but the third one actually made my eyes bug out a little. eeeeeeeeeeeeek!

Great selections Renee! LOVE fantasy fridays!
Have a super weekend

TheChicGeek said...

Ooooooo, those are some scary witches! Especially #3!

I see you are getting in the Halloween spirit! How fun!

Enjoy :) Wishing you a Super Weekend, Renee!
Love and Hugs,

Michelle said...

Oooh! Lisa doesn't look like that :)

Love the first one!


Ronnie said...

I adore being a witch! I dress as one every Halloween and try to scare as many little children as I can.
I am sending witchy love your way. Think of you often. XO

shelly said...

I love witches, especially the good ones.

Jaliya said...

Yow! -- these pictures give me the creeps!

Love you, Renee


Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Renee! Love all these witchy creations! My favorite is the second one. Their faces are adorable! Have a great weekend!

Lisa :)


Kinda "Dark"..on different scales.

Stacey J. Warner said...

very cool, lovely renee...the third is quite frightening.

much love

Sarah said...

Hi Renee,
Have you read the Philip Pullman trilogy-the golden compass film was from that.(I can't remember names!) The witches in that are great-your first picture reminds me of them.
Have a lovely weekend,
love Sarah xx

Jeanne Estridge said...

I don't know which of those is the scariest!

Chrisy said...

Yes so much more interesting to be a witchy woman than to you sweet lady...

A.Smith said...

Love back to you to the Moon. Just reading, very hard to write. Kisses back to you and hugs to Jacquie, love you both.

Bella Sinclair said...

Ooh! I want seconds of lunch! Yum!

xxx said...

I think that there's a little of all three of those witches in all of us :)

xx Ribbon

Arija said...

Renee, what a bewitching post!

yoborobo said...

Renee! You won BOO! the skelly plushie, and I swear to GOD I did not cheat! LOL!! xoxoxoxo Pam

Manon said...

Great pieces!! I love them all....... bewitching!!!

I got your card girlfriend!!! You are pure magic and a true friend!!

Love you Renee,
Thank you!

Daria said...

Hi Renee, hope you are doing OK. Thinking of you ...

kj said...

renee, you might have to create a forth meal for me--maybe a late night snack.

none of those witches scare me. the middle one looks like the stuffing is coming out of those two children, and it kind of makes me laugh.

so what have you been up to today? it's not like you to go all day without commenting. btw i love you still and again. :)

Marie Rayner said...

Ohhh, spooky artwork today Renee!! I Love the one with the children!

soulbrush said...

hello renee, i am not into witches and ghoulies and ghosties at all. how are you doing? how is your mom and jacquie? i often think of sheldon too you know.xxxxx

Ces Adorio said...

Of course as Queen Witch, I love all these witches. That look happens at dinnertime when after a long day of work, flying and CURSING!!! YES, CURSING!!! all the other witches don't help you with cleaning up the mess and leave the cauldron to you to wash! How is my favorite CURSIN' witch today?

You blog hates me. Yesterday it gave me odhamaglo, today it gives me dingsess, WTH?!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what depth the last witch has in her face.
Having a prize give away Renee, would love you to have a chance also. Please pop over to my blog.

Have a great weekend Renee, you so deserve too, your awesome!

tomkiddo said...

cool witch...creepy :D

Clarity said...

Darling Renee, thank you for understanding. As for the giveaway, I mean it, please PIF, I would feel better and love you for offering not to, Peace and Love, xxx

rochambeau said...

Nice Wichypoos Renee.
I've never gone as a witch though.
Love from,

Sydney said...

Love the witch!!! Gets me in the moooooooood! BOO!

Nina said...

Cultrons Hot and bubbles are boiling... Which witch is which? A little eye of frog and toe of lizzard should do the trick. Love and Light, Nina P

LindaGJ said...

Awesome paintings!
Linda :)

Dede said...

Love the pictures Renee! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.


Snowbrush said...

Oh, my god, Renee, but do you ever look hot in blue, and may I say that the big hat sets your piercing eyes off perfectly, but what is that rod thingy that you're holding in your delicate little hands, my darling?

BT said...

Oh these are just soooo frightening!!