Do you prefer getting or giving? I do love both, but that wasn’t the question. It has to be giving. I love to give especially if the gift is unexpected. It isn’t that I expect people to fall all over me if I give them something and I do give it with a free and loving heart, but if they are not appreciative I don’t give them anything again.
Snow, love it or hate it? I love to watch it fall, I love the look of it, and nothing can be better than being as snug as a bug in the rug when it is falling. I especially love a snow blizzard. Nadalene and I drove home in one once when we were coming from Selkirk and it is still one of the most beautiful visual moments in my life. Remember Nadalene, it was like we were in the middle of space. Walking in it, however, is a whole other story entirely. I am so afraid to fall that I almost paralyze myself when I walk. I totally always tuck my arm into someone else’s and hobble along using the person for support.
Real or artificial tree? Why real of course. We have always put up a real tree and we see no need to stop now. Real trees have movement and you cannot beat the smell. Artificial trees are really beautiful now too and sometimes for a short space in a second I am even fooled that they might be real.
We are getting our tree today; which will consist of Wahid and Nathan going to a tree lot in Southdale and picking one up. They cost around $60 and we always get a scotch pine. Because we always have a real tree we usually put it up the weekend before Christmas and take it down on January 3rd. I am really looking forward to Josephine looking at the lights sparkling. She is coming to help her grandma (me) put decorations on tomorrow.
Do you have a nativity scene? Do I ever. My Mom made me a nativity scene back when she ran a ceramics class. We had so much fun doing her classes. I also have a crèche which Charlton’s Dad, his brother Jon, and Charlton made me, they also made me some little trees and it is perfect for my nativity scene. When the kids were small I would let them put baby Jesus in the manger on Christmas Eve. Now we just have Jesus in when we put the nativity scene up. We always give Joseph a piece of spaghetti to use as a staff.
Christmas cards – email or snail-mail? Why regular mail. I love Christmas cards; they are one of my favourite things about Christmas. I have mailed out Christmas cards ever since I have been married (33 years).
For the last two years I have mailed out cards only to people who have mailed some to me. I was wondering why I was sending cards to people who couldn’t be bothered to send any back. I was going through chemo and just felt that if they can’t bother than why should I. Screw them (nice spirit). This year I found my spirit right behind Josephine’s left ear so I decided to send cards to everyone all over again. So if you received a card from me and you didn’t send me one – you can thank Josephine.
Well, here it is almost 2am. We stayed up a bit, sweetie took the ARTIFICIAL tree down from the attic, and we set it up. Hopefully, tomorrow..er..later today....we put up the decorations.
Christmas cards...I LOVE to send them! And I too have culled my list this year.
Give or receive....I actually derive more pleasure from giving.
Snow...I love it! But we don't get any here.
I much prefer real trees, but I like putting up the tree early. Didn't happen this year, but that was the plan.
Best get some sleep now. Good night!
Real tree--even though every year I "try" to convince Gary to go with the artificial, and he says "as long as the kids are at home" ( like they are ever going to leave and like they give a rats ass about what kind of tree)I guess I really don't want one because once the lights are on it and the sap is scrubbed off my fingers there is nothing mo
re beautiful. When our sons were small we always "camped" one night with the tree on all night. I still do it..but I sleep on the couch.
Cards..one of the best parts about the season is getting cards and updates on friends from years gone by who always send a letter too...it's even ok if it is one of those "newsletter" things!
Snow..love to hear it crunch under my feet when it is really cold outside so this year I have gotten to hear that sound ALOT.
Fun fun with Josephine and the tree...be sure to sing "O Christmas Tree" with her. Enjoy..enjoy!
ps wrapped all the gifts last night after I talked to you...marathon, but I am always struck by how lucky we are to be able to fill under the tree with stuff for the ones we love.
As for crafting..the ice candles smashed as I tried to get them out of the molds....so much for the Martha Stewart part of me!!!!
Wow, I could never stay up that late yaya. I'd be falling all over the place.
Hi Renee, I always send cards because it's more personal.
As far as trees, we used to buy fresh scotch pines but now we have had an artificial one for the past 5 years and hey, it works great. I just buy some pine smelling stuff and we're good to go.
Snow I love it but am afraid to walk in it as well. I get this feeling that I am going to fall and break my leg.
I prefer giving and it really doesn't matter if I get anything. Just spending time with family is enough.
Great thoughts and have a great day as well Renee.
Oh my gosh - the girls in the first picture are wearing the Maxi Coats all my friends had, man I loved those coats!
Flo's comment made me laugh so hard about the boys not leaving home and caring about the type of tree ... also I think I might treat myself to a night on the couch with a lit Christmas tree - that sounds wonderful.
Much to my families chagrin we have had a fake tree for the last 5 years or so, but I might switch back next year as the guilt of using said tree (it will eventually end up in a land fill for hundreds of years or maybe even forever) has been eating at me lately.
I hope you have a wonderful time with your tree and Miss Josephine. I love that you found the spirit "right behind Josephine's left ear!" That's perfect and I know exactly what you mean!
I'd love to see your nativity set! Mine brings me such joy!
Interesting questions..I much prefer giving because I don't need anything Gave up on a real tree after the boys left (10 yrs. ago). I love snow when I don't have to drive anywhere. I send cards snail mail. My Nativity Scene is special. Yours sounds wonderful.
So nice to meet you! Thank you for your blog visit :) I agree, REAL Christmas cards are the way to go, in my mind, emails dont count! Especially mass emails!
I admit though...I did buy my tree at Target ;) it came pre-lit! I was seduced...
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