As I sat in my garden, a bird began to sing. Somehow the song seemed to be saying. Wake up and open the door of vision to your blessings. Do not make single or assorted troubles the most important things in your life. It takes as much energy to exercise a fear and worry state of mind as to stimulate one of faith and happiness.
To be happy takes much less energy than to be miserable, for God meant every one of his children to be happy. When they are not, they are out of tune with the Infinite.
The song came to an end, but the ripples of the brook; sparkling in the sunbeams that reached it through the young leaves, seemed to carry on the theme. Wake up! Remember worry never solved a problem or paid a bill; it just pyramids an insignificant anxiety into something as unwieldy as the Old Man of the Sea.
Try taking your troubles out into the sunshine, and the first thing you know, whatever you thought was too heavy to bear will have vanished like the dew. There is something magical about sunshine; sunbeams are radiant children of light that bore with golden gimlets into the darkest corner of your soul to let in God’s warmth and courage and faith.
Time is the most precious thing life has to offer. Look for opportunity in every hour, every minute in every day. Get rid of the ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ that can create seemingly insurmountable barriers; try the ‘I won’t fail’ way, and see obstacles flatten the way a hill flattens as you climb it step by step.
~~ Marguerite Walton ~~
Really, get me on that stairway PLEASE, this is really beautiful, and I recall as a child that my mom brought me up to be kind, smile and the world smiles with you, Have a big cup of Orange Pekoe there is warmth, strength and beauty and wisdom in the opening of letting the fails go, give it to God and really the truth is there is no time or energy for that toxic CRAP! Good advice here and what a beautiful message. Thanks for this one Renee.
Love youm, GRAMMA of 3
Marguerite Walton was very on the money when she wrote that poem. It's very nice. Thx for sharing and have a great Thursday.
Renee, this is so beautiful. So pleased you placed these words in your post. Draw close unto him in prayer, he is there waiting. This lady was certainly close to God when she felt this special time.
I am so drawing closer to God, the more I share with you and others on the blog. I need to spend more time with Him. He is my hiding place, my love and my hope. Oh if an onze of Jesus touched us, it would carry us for life. I have tears in my eyes, this lady reminds me, of how special it is to be close to God. Thank you, Renee!
I have placed a link to your blog, hope you don't mind. (let me know if you do, won't be offended) You are so open and intuative. Aware of spiritual and Earthly life. You are so beautiful and your heart so deep.
God bless you so much!
Lovely post today, Renee.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. The rabbit in front of the racecar? Randy's first competitive race at age 19 was in a VW Rabbit! So, that's why! I'm having trouble getting into this one, so I'm wrapping Christmas gifts today and letting it sit on the easel.
Have a happy day.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and sharing your energy. Peace
Thx for the good luck Renee. I needed it that is for sure.:)
That's lovely.
p.s. thanks so much for your congratulations :)
What a beautiful poem! I LOVE the picture too. It's so deep and full of possibilities, yet so colorful and bright and cheery. Where do you find such nice pics and artwork?
I'm glad I stopped by. Such an uplifting post!
this made my long...long... long month; a little easier!
thank you.
This is a very inspiring post for me. Thank you Renee.
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