Thursday, 29 October 2009

Moth Thoughts

Josephine and I played in the yard the other day and as she was going into her Dora/Diego ship that Jacquie bought her we saw a little moth fluttering at the door. I picked it up and put it in Josephine’s hands and she told it ‘Don’t be scared.’ It flew away and she was thrilled and so was I. Then her and I ran around the yard and pretended we were flying too. ‘Come on Grandma, fly!’

Flashbacks From The Month Of October

October 30, 2001

*The qualities I value in a friend are honesty, humour, spontaneity, and intelligence.

October 25, 2004

*God help me to know (really know) what a gift every single person and every single day is. God bless all of my family’s health God. God, thank you for letting me be born and have the pleasure of a wonderful family. Thank you for letting Wahid and I have our own wonderful family. Thank you for the warmth of the sun and the beauty of this earth.

October 18, 2006

*Dr. Dubroska said to stay on tamoxifen and radiation and see how it works.

October 26, 2006

*Blood transfusion.

Flash Forward

And fly I did and fly I will with Josephine supplying me with wings.


Dede said...

Good Morning Renee! I am so happy to see you flying with a little help. Children have a way of making us forget about the grown up stuff. They allow us to be a child again.


angela recada said...

Good morning, dear Renee,

How wise your dear little Josephine is. We should all remember her words, "Don't be scared," before we spread our wings and fly.

You are a gift, this I know deep in my heart and soul. I see you soaring, light and free and happy, your wings delicate and strong and glistening, a smile of serene happiness on your face.

Love and hugs,

Silke Powers said...

"God help me to know (really know) what a gift every single person and every single day is." I needed to hear this today - thank you!! I know it's all a gift, but sometimes I get too wrapped up in unimportant things. Thanks for the reminder and for showing us that we all have wings!! Love, Silke

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. I hope you and Josephine fly for a long long time!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You don't just fly, Renee, you SOAR!

Stacey J. Warner said...

Dearest Renee,

What a beautiful pair of magical wings they are...

much love

Arija said...

Renee, this post gives me so much hope. Yes, do fly, fly high by the Grace of God and be grateful for the irresistable prod to fly!!!
Love you and love the joy that Josephine gives you.

pRiyA said...


lots of love to you from me.

Art by Darla Kay said...

Wonderful post Renee! I love the thought of you flying around with Josephine!
The prayer was beautiful and really should make us all appreciate what is most important. Thank you!

Oh, and the bunnies...consider them yours :)
Love, Darla

Meghann said...

The simple pleasures of childhood remind us that life can, in fact, be simple...and fun!
Have a great day, hugs and prayers to you my good friend,

Deborah said...

Oh Lovee, how wise you are. Debra is correct in saying you soar...and each day you teach us all to soar. Some days I feel so very small. All my love to you, Deb

scribbling sassy said...

soar high and free with the wind on your hair! ^^

Marie S said...

"Come on Grandma, fly!"
This is the stuff and magic life is made of, isn't it my pretty???
Come on Grandma, fly!
You are indeed blessed.
Love and hugs on wings.

Javajune said...

And fly you will -love, love that!
Your little Josephine is such a gift to you, just as you are a wonderful gift to all of us!
Love your thoughts...
BTW The haunted walk was quite a joke but we did get a good laugh out of it... and that's worth a lot!
fly high my friend..

Marie S said...

Madi loves Dora too!!
Here is a page for you and Josephine.

Marion said...

You soar, indeed, with your words, dearest Renee. I can see you as a beautiful blue dragonfly or a bright yellow butterfly, winging your way from flower to flower, blessing each with your touch. I love you, sweet friend! Blessings!

Doris Sturm said...

Oh, God, this made me cry - I've become such a cry baby in my old doesn't take much.

Enjoy your grand daughter and soak up every opportunity to be with her.

Hope, courage and faith, like your award says ... and fun memories with your grand daughter to smile upon ;-)


Anonymous said...

Renee Love.
What a magical flight to take with the love of a granddaughter. It is wonderous to hear how your spirits entwine and lift one another to that special place only grandmothers and granddaughters share.

Have a beautiful day.
Loving you always DPG

~Babs said...

Kids know.
Jack's little fist shoved his Mama's kisses in his pocket, in case he missed her at school, he could take them out and put them on his cheek.
They are such a gift,the kids.

Word verification: ommen

Jasmine said...

A beautiful post!

My daughter watched a film while eating her lunch. A studio Ghibli film. In it a woman, whilst remembering her childhood years said:

"Every butterfly must spend some time as a caterpillar before it can grow and soar through the sky...."

Your post reminded me of tis quote and the fact that life is full of personal growths, standstill, setbacks and then flight of spirit... Its a difficult yet wonderful journey xx

yoborobo said...

Some of the best memories I have are the times my kids said, "Play with me, mommy." I would get lost in their magic worlds, and forget all about mine. What a delight your little Josephine is. You keep flying, Renee, come hell or high water! xoxoxoxox Pam

Rosaria Williams said...

Oh yes! Fly and play, and enjoy both of your grandchildren and more to come in time. Faith, friends, love of family members: we all are moths, gone in a minute, if not for the love and tender caring we give each other.

Renee, love your spirit!

Kelly Lish said...

Renee, that was a wonderful grouping of posts. I love how you began with flying and how you ended with flying. I also love what Angela Recada said to you. I believe her words also, and I see you soaring, light and free and happy, just like she said.
On the back of my business cards I wrote "fly forever with childlike wings" Isn't that funny-I feel you and I are connected in so many ways.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and get the chance to fly again!
Love to you-xo

A.Smith said...

Yes you do. You fly into my heart and take almost all of it as your own. Fly and stay forever.

Today is less painful but the tinnitus aggravated by one of the potions (I hate when people tell me that chemo is poison, if only they knew...sigh) has brought another very unwelcome migraine. Back to bed for me with some ice and some silence. Did I tell you we ordered some sound proof windows for the house? In the past
ten years our quiet bordering the park street has become a highway wanna be much to our distress. Both B and I prefer quiet, inviting to read and create silence. Right now I would give a year of my life in exchange for some. And no, the Bose canceling earphones he bought for me do not work that well. Hugs and more hugs. I need to know how is Jacqueline doing, please.

Debbie said...

Hi Renee! (I have a sister with your name, so I decided to check out your blog!) I'm sorry you are sick and will pray for a complete recovery! Thank you for the reminder that God gives us so many gifts.

Debbie said...

I'm a follower now...I'll be back to see how you are doing!

Jackie said...

Good morning !!
Congrats to all the winners of your giveaway:)
Coming by to say hello and to send thoughts and hugs your way ...
Love the vintage image by the way .

Elizabeth said...

I like to think of you flying around with your beloved Josephine.

@eloh said...

A memory that will last forever.

Margaret Ann said...

The sweetness of a child...what a treasure to behold...a beautiful post...made my heart fly! :)

kj said...

mr. ryan wants josephine to know that after the two of you fly you should make mud pies, read 'the cat in the hat' out loud, eat m & m's, built a blanket fort, have chocolate swirl ice cream, and then if either of you is so inclined, fly fly one more time.

and mr. ryan wants renee to know she can do one or all of this without josephine some special time if she'd like to.

and ms. kj wants josephine to know her grandmother rocks and rolls.

and ms. kj wants her moon sister to know she is loved by all her many playmates.

Anonymous said...

How cute Renee, today you flew with your grand daughter in a magical dream world. This is the best!
Oooh! He,he,he! Nice try,lol!

Nevine Sultan said...

The most beautiful few words about moths, Renee. And your flashbacks are... well, let me say this: It's like going inside your world and lingering for a small moment. And that's just perfect because you are such a positive person, and your positivity is truly contagious. Warmest wishes to you and all you hold dear, Renee.


*jean* said...

thank you for sharing your treasure...

Lori ann said...

Hi Renee,

Bless little Josephine, children are a gift. Such a beautiful post.


i missed your previous post, i'm going to read it now.

Noreen said...

touchingly beautiful........

xxx said...

You make my heart sing and cry all at the same time....
you really are very clever :)

love to you Renee and keep on flying xx Ribbon

Woman in a Window said...

Renee, as real as you can be, juxtaposing these bits and pieces. Beautiful flight, every day of it.

(I am well. Thanks for asking of me...just busy now trying to find balance.)

Anonymous said...

I love the thought of you flying with your granddaughter. Fly and then fly ~

What an October... you have had.

Much love ~Pattee

Yoli said...

Just stopping by to give you a {{HUG}}

BT said...

What a lovely post Renee, I can imagine you flying with Josephine, holding hands and soaring above us all. Love you lady.

Chrisy said...

So very precious to have this little one in your life...and for her to have you in hers...and for us to have you in ours...

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

The gift to fly and let embrace all that is good and innocent in life. Such true pleasures!

tomkiddo said...

your granddaughther was so adorable when she said "fly, grandma, fly." hahaha :)

Bailey said...

Aww, how sweet :)

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

I have such a sweet image in my mind of you and Josephine flying! There is nothing quite like playing with children to make you smile inside and out! Have a wonderful weekend, Lisa x

secret agent woman said...

That sounds like the best kind of flying. Reminds me of that song "On the wings of a snow white dove."

soulbrush said...

you most definitely fly-in and out of my thoughts and my life. love ya renee. xx

Anonymous said...

Playing with grandchidren, a life giving experience.I have my Nathan here today and maybe we will try flying. Enjoy the moment.
Love, Barb

Annie said...

How did I miss the beautiful post yesterday? LOVE & HUGS. xoxo

shelly said...

Thank God for Josephine - who would have thought one so little would change our world so much?

Gberger said...

What a blessing she is to you! Thanking God for you and your family. XOXO

Ms. Becky said...

Oh, I love that you are flying! Another beautiful post Renee

zoe said...

beautiful thoughts, and lovely accompanying image.
flying is very good for you ;) i recommend daily doses :)

Baino said...

Hey gorgeous. And fly you should. As I type this my 'big' children have constructed a putt putt course and are happy as larks, playing like 5 year olds. Oh to retain that childhood sense of fun and abandon.

Bella Sinclair said...

Awwwww, I love that image of you and Josephine flying in the yard.

The qualities I value in a friend are honesty, humour, intelligence, compassion, and loyalty. And a little blue humor every now and then doesn't hurt!

Anonymous said...

I shall look for you in the sky as you and Josephine fly with wild abandon, and I do believe that when i see you I will join you, because I cant think of anything more fun than that!!
I adore you

LOL Oh I LOVE this, my verification is ...... suprsysta....LOL SUP(e)R SYSTA (sister) PERFECT, ABSOLUTELY PERFECT You really are my super sister.

Rikkij said...

Renee-such a great pic to so much wisdom. Take care~rick

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Flying free! Oh Renee, you are an inspiration to all who come into contact with you. You create dreams we only dare to entertain and then we are captured by your spirit...and fly away with you! Thank you, my dear! Thank you! Coralie

Ces Adorio said...

What a beautiful picture!

And the girl up on the tree is not bad either..

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh hon what a beautiful post. This is why I teach & have so many of my matter how my day, week whatever is going on..they make me smile, hug me and love me..who could ask for more than that?? Hugs to you my dear, Love, Sarah

Anonymous said...

Those are the moments that no one can take away from both of you...flying...grandma and Josephine...Josephine and grandma :) :) :)

angelique said...

I love this because I was watching you fly and I remember you and her flying at the park and I was not invited. She wanted to just be with her Grandma (whom she called today...are you feeling ok?)