Monday, 26 October 2009

G = Angels And Goddesses

Gabriel is the most magnificent angel of them all and I actually think I am kind of an angel because Gabriel is my middle name (Gabrielle).

Gabriel is an archangel whose name has a few different meanings such as ‘hero of God or God is my strength.’ In both Mohammedan and Judaeo-Christian lore he is one of the two highest ranking angels with Michael being the other. Gabriel is the only angel besides Michael mentioned by name in the Old Testament.

Gabriel presides over Paradise and is the ruling prince of the 1st Heaven. He is said to sit on the left-hand side of God. Mohammed claimed that it was Gabriel who dictated the Koran to him. To Moslems world-wide Gabriel is the angel of truth.

According to testimony at the court trial of Joan of Arc, it was Gabriel that she claimed inspired her to fight.

Gabriel is perhaps best known for telling Mary that she was with child (Jesus). Gabriel is seen as a primary messenger of God bringing divine announcements and revelations to humankind; acting as an intermediary between heaven and earth. Gabriel is one of the most beloved of all members of the heavenly host.

Gabriel has been called the angel of the power of God, as well as the angel of judgment. In the role of judgment angel he will appear on the last day and blow the final trumpet that will call all of the living and the dead to come forth and face the final, irrevocable judgment of the Lord.

Gabriel is the angel who selects souls from heaven to be birthed into the material world and spends the nine months informing the new person of what they will need to know on earth. Gabriel silences the child before birth by pressing his finger on the child’s lips, thus producing the cleft below a person’s nose.

Gnowee is the Goddess of the Sun (Wotjabaluk) and is a Goddess of the aboriginal people of southeast Australia.

Gnowee lived on the earth at a time when the sky was dark and people used torches to see their way. One day while Gnowee was gathering yams, her baby son wandered away. Distraught, Gnowee went looking for him with a huge torch. She is still looking everyday, climbing the sky in search of her baby boy.

Legend states that when Gnowee finds her son, her torch will be extinguished and the world will be thrown back into darkness once again.

artwork of Gnowee by my dear friend Michelle Pyke . Michelle's website is


xxx said...

G is for Great... that's you Renee

xx Ribbon :)

tomkiddo said...

I had a friend whose name is Gabriel...he's proud of it :)

angela recada said...

Yes, you are indeed an Angel, dear Renee Gabrielle. This post is one of my favorites, I think, and all your posts are outstanding. The painting by Michelle is stunning. Does she have a blog or website?

Hugs and love, dear one,

Anonymous said...

I've always loved that my name is "Michael." Just another reason why!

Diva Kreszl said...

I really enjoy reading your make history and lore come to life! Thanks for giving us such a treasure trove of knowledge.

Jackie said...

G is for Good Morning!! Of course you are an angel I have known all along. Can I ask you something ? Where did circling my head come from?
Hugs to you and Jaquie!!

Karin Bartimole said...

Gabriel is one busy angel - i wonder how he feels about population control efforts, because i gotta say, i don't think he's able to spend enough quality time with each babe before they are born, preparing them for what they'll need to know here!!

love the story of Gnowee - may her love and search endure.
thank you my friend, and heroine of God!
love, karin

angela recada said...

Thank you.

Love you, dear true friend,

Marion said...

Renee Gabrielle is a gorgeous goddess. Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge with us mere mortals. ;-) Love, Hugs & Blessings, my precious friend!

Annie said...

You are an angel, that I know for sure. Love and hugs.xoxo

Arija said...

The Angels are truly wondrous Beings, I love their sense of humour.

tomkiddo said...

haha, too bad my name has no meaning...nothing to be proud of, hahaha :D

GlorV1 said...

Hi Reneee, just popped in to say "G"ood morning and I hope you have a "G"reat day today. My "G"oals for today are to accomplish what I didn't yesterday. hehehehe. It's almost Halloween, ayeeeeeee how "G"hastly! :D Oh well enough of this. What a wonderful Angel, like you. This is me, "G"loria....signing off. :D

*jean* said...

beautiful, thoughtful, renee...thank you for the way your write about angels...

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh I love Michelle's artwork - beautiful!! Wonderful post!! I love these Renee, so many I know nothing about!!
My sweet Nonni shares your middle name!! Even spelled the same!!That made me smile!!
Hope all is well with you hon!! Love you dear one, Sarah

scribbling sassy said...

you have a beautiful name then, Renee Gabrielle! I've always liked that name, Gabrielle...and by that, I like you MORE!^^


Arija said...

Kind of proves my point doesn't it?

Arija said...

You're a doll kiddo...but you knew that...

Yoli said...

Beautiful and informative. It was a favorite name of mine for years.

Tessa said...

Ahh, now it is confirmed - Renee is an angel! Just as I thought.

Oooh poor Gnowee - I would love for her to find her son but I really would rather the light stays on. Perhaps when she finds him, she'll have second thoughts?

Beautiful painting by Michelle..does she have a website I wonder?

Kisses to you on this October Monday..and may your week be wonderful. xx

@eloh said...

My father named me...he was a mountain man. He had tried to name my two sisters before me with this name, mother refused.

I was born a very long time ago, and only weighed about three pounds. I was not expected to mother allowed dad to name me....

Ever hear Johnny Cash's song "A Boy Named Sue"? Well, that was me. By age five, I was asked to leave Sunday School due to my response to the teachers repeated mispronunciation of my name.

There is a lot in a name. I've often wondered what my life would have been like with a name like Jane or Sue...or if I would have even been strong enough to make it without my gawd awful name.

Lori ann said...

Dear Renee,
Tessa said the perfect thing so I'll copy her. Did you dress up as an angel for Halloween Renee Gabrielle? you would be so pretty.

Deborah said...

Oh yes, Gabrielle. You already know that I have one in heaven who left this earth four months before her assigned birth date. Gabrielle and her sainted brother, Michael, are most certainly my intermediaries between heaven and earth. I talk with them every day. **happy smiles** Deb

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It is so great to see a modern painting / interpretation of the Annunciation. It's a subject not all that much addressed in art since the Renaissance really, isn't it? In this painting, Mary looks to me like an overwhelmed child backed into a corner.

Manon said...

You are the angel Renee!! An angel of strength and love!!
The post is amazing as always!!
Your French name rocks.... it is beautiful like you!!


Mim said...

An Angel on this earth. Yup

Unknown said...

You are a wealth of info Lovey...Never knew any of that info. Thank you was informative...


Art by Darla Kay said...

Renee Gabriel, you are also a messenger of God! I truly believe that!
Thank you SO much for your wonderful post (feedback)'s the most special I've ever received I think.
Love, Darla

Clarity said...

An amazing angel to write about it. I have read about him and appreciate the reverence he holds in Muslim, Christian and Jewish texts.

I have heard of a prayer where people ask for the angels to protect them front and back, we all need that.

Love to my friend today and peace, xxx.

Jaliya said...

... and then there's Galadriel from *Lord of the Rings* ... :-)

All I know is that when you get to the "R" angels / goddesses, RENEE will be #1 !!!!

Huge love xoxo

Bjornik said...

Hello Gabrielle! hmmm... I kinda like it better, it sounds sexier!;)

I learned a lot from you today, especially that of Wotjabaluk. By the way, how is she related to Tezcatlipoca, the first Aztec sun god? I've memorized that since college because I think it's a going to be a million dollar question in a trivia show.hahaha

Anyway, I hope you had a nice weekend Gabrielle. And keep in mind that you're indeed an angel.


Linda Sue said...

hey Roomy- No wonder i have difficulty sleeping - it is the light that you emit- it is blinding! Great in storm at night but could you please tone it down a bit for slumber...Love you, LOVE your name- although the name Gabriel used to scare me because of that guy on top of the Mormon Tabernacle with the horn- he will toot it when the end is nigh...

Marie S said...

And "G" was good. Thank you Renee for insight and information.
I LOVE that you featured Michelle she is so talented!!
Have a great week my pretty.

Stacey J. Warner said...

I love reading about angels. Gabriel needs more attention. It's been said that people invoke Michael so often the not so good demons are now able to attach to the invocation and come into the energy field...I find this idea fascinating.

much love

Ces Adorio said...

No! You are an angel because your name is Renee and you would be an angel too if your name was Ces, Bella, Bjornik, Linda, Isabella, Quercus Patraea or Sessile Oak. You are an angel, a living angel. The irony, you need to heal yet it is you who heals and comforts.

You must have heard my Mother say to me once when I complained that I did not like school because I did not have many friends and my angels don’t give me friends. She said make friends, be the friend, offer yourself as a friend first and love a friend because it will make her happy, not the other way around. But I was too young and unable to understand. She said someone out there is lonelier than I was, reach out and make her happy, think of her needs, not yours, it will liberate yourself from your own needs. You do just that Renee. You reach out and offer yourself, it is no wonder the angles are singing the chorus of your hymn:

Yo everybody!
Listen up.
I am Renee, your angel
What’s up?
You sad?
Don’t be
‘Cause I will set you free…

Okay, I have to go back to my proposal but you get my drift. The song should have a swear word in it too and a references to WASIT, WASAT and ISIT.

Okay I have totally blasphemed the angels here. I shall do penitence. I shall kneel and kiss my walnut prayer beads…Oh see, I can’t be solemn if my life depended on it. I am such a sinner but I love you just the same.

As for goddesses, Hera is hovering above me, all clad in grey and pouring buckets of rain. Have a lovely day!

Elizabeth said...

I loved this post, Renee. I, too, adore the angel Gabriel (and my mother says that my father wanted my name to be Gabriella!) -- anyway, my favorite painting in all the world is Fra Angelico's Annuciation -- I wrote a piece on it that was published in an online journal called SlowTrains (you can see the link on my sidebar).
All the art in this post is so gorgeous -- thank you...

Michelle said...

Thank you for featuring my work here today :)

Love you


Michelle said...

BTW ...Michelle is the female version of Michael....we are blue :)

clairedulalune said...

But Rennee, I already knew you were an angel before I knew your middle name was Gabrielle........ (((HUGS!!)))

zoe said...

beautiful, renee, thank you :) i had never heard the story of the cleft beneath our noses, and i love it :)...
and the artwork is beautiful, thank you for the introduction!
(ps, my husband is named gabriel--i agree, it's a sure sign of angelic-ness:))

Anonymous said...

Now that was a nice way to start the week. Thanks!

Snowbrush said...

Well, there you go; you're an angel. That explains a lot, only what I want to know is, now that you're out of your lamp, when I get my three wishes?

Ces Adorio said...

...and the legend also says that if a person has no cleft then she is a witch or he is a warlock. When we were young that was the first thing we looked for, everytime we meet a new person. In order to be free from their witchcraft we had to throw salt over their heads (as if we walked arounf carrying salt in our pockets in 100-degree temperatures!

We always suspected men with moustaches but I married one! Best thing that ever happened to me.

Ces Adorio said...

BTW, do you know of any other angels who swear? I onced had a dream I was an angel with human desires but without the mess and I was wearing Fall designer clothes and I hovered in the sky so beautifully and I met a handsome angel and we flew together up to the angel conference and guess who was there? Princess Diana! said...

Incredible! I didn't know about the Goddess, but I sure know adore have been protected and love Gabriel. It is no coincidence Gabrielle is part of you!

Much love, xoxox

yoborobo said...

I love the part where Gabriel puts his finger to the baby's mouth. I'd never heard that before! You are a font of knowledge, my angel friend. :)
xoxoxox pam

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Renee Gabrielle - such a pretty name:)

Sarah had a brilliant time in Brisbane - it was an amazing experience for her that I am sure she will never forget! Her team were sensational. We are both very tired but it is wonderful to be home again.

Ces Adorio said...

Sssssh! Do you know that angel sperm is gold and looks like twinkling stars?

Ces Adorio said...

Oh my God! You are too much!


Okay I am having a counghing fit from too much laughing!!!!!!!!

Great! I may have to use adult language warning on my blog soon. You are really making up for this no swearing rule!

Jasmine said...

The picture is beautiful yet the tale so sad. A mother without her baby. I think that if she found her child the world would shine brighter from the joy in her heart.

Ces Adorio said...

I have to be careful with what I say. I was typing you a comment and it hosed my laptop. I swear I had to reboot and now I am using a different computer. So I best behave.


So are you wearing jewelry right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Whatever we are doing, we are having too much fun, this ought to be illegal. HAHAHAHAH!

Ces Adorio said...

And another thing, you are the classmate who starts it all and gets me in trouble and when the teacher catches us, you pretend to be so serious and nonchalant

Susie Lubell said...

I enjoyed reading this renee. Did you know that in Hebrew, Gabriel is Gavriel and Gav means back. And El is God. It's kind of like god saying, I got your back (and then giving you a little knuckles). I'm glad it's part of your name. xo

Ces Adorio said...

Do you know how much I love you?

About the teacher and the math quiz: You are such a bitch, and of course I say that in the most loving way. And you also know I will take the fall for you.

Ah Renee. I do love you and I thank my angels for giving me the honor and priviledge of knowing you.

Now if only Bella will come out of the packing box and play!

secret agent woman said...

Sad story about Gnowee. That would likely be my response to a missing child - to search until the end of time.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Renee~
I love the posts you put on your blog. So very thoughtful and so all encompassing. To all walks and beliefs in life. Isn't it true we are all human beings? That what ever shoe we've walked in couldn't it be just as well as someone else's?

I believer you are an angel... one that walks among us on earth. You are one of my angels.
I love you and your compassion for all.
Love and sweet dreams~Pattee

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I had never heard the part about Gabriel and the babes before birth. I always learn something reading your blog! The painting by your friend is stunning!

Unknown said...

Hi my sweetest Renee!!! you are always amazing and I think you are an angel...

I wish that Gabriel would come down to me and tell me I am with child one of these coming months...


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Renee,

You are an Angel, dear Renee Gabrielle.
I love it that you always have so much to share and tell us.
Lovely Artwork.

I hope that your week is going well.


kj said...

gabriel gave me quite a talking to during those pre-birth nine months. i've tried to follow his advice but god knows i've screwed up alittle here and alittle there.

as for gnowee, first of all, what kind of a name is that? i could not date someone by that name. i would laugh every time i tried to say it. anyway, one thing i know for certain--i think this might have been part of my lesson from gabriel--is that i would never ever never ever stop looking for my child. i would die looking,

gee, renee, you've been called an angel quite a few times here. gushy mushy! i'll just say you are one fine human.

now come visit me. you're two posts behind already.


Unknown said...

you are so so sweeeeeet and your visits always make me smile...thank you for being an angel to me....


Anonymous said...

Thanks Renee....
Do you know how many times I think of you in a day?

I think I am having fun with Halloween~
So much love ~Pattee

Anonymous said...

LOL you are funny and there are so many people in love with you~
You speak to so many different people Renee...
An angel, an angel to me for sure...
I'm so grateful you are in my life and I in yours...
How is your sister Jacquie?
Love ~ Pattee

Ces Adorio said...

Goodnight sweetheart. I enjoyed our bloggermance. Tsup!

kj said...

i've grown accustomed to you.

i don't mind....

Bella Sinclair said...

Yo everybody!
Listen up, y'all.
I'm Angel Renee,
And I say
You sad?
That's bad.
I'm here to set you free…

Methinks you'd be a rapping angel.

I did NOT know that about the cleft above the lips. Does that mean that clefts on the chin mean you were an extra chatty baby?

Chrisy said...

You're better than any old angel honey...

Yarrow said...

These are lovely pictures and such comforting words. To be named after an Angel is wonderful :)

Today I think I'm a little Devilish!!! ;)

Baino said...

OK that's it, I'm going to be nice to Gabriel . .nearly named my son Gabriel (among other names) but his father thought it a little effeminate. His nick-name is now Abe, . .close enough because he is an angel.

Ruthie Redden said...

wonderful post renee, so full & interesting. x Love that painting x ruthie

Gberger said...

Thank you for sharing this with us. I didn't know much of it. XOXO

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Lovely post and yes i think you're an angel too. :-)

Daria said...

Yes you are an angel ... you're definitely my angel.

Sue said...

Yes, Renee Gabrielle I do see an angel in you...totally!

I had not heard of Gnowee before - Thank you for introducing this goddess to me.

Hugs to you!