Saturday, 17 October 2009

Soundless Saturday No. 52

*artwork by Married to the Sea


shayndel said...

a soundless hello and happy saturday to you:)

Annie said...

Made me laugh early in the morning. Thanks. Love and hugs, have a good weekend. xoxo

studio lolo said...

A wasted prayer is an oxymoron ;)

(This is funny though, you nut!)

love you,

Elena_Valeriote said...

Ha ha, that is quite amusing :) good morning!

angela recada said...

Hahaha! I love how you see things.

Hugs and love,

Ces Adorio said...

You know, I can't remember ever asking for anything material, even food? I ask for strength and guidance and the ability to achieve what I seek or desire or even obligated to do but never for the final outcome or product EXCEPT FOR THIS:

I remember going to St. Anthony's Cathedral in Elizabeth New Jersey in 1983 at the height of my dating frenzy when it was raining men and there was a woman thrown in for fear and confusion. After the Latin Mass, I stayed behind and prayed and I remember I cried. I asked for guidance about men - HAHAHAHAHA! It's funny now. But I was solemn and fervent then. I remember asking the Lord to give me a good man, a kind and loving man for a husband who will make me love life and share my life with me, one I will adore and honor and respect and one who will give me peace of mind. I also asked for one, to whom I will never stop being attracted physically. Yes, honestly, I did. It was very interesting how that was answered! I sent the Lord's answer to meet my Father and sisters and if they approved, he would be it. See, the Lord never gives the answers so easily.

It sounds so superficial to ask for a man but it was important to me, if I were to share my life with someone and change my name for him. It had to be something that my mind and heart will be able to sustain until I die.

But my angels are something else. I think my angels are the summa cum laudes of Angel University. I love my angels!

Marion said...

Where DO you find this stuff, Renee...and so consistently?! You're my first laugh of the day. I have to agree that there's no such thing as a wasted prayer. Happy Saturday, my wonderful friend!! Blessings!

yoborobo said...

LOL! This is so funny! hee hee! Thanks for the giggle, my friend. xox Pam

Willnnabel said...

Have you seen the movie Northfork? In it there is a story, similar to this one where people wait for God to save them from a flood. Three times a boat comes along and asks "Come with us we will take you to safety. Each time they answer "No we are waiting, God will save us" When they drown, they come before God and ask "Why did you not save us?" God answers "I sent a boat three times".

Yes I believe in prayer, but I don't believe in waiting for an answer. Sometimes the answer comes through us, and trusting that God will intervene through our actions. I am thinking today of you and your sister. I pray, knowing that you will carry on and hoping through your actions God will intervene.

P.S. I remember a line from a movie that went "Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel".

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Love it, Renee!

Kelly Lish said...

Hahahaha! That was unexpected! My first laugh of the day-thanks! Yea Renee, the hearing or lack of definately has its moments. Since I can only hear on the one side now, I can't tell where a noise, or voice is coming from either. When someone is calling my name, I have no idea which way to look-you can imagaine some embarrassing moments with that one! I try to laugh at myself alot, so that helps! I don't mind if you publish my comment-I'm pretty much an open book!
I am so glad we have become friends also Renee-you feel very important to me :)
Love to you-and enjoy your cupcake this weekend!!!!

Deborah said...

HA!!!!!!! LoVe it! Party day...busy busy. **kisskiss**

Caio Fern said...

good one dear !!! and you ?!! how are Renee ?
hope everything is ok !!
see you !!
have a great weekend !!

Lori ann said...

heehe, funny guys. There's mexican food on every corner here! (yum) have a lovely saturday dear Renee.

Sarah Sullivan said...

LMAO Renee..I loooove it!! Giggle Snort!! Grab your broom and fly by my blog this morning..having Halloween treats....whoo hoo!
Love you, Sarah

Caroline said...

Soundless laughter or wide smiles on Saturday to you too, Renee!x

~Babs said...

So interesting, and it says so much!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness..Thank you for inspiring magical creations!

Rosaria Williams said...

I'm floored. Divine sobriety at its funniest.

Thanks for the shot. Love your sense of humor.
Have a bountiful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Renee Love


Jaliya said...

Hilarious, Renee!


Anonymous said...

Very good! Had a good laugh .. thanks for sharing this.

Rikkij said...

Renee-I know that angel!! poor, poor, pitiful me.~rick

Anonymous said...

Very funny, but but but, I love religious symbolics and arts!

Your swedish friend


Kelly Lish said...

Yes I bet we would be laughing our heads off, sharing those stories- My 16 year old daughter loves it when we are at a store- like Ross or something, and she will call me from another isle and just stand there and watch me looking all around! It is pretty funny sometimes!

secret agent woman said...

That's funny. And you know, I think so many prayers are for petty things. I think prayer makes sense for peace, strength, healing, understanding, and so on, or given in thanks.

Marion said...

PS: There was a time in my life when I had to pray for everything, even toilet paper, especially toilet paper because food stamps didn't cover it. It was a hard time financially, but the strongest spiritual time in my entire life. I wouldn't trade it for a million dollars.

(I was broke and out of toilet paper and had 2 small kids at home, so I prayed for some TP. We went to our little Assembly of God church that night and when we got in the car to go home, there was a bag in the back seat full of, yep, toilet paper...much later a saintly little old lady in the church said she'd been praying that day and God had told her to put it there. I swear this is true and no, I still don't lock my car doors. LOL!) God listens, yes He does!!! Blessings, dearest friend!

kj said...

i pray only for big things. some of my big things are universal: world peace, abundance, tolerance. and others are big to me (please don't betray me, let me learn the lessons, etc). i tend to pray most when i'm in need, afraid, lost, which may be the wrong approach. i'm looking at that one...

have a good good day renee. it's that time of the week when i think of you most. and jacquie too.


Ces Adorio said...

You are indeed beautiful, no doubt.

Please thank Shelly on my behalf, for her beautiful comment on my blog.

Micki Wilde said...

Hugs for you my sweet friend x

Manon said...

hahahaha!!! Thanks for the laugh!!

Have a great weekend Renee!!

Lori ann said...

I love you dear, sweet, sexy Renee.

Baino said...

Ha! Would be even funnier if it weren't a little true. Save your prayers for the big stuff I say. Have a good weekend.

yoborobo said...

Dear Renee - that is just what I needed today. xoxoxox Pam

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...


Can I ask - who made the art for your blog header?

.oOo.☆♥ Maria-Thérèse parties at ♥☆.oOo.

Sarah said...

I like this. It made me laugh at first then I thought a bit more deeply about it, and it made me think of what are good things to spend a prayer on. xx

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

This is funny. :-) I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I came here to bring you some sweet hugs!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes my dear you find things that just crack me up!!!

I love you and am thinking of you and your family~
oxo Pattee

Daria said...

Hope you're having a nice weekend.

Arija said...

Ha,ha,ha... thanks Renee, that was a great start to my morning with having to do our dashed quarterly tax return.

I do hope your Sunday prayers fare a little better.

Arija said...

Renee. at art school many, many years ago , it was serious 'art' and life drawing, now, due to Ces's wonderful example, I can indulge my whimsical side and just amuse myself.

Elizabeth said...

Gosh, I love that "comic." So great, so soundless, so loud.

bluemuf said...

What fun, Have a Happy Day


jmichelle Betaudier said...

Wow!Your art work is amazing. Simply beautiful. Thank you for your visit and for the comments. Please do stop by soon and often. Happy Halloween. jMB

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

What a great cartoon!! It certainly pays to be resourceful. Hope you are having a great weekend. Lisa x

Marie S said...

almost a soundless sundy for me. This is very funny!!!
Love and hugs my pretty.

Deepa Gopal said...

Very nice...amusing!!! Really made me laugh!

Have an amusing day!!

Michelle said...

Snort! My kinda angel....


Chrisy said...

yeah...prayin hard here for some chocolate mud cake with fresh cream....prayin prayin...starvin starvin....

Maithri said...

Beautiful friend,

I love this!

Sell your halo...

AMEN!!! If only the world could sell their judgement and spiritual arrogance and purchase wonder....

Humility is the most underrated and least lived of all the virtues...

Much love to you, M

Clarity said...

Dear Renee,

Thank you for reminding us of the important things and intentions.

I saw this circa 1850 portrait of two sisters and thought of you two:

Here it is on ebay:

Peace and love on this beautiful day, dear, xxx

Linda said...

Its good to keep a sense of humour I say. Linda x. TY for dropping By Pyewacketts :)

Sueann said...

ROFL!! Just flying by! Thanks so much for stopping by my party!!
Hugging you

A Cuban In London said...

I can't believe that we have both posted about God almost simultaneously. Is that why I love your blog so much? Because our minds are in synch :-)?

Loved the caption and the humour. As you well know by now that's my kind of humour. Many, many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Ces Adorio said...

Good morning my favorite acorn! I have an oak tree for you, come!

mermaiden said...

Thank you for stopping by my party and for your fine compliments ;]

...what a fascinating place you have here...

Piper said...

Hello and thanks for stopping by my Halloween blog party. I love the artwork and insights here on yours. Blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

LOL! chinese place! funnee!
like the picture from fridays the whole vibe actually...

Julie said...

I love the sarcasm : )...thinking of you.xxxx

mendytexas said...

Hello Renee! I've been thinking of you! You made the corsage...hurray! You must post it so I can see how it turned out! Thanks for stopping by my Halloween Party. You are always on my party list!! Smiles, Mendy

noodle and lou said...

oooh that's funny:) thanks so much for stopping by my party. happy, happy halloween:) xox...jenn

Bimbimbie said...

This made me smile as did the wonderful art in your previous post*!*

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

i think of you often and pray for you daily...miss you, r

Unknown said...

Thanks for coming to my party. I really love your blog and your art work is so awesome!!

Happy Halloween!!

Sue said...

"pawn your halo or something...." LOL

love it!

Hope your weekend had some equally LOL moments!


Bella Sinclair said...

Guffaw! I love it when you get all irreverent on me.

TheChicGeek said...

Hi Renee :D!!!!

I have missed you!!!!!! Is all well with you these days? I hope so. You are in my thoughts and prayers always.

Now this cartoon...maybe I am too serious, but I say no prayer is wasted....God hears them all and cares deeply for us.

It is good to visit your beautiful blog and I am happy to be back!

Sending you Love, Hugs and All Good Wishes, Renee!

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Renee! Really funny! Loved it! Thanks so much for coming to visit my party! Have a great week!

Lisa :)

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

ps...i am borrowing the cartoon for my down...but not out blog....

rochambeau said...

Love it!
Very funny Renee!
Love you too!


Stella Dora von Swineburg said...

Touche'! Wonderful blog! Thanks for stopping by my party! Come again, Zelda and I love guests!

Laura Bray said...

What a brave and wonderful blog you have! Thanks for coming by my Halloween Party! I have announced the winners of the poison apples on my blog today and am sharing my secret “recipe” for making them! Check it out here:

zoe said...

ha! good find, i enjoyed it :)