Friday, 16 October 2009

Fantasy Friday BLD No. 30


Clarity said...

I understand the mix of feelings. The last one is evocative and sad, but at least she is standing. Peace and love Renee, xxx.

PurestGreen said...

The top picture - I think this is where I live.

Marie Rayner said...

I love all these pieces of art Renee. Wherever do you find them? They're beautiful!

Elizabeth said...

I love the second one. Have you ever seen the movie "Howl's Moving Castle"? -- wonderful movie.

Snowbrush said...

Sophia for number one, Snowbrush for number two, which he just made his new desktop.

Deborah said...

Number one please! Is that a wild boar sitting on the bed? And who else is under the covers? No worries with that sweet moon looking down. I have insomnia. Everyone is asleep, even the little dogs. Speaking of boars...
**kisskiss** Deb

Bailey said...

Renee these pictures are brilliant!
I love the last one.

Love Bailey xox

@eloh said...

I could stare at these for hours. You should have ran an art gallery.

Marion said...

Renee, these three are all so powerful. The first one I see myself, moon lover, gazing at the full moon. The second one is how I often feel, on an island, but a blissful, happy one that could pop like a balloon or be gone at the first catastrophy or misstep. The third one makes me want to cry---it seems to personify a loss of innocence or childhood disappointment. All those beautiful merry go round horses scattered like leaves on the ground. But maybe the horses tried to escape the merry go round and couldn't make it in the real world. Wonderful food for thought today, Ms. Renee! God Bless You and Give you Peace!!!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...


You can show us the shock and devastation, disillusionment you have experienced with three images.

Unknown said...

I love them all....I want to live on the second one. Yall better be laughing over there no more crying. Be some ass kicking if yall are not laughing together.
Im officially at work in my jammies...ya astrude, jammies and slippers and blanket in tow....what a sight..hope no conference calls ewwwwwwwww.

Did brush my teeth though..

xoxox Love you Lovey

PS...ok word verify was "adema" eww


yoborobo said...

Morning, Renee! Great art - the last one tells a rather sad story I think. I kind of like the one with the floating land, but then I'm feeling a little antisocial today. :) Much love to you, my friend - xoxox Pam

secret agent woman said...

When I first looked at the top picture, I thought there were two snowy owls in the moon! I'm going to continue to think that . :)

Arija said...

Love the first two, the third reminds me of one of my d-in-law's paintings that always makes me feel uncomfortable.

angela recada said...

Good morning, dear Renee,

You find the most amazing art. Each one is always a little treasure. The longer you look at them, the more you see. Today, I'd like to live in the house in the middle photo, barely tethered to the rest of the world.

I hope you are well today, my friend.

Hugs and love,

Dede said...

Good Morning Renee! The fantasy art is wonderful. The first one is gorgeous!


Elena_Valeriote said...

Fantasy Friday is one of my favorite weekly visits... You always have such great pictures. I love the last one and the creatures in the first are just wonderful!

Betzie said...

Your blog makes me stop in my tracks. Not many do that to me.
Good to have art.
Sending you faith, hope, and love.

KrisMrsBBradley said...

Oh, I love all of these, but especially the middle!

Annie said...

I love the first two. I am thinking of you dear Renee. Sending love and a thousand kisses.

studio lolo said...

Dear Renee...

Here's my two-cent interpretation for this week ;)

B) I love how calm this girl seems while her little bed companion needs comforting. The design of the wallpaper has a hint of ominous faces too, but I'll bet that sweet moon works her magic and keeps them all safe.
I'm wondering about the scroll at the end of the bed. Is it coming from under the bed (as in a tail?) Hmmmmmmm.

L) This seems metaphorical to me for 'being landlocked' or 'living on the edge.'

D) Is this the remains of a force of nature such as a tornado perhaps? I scoured the picture for her bird. Not a sign of it.
The look on her face says it all: shock, disbelief and fear of what's next. She seems frozen in place because at that moment her whole world has changed. She looks so vulnerable to me.

Wonderful choices this week!

And yes, that woman is crazy! I do have a wonderful place to move into, complete with a huge studio that can become a retail gallery ;)

How are you?
love you!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Exquisite art pieces. Thought provoking as is your written posts...always. Thank you make me think and care!

Arija said...

Oh funneee! If you had six painters in the family you'd know life or wallspace is not always a bed of roses. So often I see into the soul of the artist and, well, its no picnic at times.

Diva Kreszl said...


angela recada said...

No, dearest Renee, you are never silly. It warms my heart to know you feel this way. You'll never know how much you mean to me.


Unknown said...

Hi My Dearest Renee!!!

I love all of your art inspiring and so perfect for fantasy friday!!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love the first picture but I must admit, the next two kind of give me the creeps.

Rosaria Williams said...

The broken Carousel is my attraction. The little girl and her bird in a cage still standing, surveying, wondering what the h. happened. It reminds me of Life-after all we all have one of these incidents when everything around us is destroyed and we must pick ourselves up, curse, pray, cry, but inevitably, dust ourselves up and get back on the Carousel. I want so much for this to be our anthem, Renee.

"Get Back on the Carousel"- ride till you can't ride any more.

Manon said...

I love them all!!! The first one is my favorite though.... i've got a love affair going with the moon!!

have a great weekend Renee!


Art by Darla Kay said...

I think this is my favorite FF post yet! I love all three so much!
Great choices Renee:)
Have a nice weekend, ok?
LOve, Darla

Marie S said...

A sense of wonder so pure.
A farm in the clouds, where is the castle?
Broken dreams???
Love and hugs my pretty.
A fantastic fantasy friday as always.
Have a magical weekend

Anonymous said...

Irene a still love love love your fantasy & feeling!!


secret agent woman said...

You have such a lovely take on things! I'm loving the idea of having an environmental blog, eve if it is not directly so.

Lori ann said...

I love the moon. Such a pretty face. It reminded me of a ring I saw once it was of moonstone with a face carved kind of like that one. with a delicate gold band. Oh I wanted that ring.
Have a good weekend Renee,
will you see your sister?
love and hugs,

Stacey J. Warner said...


I love number 2. They are all amazing but number 2 grabbed me because I often imagine our world other than how it seems, just like this.


A.Smith said...

Oh I know that was me on the first painting. I used to do that when I was a child and then stared at the stars and wondering if there was another little girl up there looking just as intensely, wondering if I was looking for her as well.

Some times I wonder if that little girl knows where I am these days.
Would she recognize me now that I have traveled around the world, lived in so many different places, is she still living up there on the same star? I hope she is. And I hope she never has to deal with the same things you and I deal with. I must look up tonight if the sky is clear, maybe this time I will find her.

PS: the word verification is paredes which in Spanish means walls...sigh.

Sascalia said...

Renee, I love the first one, beautiful! x

Sue said...

Once again, wonderful and thought provoking artwork....BUT I want #1.

So much of this picture grabs me - the snow, the moon, the night, the magic....who is the artist Renee? I would love a print of this.


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I could so picture myself in the second photo. The vivid soothing greens and browns are so inviting!

YayaOrchid said...

Hmm...I like the first one best...the others are too sad.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Chrisy said...

Gosh these pieces bring out a complex set of emotions don't image can be so powerful...darlin I want you to be laying on that bed in the first picture, gazing at the moon as she shines love and blessings on love...

drollgirl said...

these are transporting me to another world! fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Hi Renee...
I'm going to miss reading you're blogs on Sunday.
Your blogs always delight me.

You find the most inspiring art work.
I like the first one because it feels like hope and mystery. The second one because I'd like to live there being teethed to the ground. The third one is disturbing to me and I'm not sure why.

I hope you have a wonderful week-end my dear friend~
Love Pattee

Ces Adorio said...

Hello Lover-ly Pudd! Tsup!
It's another day and things are a-okay again. I think. I want it to be, so be it! Tsup!

The second image looked like my house in a dream once and my Mother told me that it was not good for the kids, so I moved the house far away from the cliff. Tsup!

rochambeau said...

All three paintings you share here, are fantasy's I could jump into, yes.
Dear Friend,
Will you please pray for Tony? He is 24 yrs. In a coma. My friends child.
Thank you friend.
I love you because of who you are~

Kelly Lish said...

Wow! These pieces of art are just amazing! I just love them all! What an artist!
Hope you have a great weekend Renee!

♥ Braja said...

3rd one :))

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Renee! I love your inspiring Fantasy Friday posts! My favorite is the first photo. It's so dreamy in every sense. Thanks so much for your sweet visit! I really appreciate your comment about my submission. Have a wonderful weekend!

Lisa :)

Bella Sinclair said...

Oh MY! These are incredible, all of them! Breakfast is dreamy (though her barn own buddy looks terrified). Dinner, though, really startled me, gorgeous though it is. It has a sort of Omen-Damien feel to it....

How are you feeling, Queenie?

pRiyA said...

great finds renee dear. love all of them.

Sarah said...

Lovely images again. The second one reminds me of a Gorillaz video I saw once.

Anonymous said...

Your artwork is amazing! I have become a fan;)

Abi said...

One word = Enchanting x

Debb said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your blog I love all three pictures.Sorry to hear your sick but with good friends they can help to make you laugh. Stop back by from time to time.

Annabelle said...

Adore your taste in all of your art choices and written word.My favorite of course is the moon for I luv drawing and painting moons.Beautiful blog!!!
Hugs Annabelle

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Wow, some amazing artwork. I can't pick a favorite!

Heidi Alamanda said...

I love all of them:)

TheChicGeek said...

Love these pictures, Renee! So imaginative! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful images!

My favorite is the first, though. That little owl poking out from under the covers just warms my heart.

The moon looks so friendly, too. I'd love to have him or her singing me to sleep.