Do you prefer eggnog or hot chocolate? I prefer eggnog because it is the only time I have it, I can have hot chocolate any time of the year. I also like my eggnog mixed with milk so that it is not too thick.
Do you hang mistletoe? No, but I think I will this year. I never really knew what it was but I did have a decoration that had Santa on one side and Ms. Claus on the other and there was a piece of green plastic with some red balls on it and I hung that up for years. I used to think it looked really nice. When Wahid came in the house I would say in front of the kids (for their enjoyment) ‘Oh we’re under the mistletoe, we better kiss.’ He would give his perfunctory kiss and the kids would laugh.
When or how did you learn there was no Santa? I grew up in a house with nothing but magic and the magic was only intensified at Christmas where Santa came every year and visited. So I saw him and he always came so I can state without a doubt that there is a Santa Claus. So when people try to tell you otherwise just whisper in their ears that they are dumb shits.
What tops your tree? For years it was a little angel I bought when we first got married. It came from Canadian Tire. The last few years the angel has been replaced with a beautiful green, Dr. Seuss type ornament.
Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Of course he wraps presents, there is a whole department located in the North Pole where their job is exclusively wrapping presents.
I like all these Christmas pictures. But I don't know what BLD stands for. I think it has something to do with art. I'm curious, and have to ask, so that I may know.
I love egg nog and as well "water it down' with milk...
My mom told me there was no Santa in the car on the way to Unicity Mall...I think I was only six. I can't believe that she would ruin it so young for me. Christmas was never the same. I have a snowflake on the top of my tree, and as a kid we had misseltoe in our house, but I don't now that I am older. Santa wraps the gifts, and the stockings...those elves are busy people, but they do have all year you know!
No, come on there is a Santa, I remember when I was 14 and mom tried to tell me "Colette, she said, you know that there is no santa right?, I said, mom you are like those kids that don't believe, now Santa won't come to us if you stop believing, I was not concerned to hear that and I really do believe, it is the magic that Christmas brings on the day of Jesus's birthday. So what are you talking about?
Love you
now I'll be late for work and believe me there is no magic in that, I hate to be late for anything...lol
Yaya: In my first post of B L D I said all during Christmas I was going to feed you a diet of B = breakfast, L = lunch, and D = dinner. So I am glad that you have liked what you have eaten so far. ha ha
I just wish I knew the artists names to go with the pictures.
Love Renee
I love eggnog. I only have it once a year as well. I do believe in Santa :)In fact I am putting out cookies and milk for him....maybe even a tamale and some rice and....:) Have a great day Renee.
Thinking of you.
We have a summer Christmas so eggnog and hot chocolate are not popular! Champagne is my Christmas drink of choice! we believe in the magic of Christmas here - Father Christmas wraps the presents, and the kids leave him some beer and biscuits, and they leave the reindeers water and carrots.
Hope your Christmas is merry and bright!
Champagne sounds good, I think I will have some of that this year. A cheer to Christmas and a cheer to life.
Now why didn't I just say that to my brother when I was about 7 I think and he told me Mom and Daddy bought the presents. Dumb shit! Perfect.
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