Monday, 14 December 2009

BLD No. 10

Love all and hate none. Mere talk of peace will avail you naught. Mere talk of God and religion will not take you far.

Be a blazing fire of truth, be a beauteous blossom of love, and be a soothing balm of peace. With your spiritual light, dispel the darkness of ignorance; dissolve the clouds of discord and war and spread goodwill, peace, and harmony among the people.

Never seek any help, charity, or favors from anybody except God. Never go to the courts of kings, but never refuse to bless and help the needy and the poor, the widow, and the orphan, if they come to your door.

This is your mission, to serve people. Carry it out dutifully and courageously.

~~ Hazrat Khuaja ~~

*artwork B by my darling friend Ces and D by Christine Pym


Unknown said...

wonderful art work Renee!!! I think it is good to seek some help from friends once and a while...we all need someone to be there for us....and we are all here for you Renee!!!!


Meghann said...

Just beautiful. If we all did that, we'd be in a near perfect world, wouldn't we?
Hugs and prayers,

zoe said...

yummy meals, renee, and beautiful words to hold in our hearts. thank you...

Ces Adorio said...

Good morning dearest. Thank you for considering my drawing worthy of a Renee meal. While my tea, biscuit with strawberry jam filled my tummy for breakfast, your BLD filled my soul. Thank you sweetheart.

It is very foggy here today. I cannot see through my window. I love the fog as long as I am not in it!

Angie Muresan said...

Lovely art and the message is right on! Hugs to you, dear Renee.

Deborah said...

Excellent advise! Even more excellent choice in that first drawing!!! Wee Ces and the elephant look at home on your blog.
**blows merry kisses** Deb

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE the second picture...sends me to memories of far ago.


Lilacrobin said...

Dear Renee,
Such beautiful words.... if only everyone would live by them....

Thank you for sharing your light and strength although I know you are waging your own personal war on a daily basis. Just want you to know that reading this helped brighten my morning on a day when I am feeling especially weak and sad.

Robin (from San Francisco)

Gberger said...

What beautiful teaching. I wish it was inscribed on the walls of public buildings! XOXO

angela recada said...

Good morning dearest Renee. The wise words and the art are perfect! If only we all could truly live by these words.

Soul hugs and deepest love,

Annie said...

I love the art and the first picture moved my heart. I also loved the words, but disagree with some and agree with Diana,it sometimes takes a strong person to ask for help and we all need it from time to time, it also helps the one who gives the favor.
Love you.

Wine and Words said...

Pretty pictures on a sour day. Nice reminder too, who is in control. Keep up the push, ya know. Lean into adversity. God is not far....right? Right?

Bella Sinclair said...

I always come to Renee's Cafe for my daily meals. Sometimes saucy, sometimes spicy, sometimes sweet. But always, always filling. Breakfast today was especially delicious. Compliments to the chef, my dear.

Where's my fortune cookie?

Unknown said...

Definitely something to aspire to. Beautifully said.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

The artwork is simply divine!

Baino said...

Not sure I agree with "Never seek charity or help from others!" but the rest of the sentiment is wise and wonderful. Lovely to see Ces, Christmas heffalump gets top billing!

shelly said...

i just want to walk through that door.

GlorV1 said...

Well if we all did all those things, we definitely would all be in a much happier and safer world. Just a hello, hope you have a great week and take care. ::hugs::

A'isha said...

Im with Shelly, whats on the other side?


flossy-p said...

I think I like the sounds of being a "beauteous blossom of love"! ;)

Is that spot taken?

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh that is my favorite of Ces' series of it. I love the other two also!! The bears are darling. The photograph beautifully done.
The live by. Beatuiful!
Love you, Sarah

kj said...

i arrive hungry and i leave full; that is after i've been joyafied (i made this word up and i like it!) by some holiday music and santified by the likes of you.


Bogey said...

When I read those words, I asked myself whether this was something that I could adhere to. As humbly as I can say this, I know I try. If everybody relied soley on God, then to what purpose, other than greed, can we best serve our sisters and brothers. To walk down the street and turn a blind eye to the impoverished, the neglected and the widowed because they did not come to my door, would be a colossal waste of time. Better to seek them out than wait for them to find the courage to visit me.

Anonymous said...

i love you so very much.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Renee,

Such beautiful words and wonderful Art work and I loved coming to visit you today.

Sending hugs across the ocean.
Carolyn xo

Rikkij said...

that kinda thinkin got Jesus beat up and crucified. A lonely walk for sure. Nice post, Sweetie. I'm all for kindness and compassion. ~rick

Woman in a Window said...
